Kronos rises

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It felt like forever that I stayed like that, they both gave me a sad concerned worried look. Both looked genuine. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I wished and hoped it wouldn't come to that. Evil or good it was a version of Luke wrong or right a version of Luke right or left a version of Luke. Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke. Everywhere I turned there he had been.

Think, come on Farrah think. I reminded myself. I'd know in my heart no matter which Luke I chose the other would probably kidnap us always. Since he'd know I could bare to hurt him. T: You're weak Farrah Snow Jade Jackson! A thought in my mind seemed to remind me.

Wait hold that thought, what is it that I know about clones? I know if I tried to question them, neither of them would technically lie, they'd know all the answers. Wait?! The clone Luke said something about drowning Percy, but Percy never got to drown Luke. Luke and Percy became friends and would soon be brothers in law, and Tyson would technically be step brother in law, and Anna and Percy ever got married she'd be my sister in law, and Luke's.

Wait remove those silly thoughts from your head right now, now is NOT the time for cheesy romance. I'd ask him that again, but he may have corrected that mistake. I could ask them a trick question. That might work. I could find someway to enchante my necklace or ring.... But would it work, and would it point me in the right direction.

But then I remembered that if you're hypnotized you can't lie. If I hypnotized a clone and he lied then the other. A clone can't feel, not in the same way the original would be able to feel. Sure they both love me, probably both full heartedly and genuinely. But that's not the kind of feel I'm talking about. A clone could resist, they wouldn't have the full persona. A clone usually nothing more than a part then the original. However, with each clone version the original version becomes weaker.

If I used my own tactic/ theory and if it were easier to use his probably only weakness aside from the cheesy romantic "You're my only weakness." It would be easier, and if the original is weaker it would be more difficult to push me off, to flip me onto my back and return the playful gesture. Hm.... I smiled with a sly smirk. Then I thought back on what Jack said, as I approached the two in front of me.... Jack: Right is wrong. He'd said.

T: Right is wrong? Hm.... If that's so then my Luke should be the one on the left, but I wanted my proof. He'd been gone, made me suffer, not by choice, but he'd also created him in the first place, and never lets me get away with trying to get him back when he tickles me all the time, him and Percy both. More now after Luke's comment in the elevator of works every time to Percy when we were getting to exit said elevator.

It was my turn and if said theory worked it would be just TOO easy on my part. Oh yes I was gonna have some fun with this. It was my turn now. I smirked a smile that went from cheek to cheek, looking between each one. Come closer Luke's. I motioned with a single finger. I know how to figure out which one is which, and when I'm done if you haven't figured out how I'll be more than thrilled to explain when we get back home. When it's just the two of us.

This test will be simple, I was gonna just ask you questions until someone gave a wrong answer, but then I realized you'd both know every answer. I could've asked how you were defeated, but the wrong Luke might've changed his answer after learning the correct answer when he took the original Luke, so that wouldn't had worked either. But, for this time and this time only you must both promise me not to get me back after this cause I know you'd want your playful revenge afterwards.

I watched the one on the right not even bat an eye, I watched the one on the left flitch even the tiniest of bits. I want you both to playfully fight me, and the first one of us pinned loses. You know I've never lost a game. Oh Luke I don't want to hurt you, either of you, and I know neither of you will ever lay a single harmful hand on me. At least not purposely, and try not to even in our play fights. I tease and giggle.

Twins of a water G-D Cyclops stepbrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora