"Will?" I called one more time. I heard soft sniffles from somewhere. I looked into the tunnel-tube thing, and found Will sitting there, his legs tightly against his chest. "Will." I breathed. He looked up, and my heart was lodged in my throat at his miserable eyes. He looked so... broken. He was bruised, and I clenched my jaw in anger.

"Will, come on." I beckoned him to come outside. I didn't think I'd fit inside. He shook his head. I sighed but then I entered the tube. I knew it was a bad idea the minute I went inside. "Talk to me." I pleaded, my voice echoing. Will looked at me through his dreads.

He didn't say anything. I could tell that he didn't want to. I adjusted myself so that our shoulders were touching. I knew he needed an indication that someone was there for him. He leaned his head against my shoulder, and my heart ached because I knew he was exhausted. Otherwise, he wouldn't ever accept comfort. He hated being comforted.

"When," his voice broke, "when I was a kid, dad would bring me here. Everyday. He... hated living here. It wasn't good enough for him. He wanted to be rich. Guess he got his dream." Will spoke. I didn't say anything, I knew that my words weren't needed.

"He used to play with me all the time. He- he used to love me. He used to love us. The small community we had here." Will took a shaky breath. "But he always wanted more. Never felt satisfied with the middle class life. So he threw himself into work."

"Suddenly, we moved to a bigger house, fancier neighbourhood." He scoffed. "We were the only Black family there." Will moved so that his head wasn't my my shoulder anymore. "At first I was happy. Proud of my dad for getting his dream. But then the visits to the playground were rare, then they disappeared entirely. Dad no longer relaxed with us. Chose alcohol instead."

Will wiped his eyes. "He... he became an entirely different person, Danny. I don't even know who he is anymore." He tried to stifled a sob and hid his face. "I miss him."

"Can I hug you?" I asked quietly. I've never asked that before. Will nodded and I wrapped my arms around him tightly. It was slightly hard to do, since we were stuck in a narrow tube. But I wanted to help my best friend, no matter what.

Will pulled away and sniffed, wiping his eyes again. "I'm sorry. It's dumb of me to rant to you about family. Knowing all the shit you put up with." I shook my head. "Don't say that. Don't ever invalidate yourself like that."

Will gave me a small smile. "We should get out of here." He said humorously. I more than enthusiastically agreed.


"We need to get you to the hospital." I told him, assessing his bruises. "I'm okay." He reassured me. "You aren't. Will, please." I begged. "I can't be late going home. I already ran away from him twice." Will looked at me with pleading eyes.

"C-can I come with you?" I asked nervously. Will widened his eyes. "No! You- I can't let you experience another shitty family." Will said. "I've built a tolerance for it." I reasoned with him. "Danny, you've been through too much for me let you witness that."

"Fine. At least let me walk you home. I- I miss you. Your company." I muttered. "Awww." Will smiled, squeezing my cheek. "Shut up." I smiled shyly and blushed.

We walked and we filled each other in on the little stuff we missed. Will apologised so many times, even though I kept telling him not to. We were back to our usual dynamic.

As Will talked about a show he was watching, I noticed his face dropped suddenly. He gulped anxiously. "We're at my house." He mumbled. I gave him a small smile of encouragement. "You've got this. I can stay here if you want. If something goes wrong you have me." I told him.

Will nodded and walked up to the door. He pulled out the key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Almost instantly, I heard yelling from inside. I stood around nervously. I didn't know what to do. When I heard Will yell in pain, all I could think to do is run to his rescue.

I ran inside the house and toward where the screams were. I tried to keep a clear mind. Emotions couldn't get the better of me, not in this situation. I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't have a plan.

I reached a room with the door open. I could hear shouts of agony and I saw a man who I presumed to be his father beating him up. "Leave him alone!" I yelled, loud enough to catch his attention. "Who the fuck are you?" He spat. "Stop hurting him." I said confidently, even though I wasn't confident at all.

"Danny, don't." Will whispered. He was on the ground, shirtless. His back was covered with marks I didn't want to look at. I ignored him. "Or what?" His father laughed cruelly. He took a step closer to me. I could smell the alcohol.

"Are you that little fairy that turned my son gay?" He said, hostility lacing his tone. "Dad..." Will interfered. "Shut up!" He shouted. He walked closer to me. I knew he was going to hurt me. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't think of anything. I was just readying myself for the pain. But it never came.

"You little shit. You think you can come into my fuckin' home and treat me like tha'? Tellin' me how to raise my fucking kid?" He hissed at me. I took a step back. "You don't deserve to call him your son." I said, venom lacing my words.

"He reached for something in his pants, I thought he was pulling out his belt, but instead he pulled out something that made my heart instantly plummet to the bottom of my shoes. In his hands, Will's dad held a gun.

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