Chapter Thirteen

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For second period, I had geography. The class was uneventful and boring, and I didn't talk to anybody. As I was walking to third period which was physics with Mr. Patel, someone's strides caught up with mine. "Jeez, you walk fast." Lily said, slightly out of breath. "Sorry." I said sheepishly. "What class do you have now?" She asked. "Physics, you?" I replied. "Oh, same! I'll give you the notes for physics as well, if you'd like." She smiled, revealing her deep dimples. "I'd love that. Thank you, Lily." I told her, smiling slightly.

"What happened to your..." she gestured to my nose. "Oh, it's nothing." I said. "Wait, did you fight someone?" She asked, frowning. I shook my head, "do I look like I'd last in a fight?" I asked, raising a brow. She looked me up and down, which made my heart flutter. "Hm, well, no offence, but you aren't very muscular. Other than your height, I wouldn't peg you for a tough guy." She said. "None taken." I said, smiling at her brightly, then wincing unnoticeably. I'd forgotten that my face was sore. "Honestly, when you first entered the class, I thought you'd be some sort of... bad boy wannabe. Your shirt was all bloodied, your face was all bruised and serious. It was barely 8:00 a.m., and not to mention, you're freakishly tall," she chuckled.

"Trust me, I know." I groaned. "But you're actually a really sweet guy." She said, making me blush. "Thank you." I said quietly. "Oh, to your left." She told me, and we walked side by side around the corner. She was rather short, so I slowed my pace to match hers. I hoped she couldn't feel my gaze burning into her face, but I just couldn't look away.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. "Excuse me for one second." I told Lily, who nodded.

are you ok?
is the person who punched you bothering you again?
are you with someone?

Hey, I'm fine
No, don't worry
Yeah, I am

who are you with?

Her name is Lily
She was in in my math class

dang, lil bro
you're quick
well, i'll leave ya to it ;)
reminder to meet with me for lunch tho

Yeah, okay. See you :)

"Come on." Lily told me. She held my arm and I tensed, before relaxing then blushing. God, I was a fucking mess. I wish I didn't flinch whenever someone raised their voice or touched me. "Danny," Lily said, then she smiled and showed me her beautiful dimples, "can I put my number in your phone?" She asked. "Yes, of course." I told her. I handed her my phone and she inserted her number. "You better text me." She warned me jokingly. "I'd be one dumb guy if I didn't." I whispered.

"So, what's Mr. Patel like?" I asked. "He's one of the chillest teachers I've ever had. He's actually quite young; 26 years old, I believe. His teaching methods are a little eccentric but very effective. I think you'll like him." She said. "He sounds like a nice guy." I said. "Yeah, he definitely is. You can tell he really loves his job, which is a rare kind of teacher to find."

Making small, casual conversation, Lily and I finally reached our class. We were earlier than the majority of the class. Mr. Patel looked up at us as we entered. He was a tall, muscular man, with olive brown skin. He had thick, dark hair that fell over his eyebrows, but didn't obscure his eyes. He had a bit of stubble. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of dark brown dress pants.

"Ah, Lily! My star student! And who's this?" He greeted us. "Hello, my name's Daniel Clark. I'm new here." I said. He looked through the attendance sheet for my name. "Ah, Daniel. Well, I'm happy to have you in my class. Do you like physics?" He asked me. "Yes, I do. I have straight A's in the subject." I told him. He shook his head, smiling, "ah, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, I don't care about grades! I'm sure you're a wonderfully bright student. I want to know; do you care for physics?" He said. "I do." I said. "Excellent. So, you wouldn't mind me quizzing you, right this second?" He asked.

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