I love you Part 9

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After they met the family the kids took turns teaching Lyra about the wizarding world and starting with giving her sweets and candy that can only be given to you if you had been in the wizarding world then they taught her how to use a broom and told her about pranks which she fairly enjoyed being with her family of sorts and Maisie and Lyra caught up as a pair of sweet girls they were. Then it was time for the family to leave and they left. 

Electra went and up to her room listening to her music and deciding to plan a princess ball for her aunt of sorts. She was listening to some music while typing on her laptop as she dotted her eventful past few days. She knew once she went back to school that she wouldn't get to bring her laptop with her as muggle contraptions didn't work inside Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, Lucius went inside the ministry of magic. He was still in contact with the ministry and he wanted to do anything for his daughter even if it meant getting in contact with his least favorite person in the world, Arthur Weasley. He knew almost nothing about the muggle world and he knew that Arthur was reluctantly the best wizard who knew about muggles. He made it down to the Muggle Liaison department and spoke to the one man. Man this is going to be uncomfortable for the both of us. Lucius thought as he tramped down to the one department he least enjoyed. 

There were a few people who sneered as he walked his way down there if word got out that he adopted 4 children he would lose whatever reputation he had and he didn't need the paparazzi like Rita Skeeter ruining his family yet again. No he pushed down his pride and walked to the back and knocked on the door and waited after a second the door opened on its self and Lucius waltzed right in. He was taken aback by the sight before him there were a few custom made desks and laptops at each desk and in the back a room that said Arthur Weasley written in gold Head of the Muggle Liaison Department. He walked in and was taken aback by all the technology in the room he got a few questioning looks as he went in.

"I don't care about money Harry, the only way you can help me is donating to Muggleborn's relief fund for students of non-magical parents. No I don't know who runs it other than McGonagall, for merlin sakes I am not the information center of the world. No I don't know why James is acting more moody than usual, the kid doesn't tell me everything. No I don't know how to get in contact with Hermione's children or my godson, it is killing me, but I will send them an invitation to Sunday's brunch before they go to school. What I want is to meet the rest of my grandchildren, no they aren't related to us, but they are as good as. Have you thought that maybe they are dating other kids. I mean Ray is dating a girl, my grand child. Maybe they can convince her, but I doubt it. I mean she avoided us for years for a reason and now she is apparently back. I mean after the whole fiasco with Ron and Astoria, well I am not exactly surprised, maybe she will come back for the reunion. Hopefully.  Okay I will talk to you later. Bye." Arthur hung up the phone and turned his chair around to face a stoic Lucius. The men stared at each other. Neither willing to break their stoic eye contact. "Lucius." 

"Arthur," Lucius replied. "I need help finding someone. In the muggle world." 

"Right who would that be?" Arthur asked. 

"Actually, her name is Mrs. Montgomery, she works at an orphanage in the muggle world." 

"Why?" Lucius looked stern at him. 

"She has information about someone I care very deeply about." 


"My daughter." He said. Arthur looked gobsmacked at that.

"You don't have a daughter." Arthur said. 

"I can assure you I do. Her name is Lyra, she is 4." 

"You abandoned your daughter, and my opinion I thought it couldn't go lower of you." 

Reunion to end all reunions  (A Dramione Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon