20 years later

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*Hermione's POV*

I was sitting in the front room reading Romeo and Juliet to Felis in the library. It was August 1st and Celeste and Electra were doing their Summertime homework and Scorp was practicing for his beater position in Slytherin with Albus Potter his best friend in our backyard, in which Albus is spending the summer over. Ella was at her Healer Job at St. Mungo's. She goes by Ella Granger to most people, including her secret girlfriend which she told me about a few nights ago. Her brother Barry however goes by his Malfoy name because he just looks a lot like his dad. I am proud of him because of his amazing quidditch skills. His twin sister Ella looked a lot like me.

It has been 20 years since I stepped foot in Wizarding London, aside from taking my kids to the Hogwarts Express under a lot of glamour charms mind you. I go in present company as Holly Jane Malfoy if any one asks. My life is disconnected from most of the wizarding world. I now own a fashion company and Daphne and Pansy help me run it and we are all models. It is called HJDL. Draco started the idea in my head and it became a huge success over the years. Draco has taken up cooking and opened a wizard restaurant called the Shrieking Dragon. We have oodles of money at our disposal and we use most of it for our children. Draco and I got married a year later after we left London for good, and that was when we were expecting twins. Eltanin or Ella we call her and Rabastan or Barry we call him were born a few days before the wedding. They came a bit early when I was 8 months pregnant.

Draco stays in touch with his friends, whilst I haven't contacted my friends  in years. Pansy and Blaise got married 2 years after we left London and have 3 kids, named Monica Amber Zabini who is in Slytherin and their oldest who is 15, and Gregory Vincent Zabini who is 11,  and Sarah Mione Zabini who is 5 which they named after me who is very close to my youngest son Felis. 

Theo and Daphne got married. Actually at Pansy's wedding, Pansy who was supposed to throw the flowers over her head instead broke that tradition by handing Daphne the flowers, and that is when she asked her to turn around and she noticed Theo down on one knee with a ring in hand that he got from his mother of a giant green ember a thousand little diamonds around it, She said, "Yes, You wanker a million times yes." She bent down and kissed him and turned into a heated snogging session. We all clapped for her. She then got up and gave her best friend Pansy a hug and said, "You knew about this?"

"You think he would be standing here right now if he didn't ask for my permission first before marrying you. You will always be my sister Daphne." Daphne cried as she couldn't be happier. 

They decided to have 5 kids. There was Catarina Valerie Nott who is 16 and best friends with Celeste and Electra, and she wants to be a Fashion designer for my company and a model which I have already given to her because she is a gorgeous person in general with her blonde hair and pale skin which makes her absolutely beautiful with her gentle blue eyes. Then there is Toby Draco Nott but he goes by dragon since it makes him a better catch with spikey lion mane hair and he is quite the ladies man at age 15. He is in Slytherin unlike Catarina who is Ravenclaw and he is best friends to Albus and Scorpius. Then there is the 11 year old twins and they are Ares Gabriel Nott and Zeke Danny Nott who are quite the troublemakers, and then there is the youngest Angela Ella Nott who is 8. 

Crabbe however was a whole other story together. After loosing his best friend Goyle he decided  to change his pureblood ways and get married to a half-blood guy who was raised in the muggle world named Alberto Jurist from Durmastrang they decided to get away from Crabbe's pureblood parents and get married in New York, 5 years after we left and the decided for all tense and purposes to have Crabbe take on his husband's last name so his name is Vincent Jurist they adopt magical kids that were orphaned They have Caroline Aria (half-blood)who is 19 and best friends with Ella who met her in Beauxbatons, Peyton Alicia (muggle born) who is 13, Jeremy Carlos (pure blood) who is 11 and Amber Rose (half-blood) is 8. They are in the process of adopting another girl named Maisie Angela Smith. She is 5, who's parentage is unknown since she was dropped of at Wool's orphanage 5 years ago. She has brown hair and African American by the looks of it. She had Brown hair and brown eyes. Crabbe ran away and took his father's money to America after his father was issued the dementor's kiss and decided to marry his husband and adopt children much to everyone's surprise. 

Reunion to end all reunions  (A Dramione Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt