The boat

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Swimming along side the magical horse with the rest of my friends on it. We finally got to the boat. Well there she is, back that thing up and let's get going. We had to whisper since it was late at night. No matter which Luke we saw he'd be more than happy to see me. But which Luke would we see?

I climbed out of the water drying my scales and once I was human again Percy helped me up. And we went on our way. Once we were inside we had to hide a way. We watched as some of evil Luke's minions walked around. We needed to be very quiet but Tyson was very noisy.

This is a great boat. He says. Yeah. I say in awe smiling towards him. It really is. In some ways it feels like home. With just the two of us Luke and I. Getting our permission to leave camp for our trip. Surrounded by dad's creations. So how and where do we find our friends? Anna asks. Well Farrah's precious evil version of her wonderful boyfriend is probably keeping them below deck in some kind of brig.

Perce this boat doesn't have a brig. I should know I know all the ins and outs of this boat. Follow me. I call as they follow me around. We looked around and saw evil Luke's crew and they had a golden trunk. Being kept under a tarp. But behind us Tyson pointed out a problem. A zombie kind of looking monster. That was our cue to get out of there. Percy grab Farrah we need to get out of here. Anna called.

When the monster turned we were gone. But as we ran around Tyson making a lot of noise we'd escaped one monster but on the boat was a different monster altogether. I sure don't remember there being any monsters on the boat before. Well maybe your little boy toy's evil self figured we'd come after him and upped his security. Percy told me as we kept running along.

Tyson do you have to be so loud?! Anna asked him. He tried to apologize but it was no use. We had ourselves a very big problem. Both monsters and the crew that evil Luke had put together. All after us. Our friend Chris from camp was E.L. right hand as we were all captured and brought to E.L.

Guess whose here? What a lovely surprise. My girlfriend and her friends are all here. Let go of her! Luke demanded. Luke what is the meaning of this?! Oh my princess you know I'd never lay a harmful hand on you. And I won't let anyone else either. He glared at Chris. Where is he? If you're refereeing to my good other half, he's not as perfect as you think.

I know you're not Luke, not either part of you, but that's one of reasons why I love you. Either one of you. I'm just confused as to why there are two of you. That's simple he created me. No he'd never do that! He would if he wanted to protect you. He'd go to Hell and beyond for you. Now wouldn't he? He asks brushing my hair to the side. Or rather wouldn't I?

You're not MY Luke. That's funny I believe I recall you telling Percy when your Luke was thought to be the villain that even if your Luke was the evilest evil villain in the world that as long as he was still your Luke you'd be with him. When I said that my Luke good or evil would never hurt anyone. But you're nothing like him. Oh Sweetheart that's where you're wrong, this is just the side of me you've never seen before.

My Luke is NOT Evil in anyway. He smirks at me, then kisses my forehead. Don't touch her! Percy and Tyson yell to him. And who do we have here? I'm Tyson I'm their step brother I'm part cyclops. Are you now? He used some of my false mist. That's why he looks like the rest of us. Now I'm gonna ask again! Where is he?! They where are they? Anna corrected.

Same difference I scolded not taking my eyes off of the Luke in front of me. Oh my darling those pretty little friends of yours are the very LEAST of your worries. They should be somewhere in the sea of monsters by now. You're not just trying to keep us from getting it.... Percy starts. I (he) needs it too. We both say. Look at that, we're in sync. Every couple has their little quarrels think of this one as our first.

The only thing IDK is why. I need it to revive something much more powerful than a tree. You wanna see it? He shows us the trunk they were hiding. In it were the remains of Cronos. But Luke, you can't do that! I pleaded. He'll destroy everything the whole world. With all of us in it. Is that what you want? You won't lay a harmful hand on me or anyone else but this THING isn't anyone.

The G-Ds and G-Desses had their turn. Now it's ours. But Luke you know I need that fleece. I cried. That I've been searching for a way to save our friend from her curse. To bring her back to life. Day after day week after week month after month year after year.... This is the only thing that will bring her back the only way to save her. All my hard work will have been for nothing if I don't get to finish the job.

Don't you get it?! You are what's most important to me. We can start a new world each and everyone of us. Including your precious good part of myself. He created me to be there for you if there was a time that he couldn't be. To protect you to love you, and like that ring on your finger, he says holding up my hand. A promise to marry you and live out our immortal lives together. He held his hand up to mine interlocking our fingers. As he took his other hand to brush my tears away.

Don't cry my princess. You know how much we love you. I'd never do anything to purposely hurt you, or my friends. Luke we saw your dad he told us to tell you, both parts of you that he knows that he made some mistakes but that just because you're mad at him either part of you that doesn't mean that you should be mad at the world. Luke and I are gonna be together forever and I wouldn't be able to wait to marry you, as long as their was just the one. With both halves when you separate yourself you lose control of the other half. They become their own person.

I wasn't intended to be evil. Along the way I became evil, but good or evil I'll always love you. We'll always love you. Forever. Stay here with me, forget about everything and everyone else. Isn't one Luke enough? If my father wanted to talk to any part of me, he would've done it himself. Doesn't that sound familiar? Take them to the Brig. Brig? What brig there is no brig on this ship?!

Well then I guess you really don't know every part of the ship just like you don't know every part of me. IDK you you're not my Luke. You're the part I want no part of. Thalia was our friend she sacrificed herself for us. Really Annabeth? You're gonna lecture me about loyalty when you're the one hanging around a cyclops? You're the one that disappoints me the most.

When we were down in there it was my choice to be down there with them. I wasn't staying by that phony evil version of my boyfriend. I'd rather go through Hell and back again. So I went with them per choice. However, while down there Anna had a piece of tree with her Thalia's tree was still dying the longer we took. Soon there would be no hope for any of us.

Anna was still worried about Tyson. But with me next to him. I reminded him that everything was ok. It's ok Tyson we're gonna be ok. His bag was stuck on a hook. He felt terrible. I'm sorry I got us into this mess. It's not you're fault Tyson I reminded him reaching my hand through the bars to grab his hand. Besides I reminded him, you're still the only real person that I was gonna go on this quest with in the first place, our quest has just changed a little bit now.

More people, a different quest altogether. Still after the fleece but now we need to get our friends back. Are you really gonna marry him? I am not that version of him my Luke would never hurt a fly. If he could help it. He does everything to protect me because he loves me. Even create evil versions of himself that weren't meant to be evil in the first place. You see this ring its not an engagement ring yet, just a promise ring.

But someday it will be and then it will be a wedding ring and you me and Percy you three will be brothers in law step half or other, and so will Annabeth she'll be part of the family too. If and when Percy marries her too. I say smirking over at them. But they were talking too so they didn't hear everything that we just said. And good thing too I'd never hear the end of it.

Farrah? Percy suddenly called. You know everything about this boat right? I thought I did Perce. I frowned. Hey you know that's not our Luke. Our? Luke's my friend. And when you're married he'll be my brother in law. The real Luke isn't such a bad guy and I know he'd never do anything to hurt anyone, that he loves you. And would to Hell and back for you and I know because we went through it.

Is there anyway out of here? Not without a key. I *sigh* Well then I guess we're doing things the hard way. Hold onto something. Why? Tyson's backpack. There's gotta be something useful in it. Once we got the boat moving and the two water demi G-Ds used their powers together.... We had the bag and we were home free. Sorta.

Oh I almost forgot. What's that, that just fell out of your pocket? This is.... This is uh the thing I forgot about during all that chaos. I forgot about it till it fell out. But its a key that I managed to grab from the other Luke when he was trying to be all sweet. Come on let's get out of here!

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