How it all started

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*Hermione's POV*

It was a long and exhausting day at work and I decided to leave early to go home to my fiance Ron. When I got home I could see some slutty clothes on the floor and I knew they weren't mine so I went upstairs and I heard loud moaning from mine and Ron's bedroom and I knew when I opened the door what would happen I looked and saw Ron sleeping with none other than Astoria Greengrass I decided to tell Draco.

My last year at Hogwarts the two of us decided to put our differences aside and become friends and that is why I decided to write to him and asked him to come with me on a trip around Europe stopping at Paris first.

*Draco's POV*

I was working at my company when I saw a white owl at my desk he had a letter. I recognized it immediately and it was a letter from Hermione I immediately opened it. She wrote:

I am sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but I just saw my fiance Ron in bed with another woman and I saw her face. It was Astoria Greengrass. I thought it would be unfair if you found this out from someone other than your best friend so as much and as I am writing this letter I am trying to hold my tears and be strong for your sake because we were supposed to get married in two months and he broke my heart and need to get away and I figured you need a get away too so meet me at Kings Cross tomorrow we are going to Paris to get away from everyone and everything and I need to get away from the world we are going on a trip around Europe so if you care about me at all you will show up tomorrow at noon at Kings Cross at the front entrance to the building I will wait for you. If you don't believe me here say pensivus  to the vial and it will play the memory without a pensive. Again I am sorry Draco neither of us deserved it and I thought we both deserve the company.
Love, Hermione

I didn't know what to think. I knew though if I saw Astoria kissing the weasel I would be scarred for life and I trust Hermione with everything and I know she wouldn't lie to me. So I cried silent tears. Astoria was always detached from me for the last few months we were together and now I know why. So I did the only logical thing and I called my friends Crabbe, Theo, Blaise and Pansy. Pansy and Blaise are together and I decided to call them anyway. They arrived immediately to my office to find I was crying. Pansy was the first one to ask "Draco what is the matter?"

"Astoria cheated on me. I found out from Hermione that she was in bed with Weasley and she walked in on them. She has been so distant lately and now I know why. She cheated on me with the weasel. Um Hermione wanted me to go meet her at Kings Cross to get away from all this I am planning on going and no one's going stop me not even my parents okay. I do not care if my father disapproves of me and Granger I am leaving and I am not coming back until I am ready. Okay. I have a house in Paris my mom's ancestral home if you need to contact me or her and Pansy and Blaise I know you are friends with Weas- sorry old habits die hard Ginny so contact them of the situation and to not trust what Ronald says. If they need proof in here is Granger's memories of the event." He handed them the memories.

"I have to go pack up my things. I might not come back, so thanks guys for the support. Tell Astoria we are over and Theo I know you are dating Daphne so tell her I don't don't hate her for what her sister did to me. I just need to get away and I will check in with my parents weekly to tell them where I am. Also Crabbe I need you to be your slytherin self and get this story to Rita Skeeter. I want payback for what she did to me. Leave out the parts of where I am going because I don't want paparazzi to bombard us with questions while we are away. I also need you to tell Harry to make sure she is not going to work not for a while and make sure he tells the weasley family of what happened. I hope to see you soon."

Blaise said "Who is going to run your company?"

"You guys are. I know you guys have lives but please take care of my company while I am gone."

"No problem bro." Blaise said.

"See you later. I have to go pack."


*Draco's POV*I was patiently waiting at Kings Cross station at the entrance waiting for her to show up

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*Draco's POV*
I was patiently waiting at Kings Cross station at the entrance waiting for her to show up. She said noon and it is 5 minutes to noon and I said goodbye to my parents for the time being. Everything went as planned I got my revenge when I saw in bold letters of the Prophet

Ronald Weasley cheats on War Heroine Hermione Granger with Astoria Greengrass! I smirked at the fact and that is when I saw Hermione there in a black over coat and with a pair of Jeans and some sneakers she had only one bag and a purse. She had sunglasses on and a black hat. She was trying not to be recognized. I decided to be a gentleman and carry her bag. "Thank you Draco."

That did for me because she never called me Draco and my breathe caught in my throat. I choked out a "You're welcome Hermione." She looked at me and she decided in that moment to kiss me on the lips and it was slow and tantalizing her lips molded with mine and I decided to take her hand and we stayed there for a while and people started to stare. Muggles I presume because it looked like nobody recognized me or Hermione for that matter. I took the bags and we went inside. That was the beginning of our story.

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