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7 years had passed in the blink of an eye, with Tharn and Type never being apart for a single minute of it. Even when Tharn decided to move to London after they got signed by a record company based there, Type decided to move with him. It turned out great because Type was hired to work for his favourite football club as a physiotherapist. He always got the best seats for every match they played, right next to the team and the coach. They were blissfully happy.


"Type, will you come to my gig after your match is done?" Tharn asked as he gathered the sheet music for the evening. Type put his head out from the partition between the living room and the kitchen to look at him.

"Yeah, I'll try to make it. Let's just cross our fingers and hope there are no injuries tonight," he said with a light laugh. Tharn furrowed his brows in concern at Type not being able to make it. Type noticing his quietness, walked out of the kitchen and put his arms around Tharn. 

"I'll make it. Even if it means I'll have to bring the injured player with me to the stands to watch you as I assist him," he said. Tharn broke into a grin at the thought of such a sight and quickly pecked his lips before he slipped out the door. He needed to get to soundcheck because he had decided to change up a few things in the lineup. 

Type grinned at his boyfriend's retreating figure and decided to finish his toast and tea before he had to head out himself. 


Type made it to the concert hall when the band was on their second last song for the night, heaving a sigh of relief. He looked up at his boyfriend proudly. He was right about him. He turned out to be a real rockstar. His band had been doing well in the underground music scene. They always had gigs lined up most weeks. They'd even been on multiple world tours. Type had gone for one during off season for a whole month. They travelled everywhere in Europe. He recalled how amazing the experience was. Even after watching Tharn perform over a hundred times, it still conjured up the same feelings within Type. He wanted that man with every fibre of his being. 

The band finished their last song and performed an encore. The crowd was really amped up, enjoying every song more than the last. Type wondered why Tharn didn't perform the usual set. They always finished the performances with a song he had written for him as a tribute to their relationship. It always made Type feel special. 

The crowd started dwindling and the hall was empty within the next 20 minutes of the performance ending. Type got up to walk backstage to meet the band when he heard a guitar strumming through the speakers. He looked up at the stage to see it was empty and dark. He wondered if it was just a soundcheck for the instruments. He'd never heard of soundchecks after a gig was over, but he wasn't really sure.

A spotlight suddenly trained on him, blinding him as he put up a hand to shield his eyes when he heard the song start. It was the song that Tharn had written for him. He felt goosebumps on his skin. It was Tharn's voice. Tharn was singing him their song. He shielded his eyes as he looked at the stage but it was still dark. 

Another spotlight suddenly shone at the stage exit and Tharn walked out of it singing their song. Type felt like he was close to passing out at the sight. Tharn walked up in front of the stage and serenaded him. Type couldn't believe what he was looking at. He had performed for Type before but this felt different. This was in an empty hall with spotlights. It felt like a grand romantic gesture tailored for Type, because Tharn knew that Type wasn't into public display of affection. Type was grinning like an idiot at Tharn singing to him.

And just as they go

You won't even know

You've taken a part of me

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