Type: Chapter 23

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I stood there, watching Tharn interacting with that boy with my fists balled tightly at my sides. I couldn't move. I could see him slip away from me right in front of my eyes and I could do nothing about it because I was never going to be the one he wanted. 

Right then, I could see that he wanted him: the boy that looked like an angel. I could feel the pain shooting through my body at that realisation and I stood there without turning my head away because I needed to take that in. I needed to see that Tharn would never want me so I could expedite the time I needed to get over him. I already knew that he didn't look at me the way he was looking at that boy right then, even though I couldn't see his eyes from where I was standing, but I knew that he probably looked at him like how he looked at Tar. Like he had stars in his eyes. That image hurt me deeper but I held on. I waited till the boy walked away as he turned around one last time to wave at Tharn and then I made my way to him. 

"Hey! Did you wait for long?" I said in the most casual voice I could pull out of my body as I walked up to him. I looked up at him, with him standing on the first stair and imagined that maybe he would like me more if he could look down at my face like he was at that moment. Just like he was doing with that boy a moment ago. Tharn cracked a smile and it twisted my insides. 

"No, I was just talking to another freshman from Law. You got here just in time," he said as he started walking towards the car. I could feel the knives jabbing at me as I put a smile on my face.

"Oh, the boy who was waving at you just now?" I asked and he nodded his head without turning around. 

"Yeah, he told me that he saw my performance during the Fresher's event and he really enjoyed it. Told me he was a fan ever since," he said as he unlocked the car to get in. I kept the smile on my face as I slipped into the passenger seat and put on my seat belt. 

"Oh, so do I see something brewing here?" I asked playfully, feeling the pain slowly starting to travel down my extremities again. 

"I don't know. I just met him today," Tharn said as he started the car. 

"He looks like someone you'd definitely date," I said as I looked ahead to avoid looking at the expression on his face that would follow after what I had said because I wasn't strong enough to handle it. 

"Why would you say that?" He asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

"You know, because I could see from a single glance that he was exactly your type," I said as I smiled and turned to him, seeing him slowly smirking. 

"Yeah? And what do you think my type is?" He asked, still concentrating on the road. 

"Oh, you know: cute, small, angelic, plush pink lips," I said, still staring at him to catch his reaction. I wanted to see if I was right about his preferences. Tharn just kept the smirk on his face without letting anything on. 

"You got a few things right there," he said, as he glanced at me with a smile on his face and turned back to look at the road. His reply sent my mind on a newfound mission to figure out which of the four things I mentioned he actually liked. I really hoped it excluded the 'small' part. 

"You want to go to a party on Friday?" Tharn asked. I turned to look at him a little surprised. 

"What party?" I asked. 

"A senior from my department is throwing a party and we were told to bring plus ones," he said as he put his car in park. I couldn't understand why he wanted me to be his plus one when he could take that guy. 

"Why don't you take that boy with you? It's a sure fire way to break the ice with him," I said and proceeded to undo the seatbelt and stepped out of the car to avoid looking at Tharn because of the amount of effort it took for me to say something like that to him. 

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