Tharn: Chapter 4

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“We’ll be late for the movie, Tharn,” I hear Tar whine while I’m saying bye to Type. He has a death grip on my arm and his other hand is fisted on one side of my shirt. He is also tugging me towards the opposite direction while I’m still talking to Type. I feel a spark of annoyance shoot through me. Type bids us goodbye and just when I was going to return his wave, Tar managed to spin me away from him. He’s always been this way whenever he perceived anyone as a threat. I’m not sure if letting him meet Type was the best decision on my part because his reaction has never been this bad before.

“Why are you being this way?” I ask him as we start to make our way towards the movie theatre.

“What way?” Tar asks, feigning innocence by making his eyes bigger and turning his lips down in a barely there pout.

“You know what I’m talking about. That was so impolite,” I say, reprimanding him for his behaviour for the first time. I always let it go or brought it up in jest before. Not this time, though. The other people he’s behaved with in a similar fashion have been acquaintances or just random people looking to shoot their shot. Though, sometimes it was people just trying to make conversation. He couldn’t let Tar being impolite towards Type slide.

“What do you mean I was impolite?” Tar says as if he cannot believe the accusation.

“Then what was with all that tugging while I’m speaking to a friend?” I ask him.

He keeps his head down and doesn’t respond.

“That was incredibly rude, Tar. I thought you had more manners than that.” I continue with a bite in my tone. I’m so mad, but I’m still mindful enough to not say anything too hurtful.

He looks contemplative, then slowly lifts his head to meet my eyes.

“It’s just…..he’s so…” Tar begins making vague gestures with his hands.

‘Beautiful’ my mind screams to complete his thought.

Oh, I have to tread lightly here. Tar was an incredibly jealous person and one wrong word could mean game over.

“He’s so what?” I ask him pretending like I don’t know what he’s trying to say.

“He’s stunning. Okay?” Tar finally spits out.

“You can’t blame me for being a little insecure over my boyfriend living in the same room as someone like Type. He looks like someone who floated down from heaven. Why does he have to be so stupidly tall and lean? And why does his hair look like a cloud wrapped around his head and why does the light around his head always form a halo? And god, what is with that smile? Why does he have to have a smile like that? I saw a guy watching Type and immediately trip on his own feet when Type smiled. Why does he need legs that long? Have we as a race outgrown the need for ladders? Look at me. I’m short. I have tiny legs. I could drown in his pants. He’s a dude but why does he need to be so pretty? Why does he have such sparkling eyes? When he walked towards our table, it took everything in me to not cry at the sight of him. This may come off as petty and I don’t care, I was hoping against all hopes for his personality to be the complete opposite of his appearance. But, NOOOOOOOO stupid angel on Earth has to have a personality to boot. So, tell me, Tharn, how am I supposed to not lose my shit? The way I behaved may have been rude but you have no idea how much I wanted to put you in a sack and carry you far far away from the all perfect Type. That was the most civil I could behave under the circumstances!!!!” Tar finishes his rant in a huff.

‘Woah’….was all that I could think. I stare at him for a bit and slowly reach for his shoulders to make him turn completely towards me. He refuses to meet my eyes. His face has a flush to it and his lower lip has a slight quiver. I lift his chin up to have him meet my eyes.

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