Those Three Are Falling Apart And The Coyote Isn't A Coyote

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"No, you're not. It's happening to you, too-- you're seeing things, aren't you?" I heard Stiles say as the six of us walked towards him and Scott.

"How did you know?" Scott asked shocked.

"Because it's happening to all three of you." I spoke up.

Before we started walking towards the building.

"Well, well, well... Look who's no longer the crazy one." Lydia said pushing open the double doors, the rest of us following behind her.

"We're not crazy!" Allison relief defiantly.

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine." Lydia said sarcastically spinning to look at them.

"Lydia they died and came back to life... That's going to have some side effects." I told her crossing my arms over my chest.

"We keep an eye on each other, okay?" Stiles said grabbing Rory's hand and starting to walk away.

"Lydia?" Rory said as they started to pass her. "Stop enjoying this so much."

"What?" She asked acting like she had no idea what she was referring to before we all went to class.

My phone buzzed and I looked around making sure the teacher wasn't paying attention and pulled it out.

I'm worried about Allison. She can't get her hands to stop shaking in class, any word on Scott and Stiles?

Nothing so far. If anything happens let me know asap, and if I hear anything from either of them I'll text you.

"You okay Bella?" Mason asked turning to me just as I slid my phone into my pocket.

"Yeah. Just tired." I smiled at him, not liking that I was lying to him.

We were walking down the hall when we found Scott and Stiles.

"You guys good?" Destiny asked them before I got a good look at Scott.

"Scott your eyes," I whispered making Stiles look over at him as well.

"What about them?" Scott asked.

"They're starting to glow!" Stiles replied worried.

"What? You mean like right now?" Scott asked not understanding.

"Yes right now! Scott stop. Stop it." Stiles said.

"I don't think he can." Taylor replied looking around the hallway.

"I can't control it." Scott panted confirming Taylor's statement.

"Alright. Just keep your head down. Look down, come on." Stiles told him, wrapping his arm around his bowed head.

They moved one way as I peaked into an empty classroom and opened the door.

"In here." I pulled them in shutting it behind us.

Scott took his jacket off growling as he walked away from Stiles, who started following him.

"Get back. Get away from me." Scott wanted him.

"Scott it's okay." Stiles tried to reassure him.

"I don't know what's going to happen. Get back." He panted.

Taylor moved herself in front of Stiles and Destiny. "Stay behind me." She told them.

I dropped my jacket and my backpack and walked towards Scott.

"Scott." I said softly making him look at me.

"Get back." He growled.

"Not gonna happen." I said softly still walking towards him. "Remember pain makes us human."

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