His kind killed her

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As promised we're gonna hear the story of why Anna hates Tyson. And that I actually probably should because of this reason also, or if not hate then fear his kind. Cause for one very important reason. His kind killed her his a cyclops killed Thalia. What is your problem with Tyson? He questioned her. Perce please stop?! Because you don't know what we know about them. Percy a cyclops killed her, and had it not been for the barrier going up and my friends not letting me protect her I would be in her position also.

I'm sorry, I didn't know. Yeah, well it's not something we like talking about or sharing. Why are you ok with him? She asked me. Aren't you scared don't you want to hate him too? I hate what the other one did, I'm terrified of the one that killed her, and when Tyson told me what he was I was scared at first, until we got to talking. And he showed me a picture of him.

Tyson would never even hurt a fly. He's a little clumsy and that's putting it lightly and he messes up sometimes, but nobody's perfect and he's still family, and I love him, stepbrother or blood he's still my brother and I love him. Shortly after storm clouds started rise above us. They started to get closer and closer.

We have now approached the land of the sea of monsters. And then the boat stopped. This was not good. What's wrong Tyson? I should've used two hands. It's ok Tyson everyone makes mistakes. Anna was upset but she wasn't mad at Tyson, she was mad at Percy for letting him have it in the first place. It's alright I reassured him I'll just swim down and get it.

No, Percy warned grabbing my hand. It's too dangerous get in here and turn back into your human form. Alright then, then help me up. I'm a little heavier with a tail now. As if you weighed anything to begin with. Here let me. Tyson told him having Anna scoot over. My brothers pulled me up into the boat. I used my mermaid magic to transform back. Farrah you're freezing. Percy said to me.

Here hang on hold that thought. Tyson said, as he went searching through his backpack. You're always swimming around in the cold wet waters and always that Jack Frost guy, I figured you'd get cold at some point. I brought this for you. He said handing me a jacket that he brought. Thanks Tyson. I said giving him a smile as I took it from him. Anything for family.

And then everything changed when we saw huge fins pop out of the water surrounding us. Good thing too. Look! Tell me those aren't sharks. No, but right now I wish they were. Everyone start paddling! Percy told us. With Tyson pretty much useless and me freezing it was up to Anna and Percy to get us out of this mess. Tyson held me tight to protect me and keep me warm. Percy's powers weren't working. Oh no, that means this beyond dad's domain. The sea of monsters is not in his domain. We're really in trouble now.

And soon we were swallowed up alive by the currents, and landed in a pile of dead ships. It was no wonder ships never came back once they were in this area they had also been swallowed up too just like us. But we weren't the only ones. And once we got a good look around we discovered we were in the stomach of the beast that had swallowed us up.

Watch your step. Farrah are you ok? I'm fine. I'm terrified but I'm fine. What is this stuff? Tyson asked. I don't think you want to know. Anna told him. This has got to be the worst way to die. She exclaimed. We're not gonna die Anna! We're gonna get out of here. Normally a positive attitude is a good thing, but just remember that once you disappear from the sea of monsters no one has been there and back and lived to tell the tale.

But like I said we weren't alone Clarise was down here too, we started making our way towards the shouting. Once we got there we found a big boat, about half the size of Luke's yacht. IDK what happened to the crew she had but her new crew was a bunch of zombies. And we were all about to get digested. If we didn't find away out of there fast!

Percy came up with a pretty good plan actually to get Clar to steer the ship and give the monster a stomach ache. Which might just work with we don't die first. But it was worth a shot. Everyone else was told to go below deck Percy would fire whatever Clar wanted him to shoot at the thing while she steered us out. They'd have to put aside their differences and work together so that we'd be the first "people" to disappear and come to tell the tale of the sea of monsters.

Still Clar made it 100% known that this was still her quest and not to mess it up for her. But now was not the time to be brutally honest with her, that this was my quest that I had planned or been planning since Thaila died. Go on the journey with Tyson and no one else and get the golden fleece and return back to camp, but now really it was our quest, but Clar had been chosen to take her group and go on it even though Anna was the one that mentioned it and the Oracle told us it was Percy and I's quest.

And now just like the cave of wonders.... We.... Were.... Outta there! And to mention all in one piece might I add? Grover, Jack, Luke here we come! But once we were free we were going in the wrong direction, we made that clear to Clar by being able to see a grid in front of us due to our powers, now that the storm was over our powers were working again. Dad was showing us which way we needed to be going, but if we kept going in the way we were headed we'd be in FL.

And soon we now knew what the crazy ladies in the cab were talking about those weirdo numbers were coordinates. We had to follow them. And in the cab they could "see" us. They knew we'd figured it out. And we told the others about the coordinates.

Too bad as we sailed on that we were running out of time. As Anna pulled out Thalia's tree leaf it was still dying. We had to get the fleece and get back ASAP! Like a week ago ASAP! I can just hope that nothing bad happens to my friend or to us, and that we get there on time and fulfil the prophecy. And once all that was sorted out, get rid of evil Luke, and marry the good Luke and become one big happy family. For the rest of eternity. But baby steps, one crisis at a time, and right now that was finding our friends and getting the fleece.

So, we sailed on until we reached land. The place where we needed to be was at an amusement park or rather there was one built on top of the island we needed to be at. And when the zombie crew wanted to turn around. Clar wanted to dock. And dock we would.

Twins of a water G-D Cyclops stepbrotherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن