Look at that we all get a happy ending after all! :)

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When we get back to camp fleece in hand and dock the boat, and enter the camp grounds we are welcomed by all and many. I am then granted permission to do the honors of placing the fleece on the tree. I look to my left smiling over at Luke as he squeezes my hand, and I look to my right smiling at my friends.

I take nervous shaky steps towards the tree. I've been waiting for this moment to come ever since the monster almost killed us all the first time. This is the moment I'd been waiting for and with doing so the nightmares and the guilt will all go away and Thalia will be awaken after all this time, and alive once and for all.

I bend down and place the fleece on the roots of the tree where here body has become one with it. And as I lay it out covering her like a big blanket the fleece shimmers to life as we all watch in hope and in awe. I take a step back we all look around us as if time is moving backwards the tree pines that had fallen off in the past from being sick and had almost died move back to the tree as if they never left it, the tree is healthy again and also alive.

The barrier that keeps us safe surrounds us again with a bright blue hue to it. We are all safe within the camps walls once again. Nothing will harm us again. Everyone cheers hugs and applauds. Now I guess we wait for the fleece to work the rest of its magic as we all hope that in doing so brings Thaila back alive.

Inside camp begins to proceed as per usual and for the most part our crisis has been averted. Meanwhile Clar is rewarded a crown on her head since she was supposed to be the one that went on the quest in the first place, but Jack makes one for me not that I needed one. And she turns and smiles at us. Jack had gone over to hang out with Grover, Anna was talking with one of her other friends, so it was just the 3 of us. Since Luke was doing some rearranging in his tent.

But it could've been his subtle way of leaving me alone with my brothers. As Percy Tyson and I all stood around together near the camp fire. We'd been handed shots of nectar cause you know if you haven't tried it you haven't lived. As we've learned. I finally was able to get the rest of my mist back not that I'd need it in a place like camp, and Percy and I looked to each other and back at Tyson.

Tyson. He encouraged. You don't need these anymore. I finished taking his glasses off and sweeping back his hair from his face smiling up at him. Both: Perfect. Tyson was so happy. But now Mr. Burner calls us away he tells us that we did good but that there is still that "prophecy" thing. That after all we still are the only one left that are still alive of the 3 big ones. Of Poseidon, aka Percy and I since no one could've guessed there would've been two of us and we are of his full blood where Tyson is half, and that there are no known children of Hades and that Zeus's daughter was still as of this very moment not living.

But a lot can happen between now and our 20th birthday. But as far as destiny's go maybe it won't turn out to be so bad after all it might turn out to be just like Tyson, something you didn't know about but it was a great surprise and turned out better than you thought. During that evening I went to go guard the tree. A part of me still felt guilty. Percy hadn't wondered where I'd been since he thought I was with Luke, but sometime during the night Anna came out to guard it with me.

In the morning something had happened. Grover and Jack ran to go find Percy and Luke and told them what had happened, as everyone came running. It turned out the fleece was even more powerful then we thought but it was my goal to bring Thalia back to life, when she "died" she was a little girl, but now she looked about our age. Percy Luke the fleece is more powerful than we thought Anna told them. I knew it could do this, it was my plan I shrugged.

We surrounded the unconscious body that lay under the trees roots. As we kneeled down beside it carefully. Anna had tears in her eyes, as her mascara was running down her face. Percy moved to the side as I reached out for her hand, when the girl in front of me suddenly opened her eyes. We dug her out, and she looked at Percy first.

Who are you? She asked him. Then she turned to look at me. Farrah? She questioned in a daze. What's your name Percy asked her. I'm.... Percy this is Thalia daughter of Zeus. I cried hugging her. As I pulled away she told us that she had the strangest dream that she was dying. So, now that she's alive, she's the eldest child of Zeus and the only one we know of, but what if the Oracle never meant Percy or I but it was about Thalia that she would be our down fall or save the universe.

Something we might never know. At least come from the movies as far as I'm aware there haven't been any other Percy Jackson movies since none of them appeared in theatres, but IDK also how many more books there are. So, movie wise we won't know since everyone says the movies suck, and I know probably most of you thinks so too because I seem to have very unpopular opinion.

But, we got her some help. And we took her inside of camp and everyone was so happy to see her. You don't know how many times I've tried to save you from all kinds of different things. I've always had nightmares about the night that it happened and it filled me with guilt. Farrah why would you be guilty? I couldn't save you. I replied. I saved us. I wanted to save us and I did. That was my choice she said shaking her head.

I wanted to sacrifice myself, but our friends wouldn't let me. And I'd never want you to either. So, how's everyone doing? What's been going on? Catch me up, she smiled at me. I have so much to tell you. I cheered. Take it easy Farrah. Percy teased nudging me. No, its ok I want to know. I missed you guys. And we missed you too Anna and Luke told her both. Yeah and my brother and I agree Grover tells her.

We all need to catch up. It's the beginning of the day we've got time. After all we are kind of immortal anyways take all the time you need. Start from the beginning. Let's get you take care of first I told her. We'll have all the time in the world for that. After weeks and months of this and that I'd finally finished catching her up on everything, and also finally convinced Percy to purpose to Anna.

She'd be crazy to say no. We'd be planning together all of us to have our weddings now together. We'd take this special opportunity to work on the planning part for the next other many months. No, no, no. Luke teased shaking his head at me while I planned out everything. No plans no nothing. Luke give that back. I cried when he took my notebook out of my hand. Come on Princess we never plan anything, you don't need this.

Actually you never plan anything, I say poking his chest. I plan everything, but most things also don't go according to my plan, but I do plan them. Exactly. He teased. Holding it out of my reach. That's not fair! I pouted reaching forward for it you're taller than me. Nothing goes as planned so why plan them at all? He asked with a smirk on his face.

I fought him for a bit over it, then pouted again. But, I said with a frown in my voice as he dropped the sly smile. We'd planned on getting married on our boat, and I even convinced Percy to finally ask Annabeth to marry him. That was our plan right? For you to marry me and we'd sail across wherever we wanted to me, and we'd live happily ever after. I said with big puppy dog eyes. He frowned. I turned away from him smirking.... I thought you cared about me, I thought you loved me.

Farrah? He frowned wrapping his arms around me. As my eyes darted to the notebook just within my reach again. I do love you always and forever. We're still gonna get married, we're still gonna do all those things, we just don't need to plan any of that stuff now. Maybe you don't but I do. I told him reaching for the notebook and running off. It took him a sec to understand what had happened, and that he'd been tricked. As I turned and smirked at him over my shoulder kicking my winged shoes into gear and flying off in the direction of Percy's and I's home on campus. As he flew after me.

I landed at the hut, and went inside. And back out towards the docks. I looked around for him. Where is he? Then I felt arms wrapped around my waist. Hey?! I squealed. Let me go. I pleaded. That was an evil little trick. He whispered into my ear. I hated that tone of voice he was using. You need to be punished now, he teased as he pulled me down onto the floor with him with the upper hand and tickled me silly.

Hey?! I giggled hysterically. You don't need that. He teased. I do I giggled. Trying to push him away. Luke I'm gonna bite you. I teased. Not if you're struggling too much. He was able to grab the notebook out of my hands once I'd lost all the strength to keep it in my arms. He tossed it onto the bed behind us. A part of me wanted to find a way to push him off and throw him into the water behind us the opposite way but I knew that was more trouble than what it was worth.

Luke stop! I laughed. Hm? No! You're about leave me no other choice. I teased. Oh yeah you and what army? You need concentration to use your powers to manipulate the water. I know that's why you brought us out this way. For a home advantage. Yeah, but as much as you're still tickling me I'm still able to squirm. And in any way that I want. I nudged myself towards the water even closer. Until I fell in.

I warned you I teased. Catching my breath now in my mermaid form. I ducked down getting the rest of me wet again but this time properly. As I swam under the water. Until he couldn't see where I'd gone. Not to mention it was a good thing I could talk and breathe under water. And now that I could concentrate I flung water at him as he fell back. And he'd sat up now in feet stocks.

Hey? He called out to me. He wasn't sure where I was. But I'd iced his hands in ice cuffs nailed to the dock boards. And his feet down in the feet stocks. I used my water powers to create water like living hands that I then charmed to do what I wanted as they emerged from the water to tickle him back. Yeah, I guess I had that one coming. He laughed. I knew this would happen, just not in this way.

I would've kept them going had I not felt something brush against me. They stopped for a sec until I kept them going, but they stopped all together even though he was till stuck there as I then felt that same something brush against my waist. I used my powers against whatever it had been and rolled myself onto the dock again. The part that was low enough for me to do that.

As I dried my scales. Percy that wasn't funny! I called out to him. I knew he'd be only other person that would do that. He emerged from the water brushing back his hair as he got out grabbing his towel ruffling his hair with it to work on drying it. Seemed pretty funny to me. He turned to Luke using his powers to break my ice traps. Thanks he chuckled. Percy nodded back at him turning back to me.

You're lucky I didn't scream aside from tickling me you also scared me. How long have you been in the water? Since this morning. I heard your voices and then Farrah's laughter as I thought it would be a great idea to see what in the world was going on over here. She still trying to plan the whole wedding thing? He asked Luke. Yep. You took her notebook didn't you? Yep he said again. She guilt tripped you into making sure she was ok when she got "upset" until she got what she wanted? Yep. And knowing she'd have an advantage near the water she made you come out this way? Yep again.

He "punished" you for doing what you did? Yep. But you got your revenge on him anyways? Yep. And now you're even? Yep again. Figures. He shook his head. Sounds like something that would happen between any of us. As long as Farrah's part of it. I heard laughing. Tyson called coming out of the hut like house. That we'd added on to every once in a while. Just Farrah Tyson. Percy told him.

Morning Tyson. I called to him wringing out my wet hair. It's two in the afternoon he yawned. Percy when did you guys get up? 10ish? He questioned Tyson. I'd say so. Percy that was like 4 hours ago. I said drying the rest of my hair. You've been in the water for that long? How are you not a prune right now? That's not very good for your skin. I said shaking my head.

You could be in the water all day and not get all pruny. He pointed out. I'm a mermaid I'm supposed to be in the water. I corrected. We can all get married whenever we want, the boat is always here and we have permission to take it. Are you telling me that Anna's not wanting to plan her part of the wedding? Nah she said you've got it taken care of that you and Luke have been planning to get married since you were little kids. That was a joke I pouted.

We were best friends, that happened to become boyfriend and girlfriend and now are engaged. We always teased about getting married someday, and I'd even began planning it just for the fun of it. Luke decided he'd wanted some kind of say in it. He watched me write stuff down in my little notebook planning things and when I didn't let him see it to help he'd tickled me into letting him help. Same Luke that was just tickling you to stop planning things? Both: Yep.

Ok Fluke ok. Percy teased wrapping an arm around both our shoulders then patting us both walking away into the hut like house. If you need me you know where I'll be. A couple more months passed until we decided that Aug 13 was a good day as any to have our wedding and be back at camp 3 months after that, that it wouldn't just be a wedding it would be an adventure, and instead of a honeymoon it would be an adventure.

Luke wouldn't tell me what places we'd plan on going to he said he wanted it to be a surprise, and it wouldn't be just us. We'd get married here at camp on the boat but for one 24 hours and one only our mom would be able to be with us and dad would even be showing up all of our parents would be showing up for this very special event. And once it would be over we'd hit the open seas and travel the parts of the world that we wanted to or rather had enough time to, there are many hidden things in this world that only our kind would be able to do and we were fortunate enough to be able to get to do them.

It would be the old gang and Percy and Tyson and Clar so myself Grover, Luke, Anna, Thalia, Jack, Percy and Clar. With no problems no worries no responsibilities no map or plan or destination in mind despite my protests it would however be completely amazing, and wonderful, fun filled and loving, and above all magical hey what could possibly go wrong? Isn't the worst of it behind us. Why 3 months? For one that's as long as we given permission to leave camp for and in 3 months we'll be 20. But whose counting?

Don't worry be back before disaster happens. Or at least that's my plan anyways but who knows what the future might hold for us. I clearly don't know especially not when it comes to Luke and my friends and family. The end? If there should ever be another Percy Jackson movie I'll right another but since that appears doubtful.... Well then just remember magic is all around us we just need to be brave enough to see it, and thanks for coming with me on my our adventure. It looks like we all got a happy ending after all. Chow!

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