Kennedy saw clearly one of the corrosive anti-ship missiles hit the USS Terry Morrison, the surviving Fletcher-class mass production ship was immediately corroded in the hull, and the crew slowly caught fire and turned into something like... disgusting cocoons. Not long after, from the cocoons came the crew of the USS Terry Morrison with a very ... disgusting appearance.

They have four eyes, their mouths turn into lower jaws like insects, their bodies have cracks but from the cracks emit a purple light, their bodies are slimy and overall they become a crew of zombies.

Kennedy: Call Tempest and sink Morrison right away! They're gone!

The USS Tempest immediately opened fire with their cannons and showered Morrison with high-explosive shells. Morrison immediately caught fire and the entire crew screamed in pain and wept in agony.

Kennedy grimaced and looked at Fleet Admiral Hackett who just let a sigh.

Rosemary : USS Terry Morrison, sunk with all hands.

FADM. Hackett : Understood, continue the bombardment.

Captain Kennedy could only stare grimly at Morrison, as did the rest of the Trafalgar Bridge crew.

The USS Trafalgar, escorted by the USS Tempest and two Siren destroyers, sailed out of range from Morpho and It's escorts. Meanwhile, Mare Nostrum together with all the mass production Siren Ships and Siren shipgirls carried out a direct frontal attack in front of Morpho.

FADM. Hackett : How's the reinforcements from Azur Lane, Captain?

Kennedy : They will arrive as soon as they can sir, QRF Fleet should be arriving in five minutes. Officer, order some of our fighter planes to escort the arrival of the shipgirls.

Officer: Understood!

5 Kilometers from the battle.

Seen in the sky, a C-47 Skytrain escorted by several Air Force Eagle Union P-51 Mustangs and several Enterprise's Hellcat aircraft. Inside the cargo plane, there were Nagato, Enterprise, Zuikaku, Belfast, Javelin, Ciel, Laffey, Washington and Cleveland. They were all parachuted and being briefed by the Enterprise.

Enterprise : All right lads, According to Nagato's UAV report, the Leviathan that appeared had wiped out almost all of the Eagle Union ships in the joint Task Force. This Leviathan, or according to reports its name is Morpho, is a dangerous enemy and we must defeat it as soon as possible. Our support in this mission is the Battlegroup Mare Nostrum and the remnants of the ship from Task Force Trafalgar. The main fleet will enter if in two hours we don't defeat Morpho, everyone, this will be our first mission against Leviathan. Girls, First step into hell!

Shipgirls: Oohraah!

And as they entered the airspace of the battle against Morpho, the anti-air gun fire from the Morpho escorts rained down on them from below. The cargo plane carrying the shipgirls maneuvered to evade the anti-air attack, while the P-51 Mustangs escorting them were immediately torn apart by the anti-air weapons belonging to the ship that escorting Morpho. Meanwhile, Enterprise's Hellcat immediately swooped down and showered Morpho with a barrage of machine guns. One of the cannons from Morpho's shoulder was charged with electromagnetic fire and fired a rod that instantly destroyed all of the attacking Hellcats.

Enterprise: Damnit! Everyone, go go go!

Jumpmaster : get out of my damn plane!

All the shipgirls jumped up one by one and immediately swooped down. Nagato, who was already wearing tactical glasses smirked and materialized a strange iron contraception weapon that was like a claw.

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