Chapter Eleven

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I could not sleep. I spent hours twisting and turning in my bed, and I still couldn't sleep. I didn't want to be exhausted on my first day at school. I rubbed my eyes and glanced at my phone. It was 3:43 a.m.

I groaned into my pillow. My eyes were tired but my brain couldn't shut the fuck up. I realised it was probably because I was stressed thinking about tomorrow. I got out of bed, and after grabbing a cigarette and a lighter, I opened the window. Lighting the cigarette stick, I admired the beauty and peace of the quiet, empty neighbourhood. I inhaled the smoke and felt my muscles relax.

I knew it was a bad habit. That it caused lung cancer and heart disease. But I didn't really care. There was no other way for me to relax. Unless I punched something, but then I didn't want to deal with sore knuckles. Putting out the cigarette, I closed my bedroom window. My room didn't smell like cigarettes, but I did. I walked inside the bathroom and washed my face then brushed my teeth. I climbed back in bed and continued my mission of falling asleep.


I woke up with a jolt. I couldn't breathe. I had another nightmare. They never stop. I have never, not once in the years I remember, have fallen asleep without having a nightmare. I glanced at the time. 5:32 a.m.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I brushed my teeth, and combed my unruly hair. I put on the school uniform, which made me look like a pretentious douchebag but there wasn't anything I could do about that. After making my bed and putting my dirty clothes in the laundry basket, I grabbed my bag and the book I was currently rereading, and walked downstairs. Michael was sitting in the breakfast nook, a cup of coffee in his hand and a book in his other.

He glanced up at me when he sensed my arrival, and put his book away. The greatest thing about Michael, I think, is how he gives his full attention whenever someone enters the room. "Good morning, Danny." He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "Good morning." I replied, returning the smile. "Coffee?" He offered, getting up and going to the coffee machine. Michael makes the best coffee ever, unlike Sam. I nodded, and drank it gratefully. "The school uniform is still slightly large. The smaller size would be much too short on you. What do you think about getting it tailored?" Michael said, his eyes studying my uniform.

"I'm quite alright with the way it is. Really, there's no need." I replied politely, making him nod. With one last gulp, I downed the coffee. "Can I have more?" I asked shyly. "Yes, yes. Of course. You didn't sleep well, did you?" His eyes scanned my face. "Well, I was just a bit nervous last night. Couldn't sleep very well." I said sheepishly. He nodded sympathetically and handed me another cup of coffee.

James walked in, adorned in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I had never seen James wear casual outfits unless he was running. "Morning, dad. Morning, Danny." James greeted, smiling. He opened the fridge and unearthed a lot of fruits. He opened the pantry and took out a jar of protein powder. I turned my attention to my book, as did Michael. After the sounds of the blender died out, James turned to us and said, "well, I'll be off. I grabbed a change of clothes and I'll shower at my college. Good luck on your first day of school, Danny. You're gonna do great." "Thank you." I told him, and he ran out of the front door, closing it behind him.

Michael and I started reading again, and at around 6:30 a.m., Sam came in, rubbing his eyes. His hair was sticking out from all sides and he groaned. "Ugh, dad," he said hoarsely, "I don't wanna go to school." He pouted like a little kid. "Sammy, go get changed." Michael said. "But, dad!" Sam whined. Michael rolled his eyes at Sam's childish behaviour. "You had an entire week off." He told him, raising his brow. "Fine!" Sam said, and stomped out of the kitchen angrily.

Michael turned to me and said, "it's hard to take him seriously with his pink cupcake pyjamas." And I laughed. Freddie then came in, in a dark green sweater and a pair of dark wash jeans. "Morning." He yawned. "Good morning," replied Michael and I simultaneously. Freddie looked back and forth between us then laughed, "you two are eerily alike." I looked to Michael, who was looking at me. We were both sitting the same, I realised. And we both held our books in the same position. Freddie chuckled and rolled his eyes. He sat down next to me. "What's for breakfast?" He asked.

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