Chapter Twenty Two

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I wished I were back in that party, because maybe the loudness would be able to drown out my insufferable thoughts. I wanted to bang my head against the wall and pass out, because I was sure that was the only way I would be able to silence my mind.

What I had done to the Clarks was inexcusable. They opened their home to me, gave me so much and all I did was throw it back in their faces. I haven't remembered a time when I was truly happy. I was content sometimes, but I was not happy. I think I was happy, though, with the Clarks. I think that's why I felt the need to ruin it — I just couldn't resist destroying the only happiness I had ever known.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. Will opened the door. He stood there shyly, looking half-asleep. He swayed where he stood, apparently not quite sober yet. "Hey, what's up?" I smiled. Will walked in and closed the door behind him. He approached the bed and sat down on the edge. "I'm sorry." He rasped, looking upset.

I frowned. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I-" Will began, but started crying. I had never seen him cry, or even be mildly emotional. "Oh, Will. Come here." I said, and pulled him into a hug. He sobbed into my chest and it broke my heart to see him like this. "I-I'm sorry." He gasped between sobs. "Hey, what happened?" I asked him. He shook his head, as though whatever it was, it was too horrible for him to speak about it.

"I-I g-got your sh-shirt all w-wet." He breathed as he pulled away gently and wiped his face furiously. "Hey, it's okay." I tried to comfort him. Will sniffed and nodded. "I-I'm just so grateful to h-have you as my fr-friend." He muttered, wrapping his arms around me again.

I returned the hug, confused. I guess drunk Will was a huge softie. "Of course. I'll always be here for you." I smiled. Will started crying again. "C-can I t-tell you s-something?" He asked. "Yeah, sure." I replied, curious. "M-my dad hates me." He whispered, his face against my chest. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you, Will." I comforted, but he shook his head. "He-he told me." He said, then sobbed. I frowned, "he told you that he hated you?" Will sobbed even harder. I didn't know what to do. No one has ever broken down in my arms like that before.

I hugged him tighter. "Hey, it's okay. He doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you, Will." I whispered calmly. For a few minutes, I sat with him in the darkness, until he calmed down. He pulled away, sniffing. "Sorry. I don't know why-"

"It's alright. I'll always be here for you." I told him. Will was face to face with me, and he leaned in. I froze and widened my eyes when he planted his lips on mine. When I didn't kiss back, Will backed away. He got up. "I'm sorry. Shit, shit. I'm so sorry, Danny. Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm drunk and a mess and I didn't-"

"Hey, calm down. It's- it's fine." I sighed. "I-I have to go." Will said, and he opened my door. I rushed to his side and held his hand so that he didn't leave. "Will, please. Don't go. Let's just- we should talk about it." I said. Will breathed heavily. "I'm sorry. Look, I know you've been oblivious to- to whatever it is that I feel. Truth is, I've l-liked you for a while now. I thought maybe... but it doesn't matter now. Please, let me go. I don't think I can face you after y-you know the truth. We should just- I think you should stay away from me for a bit. I'm sorry, but it hurts. Goodbye, Danny." Will said. He left, closing the door behind him.

I stood there, stunned. How could I lose the only true friend I've ever had? How had I been so oblivious to his feelings? Now I've lost him. I felt alone again. It's been mere seconds since he walked out of my life, and already I feel the coldness engulf me.

I sat back down on my bed and tried to formulate a single intelligible thought. Who would I sit with at lunch? Would Lily, who's become a close friend to both of us, choose Will over me? Will she even choose? It was a ridiculous thought. It just felt as though my world was split wide open when one of the most important people of my life wasn't there anymore.

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