Let's get out of here!

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By using the magic tape gun we were able to make the cell doors disappear and we were set free, and I used the key. So that was helpful too. Not that I would be needing it anymore now that we'd gone and used the tape. First he got himself free, then used the tape on our doors and we were free to move about the boat, as everyone followed my lead.

We were careful not to wake up the giant monster thing that blocked our path, but then we ran into Chris, and Percy was telling us to run to the lifeboat. He wanted me to go too, but I told him I was staying. Luke good or bad would never let his crew lay a harmful hand on me, or he'd kill them, but as we fought Chris evil Luke saw us and asked his guys to kill the engines of the boat.

Before Tyson and Anna could get to the boats some of E.L. 's guys jumped down to fight them off. And for the most part his guys were no match for our team. Our friends got the boat out into the water. Percy and I were up on the roof. Luke came out to scold us. Come on princess get down off the roof you're gonna hurt yourself.

This should've been just like any other time that we've sailed these waves. Both of us together. You are NOT my Luke! But I'd still never lay a harmful hand on you. Because I love you. No you don't! You don't love me, MY Luke loves me. See that's where you're wrong Jade, I do love you. Good or evil.

Stay here and rule on the open seas with me. I don't want to fight you. Percy told our friends to go that we'd be right behind them, and since Tyson accidently dropped the engine they needed the can of winds to stir them away from the boat into whatever way we needed to be going.

Luke remined us that their was no way out of the prophecy, that it was gonna come true. Percy made a big splash with his powers. Percy created a big wave to surf on to go after our friends. I tried to jump down too, but Luke grabbed me. Hey?! I don't want to hurt you sweetheart. It's funny you know Luke and I have play fought for preparing me for times like this. He never realized how hard I could bite! I smirked, but he said it was my go to move to escape. So good or bad, I'd watch out if I were you!

I smirked and bit down on his arm, as he cried out in pain. If he'd been my Luke I wouldn't had bit so hard, but I made my own wave going after Percy and then Luke recovered and jumped down after us with his own wave. The closer Luke got we were almost at the boat down below he took his hand and flung E.L. away into the water while he held me tight with the other hand.

We approached the boat with our friends. When Luke got his way back to the boat he worked on his plan to make Cronos come back to life, that he needed that fleece just like we did. Percy took control for a little bit of the wind can, the false mist came off of Tyson. Hey Ty? Yes ma'am? Uh, you got a little.... The mist wore off? Yeah. I frowned.

Here let me help you. No, I'll get it it's ok. But the stuff he'd used before ran out. Don't worry it's ok I've got more in my bag. Let me get it. Thanks he frowned. What's the matter? I'm making a mess out of everything. Before Anna could agree I jumped in and hugged him. No you're not its ok you're just a little clumsy I am too. Like brother like sister I guess. And Percy's no better I giggle. He flung water at me with a smirk on his face, and closed the cap.

Hey?! You got me all wet. I transformed. *Ug* I dove into the water. I think I'll just swim beside you no big deal. Here Tyson why don't you stir for a while Percy said handing it to him. Thank you he said to him, no ones ever trusted me with anything before. Not true Ty I trust you if it weren't for the rest of our gang coming along to get the fleece and our friends you'd be the only person on this trip with me, and I trust you.

Is it because they're afraid of you? Percy asked him. Tyson said yes. I'm sorry Ty. He waved me off like it was nothing. He told us how sometime when he was in the mountains he'd seen some boys and they were scared and screamed running away and all he did was smile at them that people take one look at him and think he's a monster and now Anna had look on her face that she was starting to feel bad and.... Both: (Percy and I) You're not a monster. We reassured him then gave each other sad smiles.

Stop being so hard on yourself. Percy told him. Easy for you to say. He told him. Unlike Farrah and I you've never doubted yourself, you've never been in our shoes. We talk about this kind of thing all the time how I was seen as a monster and she was a freak bullied at school abused at home with a brother who had no idea what he was or would ever understand and couldn't know the truth. That the only thing that made her happy was camp, was being the part of herself she could only show to her camp friends. That she missed her best friend and her boyfriend.

But was disappointed she couldn't share it her other best friend her at home best friend the only friend aside from Jack that she had while living with mortals the friend she had that always had her back about all and everything, the friend that at home just so happened to be her brother her twin brother so understanding so accepting of all and everything, but was always in the dark had to be to keep him and his family safe, she only got to see her camp best friend during the summers, and how funny it was that she shouldn't even be friends with her in the first place since their parents were enemies that her other friend died because of her that the nightmares never stop that she wishes I had been more than just a pen pale on the Magicnet. A plan for going after the golden fleece to rewrite her wrongs and bring her friend back to life since she always blamed herself for not being able to protect her and save her that if she could've given her life to save her instead she would, that she was gonna find away to get me out here to go with her and no one would notice she was gone because it would've been like she never even left.

But that in the morning of the fall she'd had to give it all up to go back to staying silent being bullied and being abused just to keep her family safe and her secret from getting out. Sacrifice her powers and her freedom to be with her brother to be with her family no matter how badly she never wanted to go back at the end of each summer or leaver her friends and newest at the time boyfriend to be weak and defenseless. Never being able to show the world let alone her own twin brother who she really was because she didn't want to put him in danger.

I never knew that's how she.... How you felt. Come on back up here. He said pulling my arm. I'm too heavy. I cried as tears dripped down my face. Farrah? He called back to me. I'll just stay in the water where I belong. I don't belong on land Percy, I don't belong in a world full of humans and mortals. I couldn't tell you that's how I felt you'd never would've understood you would never had believed me. You would've yelled at me to grow up and stop making things up. There was no way I could make you believe and even if I did it would've just put you in danger which it did anyways.

Everything is my fault! I couldn't save my friend and now she's a tree which is dying as we speak. I have powers so I had had to hide away in front of mortals in order to seem "normal" mom had to give me false mist to keep me hidden I had to play mute to keep from glass breaking. I had to pretend to be something I wasn't to keep you and the rest of our family safe. But I still couldn't keep you safe.

Or my friends or Luke. Luke was working for our uncle to start war just because he loves me and wanted to protect me you got dragged into this from the lightning bolt. Anna is pretty much terrified of Tyson, dad never talks to us mom had to marry Gabe, I've put us all in danger. Look at us! Look at where we are we're in the middle of nowhere. All because I couldn't protect our friend, and now Luke felt the need that I was surly gonna find myself in some kind of danger and somehow managed to clone himself and it turned into an evil version of himself and now he's trying to pretty much kill us and G-D forbid anything bad happen to anyone I love or care about cause I'll never forgive myself if it does.

I cried and I cried. I wanted to scream but I didn't want to take it out on my friends. I used my powers to speed off. I was scared to hurt anyone I was putting everyone in danger and I'd never forgive myself. Percy was happy where he had been in the world of mortals. I should've never dragged him into this. If Luke didn't love me he never would've gone to steal the bolt from Zeus just to protect me which caused us to be the "lightning thief" which brought Percy into this mess.

If I wasn't around no one would be in danger. Thalia would be alive, her tree wouldn't be dying, there wouldn't be two Luke's Jack and Grover wouldn't be captured by evil look in the sea of monsters. I'm the problem. Me! And watch I'll have to go up against evil Luke for the fleece with all my luck and then the world will end because Luke's stronger than me and Chronos will live again, and everyone will die and it will all be my fault!

Yes I realize how dramatic and end of the world I sound right now but in my mind its all true. Well shoot now we gotta go after her! Has she always been like this? You appear to know her better than I do. And I'm her brother. She sounds more dramatic out in the open but yeah she's always been like this no matter how much I remind her its not her fault or her doing that some of these things can't be helped.

Percy *sighs* ok come 'ere he motions Tyson over. We have to go after her she knows these waters, she probably can point us in the right direction. Just open it slowly. Whoa, whoa take it easy, slow down. He warns. There. You know I would've never trusted him with a normal thermos. Anna tells him. He seems ok to me. I just don't understand what your problem is? He questions.

But that's a story for a new chapter.

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