Riddled/ Letharia Vulpina

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I jolted awake my chest heaving as I looked around to see that I was still in my room. It had been so real, Stiles was there and he was in trouble. That's when the panic hit me, the overwhelming feeling that Stiles really was in trouble. I hurried to grab some clothes and shoes.

I called Scott first. "Get Isaac up, something's wrong with Stiles, I can't explain it is just. Something's wrong."

"Bella how'd you..." he started to ask before I cut him off.

"I don't know. Just hurry." I hung up dialing Destiny's number.

"What's going on?" She mumbled half awake.

"Did Taylor stay with you?" I asked walking into Rory's room and shook her awake.

"We're both here." I hear Taylor say.

"What do you want Bella?" Roy mumbled half awake.

"Something's happened to Stiles and I don't know how to explain how I know. But we're meeting Scott and Isaac so everyone move your asses. Rory and I will be there in record time to get you." I hung up as I watched Rory grab clothes and pull them on, and we both rushed out of the house.

We arrived at the same time Scott and Isaac did, the six of us bursting into Stiles's room, only to see Lydia and Aiden already in there.

"How did you know? Did he call you guys too?" Scott asked them.

"I heard it." Lydia answered him.

"Don't ask." Adien advised them. "It gets more confusing when you ask."

"Okay." I muttered with a nod as I stared at the strings. "Not as confusing as this."

"He uses red for unsolved cases." Rory spoke up walking closer and looking at some of the cases.

"Maybe he thinks he's part of a unsolved case?" Adien asked looking around at us.

"Or is an unsolved case." Isaac spoke.

"Hold on. Is he still out there?" Lydia asked us.

"Wait! You two don't know where he is?" Rory followed after her.

"He said he was in an industrial basement somewhere." Scott told them making me frown.

"We came here to get a better scent." Isaac explained.

"That's not what you saw is it Bells?" Destiny asked me, turning the attention to me.

I shook my head. "He was in the woods. In the- in the dream I had he was in the woods. And this isn't the first time I've had a dream like this that's actually happened."

"Scott what else did he say?" Rory asked him on the verge of panic.

"Something's wrong with his leg. It's bleeding." Scott recalled the conversation.

"And he's freezing." Isaac input.

"Tonight's the coldest night of the year. It's gonna drop into the 20's." Adien warned them.

"What did his dad say?" Lydia asked.

"We kind of... We didn't tell him yet." Scott looked away from us.

"Scott!" I snapped at him.

"Stiles is bleeding and freezing and you didn't call his dad?" Rory spat at him now enraged.

"He made me promise not to." Scott muttered. "We can find him by scent. If he was sleepwalking, he couldn't have gotten far, right?"

"Scott you're telling me you didn't see that his Jepp was gone?" I asked incredulously gesturing wildly towards the front of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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