Those Three Are Falling Apart And The Coyote Isn't A Coyote

Start from the beginning

His glare turned towards us as his claws extended. "Scott breathe, you're okay."

He looked at his claws before he dug his claws into the palm of his hand. Grunting and growling as he did, before he slowly lowered to the ground panting. Stiles and I hurried over to him as he relaxed against the chairs.

Scott glanced up as Stiles squatted down in front of him. "Like Bella said, pain makes you human."

"Scott, this isn't just in our heads. This is real." Stiles told him. "And it's starting to get bad for me too. I'm not just having nightmares. I'm having these dreams where I have to literally scream myself awake. And sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm actually ever waking up."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked looking at him confused.

"Do you know how you can tell if you're dreaming?" Stiles asked looking down before glancing at me then back to Scott. "You can't read in dreams. More and more, the pst few days, I've been having trouble reading. It's like I can't see the words. I can't put the letter in order."

"Like even now?" Destiny asked him making him look up at the board.

He stood up looking at the board and I followed standing up with him worried for him.

"I can't read a thing." He told us after a moment of pause.

They collected their bags and we're heading to class when I stopped them. "Are you guys sure going to class is the right thing to do right now?"

"It's the only thing we can do." Stiles shrugged so I nodded as they left.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Isaac.

Scott and Stiles are not doing good. Whatever happened to them, whatever they did to save their parents, it's affecting them pretty bad.

A few seconds later I got a text from Lydia

Hey Allison and I are going to the woods. You girls coming?

"Lydia and Allison are going to the woods, what for I don't know. We going?" I asked them.

"Yeah let's go." Destiny told me.

"You know I'm always down to skip class." Taylor laughed making me shake my head before I sent Lydia a text.

Yeah we're coming. Meet you in the parking lot.

"Bella help me put this up." Lydia said holding a paper target.

I shrugged and followed her to a tree, that was a good distance away. She pinned up one side, while I pinned up the other.

"Do you really think this is going to help?" Allison gave Lydia a skeptical look as we walked back to the other three.

"I know that if you think it's not going to help, it definitely won't!" Lydia told her, clearing her throat as we reached theme "So, get your head into it, shoot a few, and see what happens."

I watched Allison sting the arrow her hands shaking so bad the arrow was making a clicking sounds against the wood of the bow. She drew and released and it landed in the ground next to the tree.

"Oh." Lydia muttered under her breath, as Allison shot another arrow with the same result. Lydia made a suggestion. "Maybe hold the string differently? Try the Mongolian draw."

Allison turned to give her a confused look.

"What? I read. Try it!" Lydia told her, making Allison pick up another arrow and release it ending in another failed attempt.

"Okay, Take a second to close your eyes and imagine the arrow going into the target." I told her, trying to help.

Alison listened closing her eyes but when she looked startled. "Did you see that?" She asked us.

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