Chapter Sixteen

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Trigger Warning: Physical and Verbal Abuse

To have begged them to stop would have been useless. Believe me, I've tried. They could go on for hours. They actually did go on for hours. All that was left of me was a sack of blood and bones, bruised skin and broken limbs curled up in the foetal position in a pool of my own blood.

This happened often. Everyday. For 4 months. Until, of course, one of them bruised my face badly before a meeting with my social worker. Kim wasn't impressed.

But before that, I was in so much pain. All the time. My body always ached. I never felt relax. I was a child, 12 years old, and unable to sleep, overcome with worry.

There was a time I was glad for a panic attack so that I would be finally able to sleep.

"You pathetic little shit." He breathed as he punched me. Again. And again. And again. Each blow knocked the wind out of me until I regained my ability to breathe, then he'd punch me again. I could feel the warm blood on my face, my body. I could taste the metallic liquid in my mouth. I would sob to myself and beg for death to come take me away, because I couldn't handle the suffering anymore.

"You disgusting waste of space."

"Even your own family couldn't stand you, huh?"

"You should've never been born."

Their words meant nothing to me as they kicked and punched the hardest they could. The agony distracted me from what they said. Occasionally, the blow would make me temporarily hearing impaired, cause a loud ringing in my ears. But afterwards, I'd cry as a remembered what they had said.

"You have no one, bitch. No one to care for you, to love you. Because... let's be honest here. Who would love a revolting piece of shit such as yourself? You're unlovable. I want you to stop lying to yourself: no one is coming to save you. You're ours now. And if you somehow weasel your way out of our grip, we still have you. Because you can never escape the memories of us and that means that we're in your life forever. Isn't that just the greatest thing you've ever heard? You can never escape us, Daniel."

I gasped as I sat up. The nightmares were getting worse. More vivid, more real. I shivered at the thought. I felt nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Gross. I sat on the bathroom floor, panting. I got up and washed my face with cold water then I brushed my teeth.

I went back to my room and made my bed. I sat down and decided to read the book Mrs. Henderson had given me. I was absorbed into the book, was mesmerised with the greatness of his writing, and didn't notice the time pass until I was brought back to reality with a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." I spoke from my bed. "Oh, Danny. You're awake! Well, I was just coming to tell you that dinner's ready. And you, um, you skipped lunch, so I'm a bit worried." Sam said awkwardly. I smiled comfortingly, "I'll be down in a minute." Then added, "I'm fine." When Sam gave me a look of concern. He smiled and nodded but I could tell he didn't believe me in the slightest. I guess I've said "I'm fine" and other variations of it way too many times. Sam closed the door behind him.

I put my book and down and got up to leave my bedroom when I thought back to when I found that piece of paper. Against my better judgment, I took it out of my pocket. With shaky hands and a speedy heartbeat, I opened the piece of paper and read the words that I've probably memorised by heart.

Dear Baby Danny,

My beautiful, beautiful boy. I love you. I've always loved you. You were everything to me. I'm sorry to make you experience this. You've been through a lot, Lil' Dan. I tried to be there for you, but I couldn't cope with my own troubles. I'm not strong like you. I wasn't able to move on from my past, from the demons that haunted me. But you can. You're Dan the Man! You're extraordinary, in everything. Don't you ever forget that. You were extraordinary before me, and you will be extraordinary after me. Don't you dare give up, Danny. Don't you dare give up. Call me a hypocrite. Danny, just know, you can get through this. What happened to me isn't your fault. I love you, I love you, I love you. Never forget that. Please, never forget me — how I was before this and only before this. I'm so sorry, Danny. I'm sorry. I love you 3000 (I know you love Marvel).

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