We are where we need to be

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After doing so, we all get off of the boat onto the nice good land. Funny hearing that from a "fish" isn't it? Our maybe not so much since there has been a story about a fish out of water that had dreamt about becoming human. I'm sure we're all familiar with it. Some kind of distant cousin I'm sure. Anyways.... I'll tell you one thing this place was creepy with a capital C! Much to dark and gloomy for my taste. But I must clear all thoughts of that we are here for one purpose and one purpose only if you don't count possibly finding the golden fleece which was our main goal to begin with, but to find our friends.

But with our friend dying back at home and camp in danger our time was once again limited, we didn't exactly have time to search this whole place. I stayed as close to my brothers as possible. Where I knew I felt safe, just until I'd get my Luke back. And Jack and Grover too. I know my Luke he'd never try to hurt anyone. He'd never do any of this. But he was meant to be good to protect me when the original Luke couldn't. G-D forbid something go wrong. But this much?! Well I mean it's us, I'm not surprised anymore, at this point I expected things like this to end up happening.

I don't think we'll have to Percy said suddenly nudging me. Plummet of death? How.... Subtle? Something big had to have come through this way. Yeah, but it just doesn't scream "cyclops" to me Clar said. Then we heard a loud roaring sound. That proved otherwise, not that we knew that's what it was, but if the island was rumored about a good place to find a cyclops since one destroyed it, well 80% beats 50%.

How about now? That sounded like a sign if I ever heard one. At least there's no line Tyson teased. Yes of course, there's that. I teased back. As Percy nudged me. HT: Farrah the faster we go inside, the faster you can find your precious Luke again. Shut up! I teased playfully pushing at him as I led on. What was that all about? Both: It's a twin thing! He was heard closer, my voice seemed more distant as I ran ahead.

Wait Farr's wait up! He suddenly called after me. I stopped in my tracks at the ride in front of me. When I felt a hand brush my shoulder. It's ok Farrah. Percy reassured me, while Tyson took my hand. After everything we just went through this should be a piece of cake. Anna reminded me. Come on let's go save our friends. Percy encouraged. We might need a push.

As we started pushing it and it began to move, I swallowed hard as we all jumped in. I clung on tight to my brothers, shutting my eyes. But it turns out there was nothing to be scared of, it was slow, there were no drops it wasn't loud or dark, didn't go backwards or up or down. Our gang started whispering it's a small world until Clar got annoyed with us. Then we hit a bump. Hold on Percy warned as we came to a stop.

That wasn't so bad was it? He asked me gently squeezing my hand. I thought it would've been a roller coaster. Yeah, it does look like it should've been. Doesn't it? Getting out of said ride Percy helped me out, and now we know why Grover was so scared to come here. I just hope my friends are ok. When we heard a loud booming voice and watched something break and shatter we hid back not to be seen.

Grover was dressed up in some kind of disguise, the cyclops had what we were looking for and because part of that disguise included a fake one eye the giant cyclops thought he was a cyclops, how it had been two days since he'd eaten, that he'd had any half bloods and was looking for Grover's kind. Probably to eat him. I was scared, if he was talking about eating half bloods.... MT: Luke?! Percy grabbed my hand, and rubbed his thumb over it. HT: He's ok, our friends are ok. We're gonna be ok. I looked up at him with pleading eyes hoping and wishing that would be true.

That I couldn't wait to feel his touch again. To run into his arms, throw my arms around him, hug him, kiss him, marry him. I played with my ring, and my necklace. Even without the pearl, it's still pretty, it's still mine, it's still a part of Luke and I. That's it, just think happy thoughts Percy whispered into my ear. I took a deep breath calming down.

The cyclops said that he could just eat Grover had he not had been a cyclops. With hunger his eye sight got worse. Once the cyclops left, we called Grover over. Percy was concerned why he was in a dress. Clar took a picture of him in it. Grover where are Jack and Luke? I asked. They're fine, at least for now. Look, the guy is half blind I'm using my best survival skills here. I'm having a really bad day!

He said he was trying to stay alive long enough to figure out a way to get the fleece off of him. And did you? Do you think I'd still be dressed like this if I did? I'd like to see you come up with a way that you could've gone on this quest on your own Jackson. He gestured to me. Uh hello I've got my own real cyclops here. I gestured up and down to Tyson. I'd get the fleece he would've talked with him and distracted him until we had it then ran for our lives, and if nothing else had asked Luke if the pearls could get us anywhere else aside from outside of Hade's lair. If the answer was yes we'd take whatever random pearls he might have stolen from his dad and went there and got out.

Our ship is fiiinnnee! Yeah all but the jail cells. We would've used it as transportation. I think our plan was to get married on it. And then travel around together on one of our trips for our honeymoon. I'm sure Luke wouldn't mind having a double wedding. I teased wiggling my eyebrows at Percy and Anna. Both: Shut up! They teased. Hey, look now isn't the time for this Percy cut us off. We need to get that fleece and get out of here.

Our gang had a plan, Grover would distract him, Percy and Clar would go one way, Tyson and Anna another, and myself to go find our friends. With a hook Clar tried to grab the fleece off of his shoulder, his eye sight wasn't so good but his nose worked just fine, kind of. Couldn't smell Grover's real scent which was good but could as heck could smell half bloods, but even then he wasn't exactly 100% sure if that's what he was smelling.

The cyclops started going after Clar and Percy when he felt the fleece move, was gonna eat them, but Tyson jumped up and tried to distract him. That we were his friends, and he was hoping they could talk cyclops to cyclops, while Clar and Percy snuck around staying out of sight. The other cyclops told Tyson he was a traitor to his kind. However, as Tyson was being brutally honest Percy made his move to jump up and over the giant cyclops and grab the fleece. That yes, but no because we're his kind.

He smacked Tyson away and he went flying. Percy tried to run off. Tyson? I called after him. I'll be fine go he ushered me away. Now Percy was being smacked around, and I couldn't just go on and get Jack and Luck when my friends here were hurt. He tossed the fleece to Anna who ran off with it. Then to Clar, Anna got thrown onto the other side of the cave, or nearly while Percy went after Clar.

Grover ripped off his costume and he and Clar ran off away from him. We ran away knocking things over, our friends weren't down there. Tyson pushed a boulder down blocking his path, as he then grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could away from there. At least we had the fleece. But where were our friends?

We turned and saw Luke's minions but not Luke himself. That was either really good or really bad. Percy had the fleece, there was one room or another cave entrance that I ran to, Chris was the head of these goons. The others looked like they were gonna chase after me. Let her go, she's got a choice of her own to make up ahead. He smiled evilly. Now, I must be getting that fleece to Luke. I'm heading that way anyways. He gestured in my direction.

Give it to me. Percy wouldn't. The rest of the gang got "kidnaped." Chris held up an arrow launcher to point at Percy. But Tyson took the hit for him, telling Percy he'd do the same for him, then fell into the water below possibly dead, no one could've survived that fall. Not even a child of Poseidon. In the next section over, I'd found Jack, and freed him. You're ok! I wrapped my arms around him. G-D I've missed you. You know I'm not Luke right? He teased. Shut up Frost. No time for hellos and how are yous find the group, I'll find Luke.

Wait, Farrah. Right is wrong. After saying that he ran off leaving me confused. I turned my attention to behind me.... Luke. I called a big smile on my face, I started running to the Luke in front of me his arms wide open for me. My girl. He smiled. Then another Luke came.... No, don't! The other Luke warned. One had came down from the left the other from the right. Now there stood two Luke's in front of me again.

I had to pick which one was which. Both of them came to stand in front of me. I thought this would be easy, that I'd know my true Luke anywhere, but good or evil he's my Luke both of them technically are, but one is a clone, the other the real deal. There had to be someway to tell them apart. I ran my thumb over my ring and then over my necklace. I closed my eyes taking in a breath, blinking back tears hoping my necklace would give me strength.

I'm scared. I cried. Don't be scared Jade, I'm the real Luke, the one on the right told me. No, he's lying, it's me Jade, I'm the real Luke the one on the left told me. Why are there two of you? Which one is the real Luke? Both: I am, no I am! Both: Jade! I stepped back, holding my breath, looking between the two Luke's. I covered my ears with my head, bending down in emotional pain tears wouldn't stop flowing. I didn't know what to do or who to trust, and Jack's words didn't make any sense to me. I knew it was a warning, I knew it was important, but IDK why. I fell to my knees, I knew I had to make a choice, I just needed to know how, I needed some kind of proof.

Twins of a water G-D Cyclops stepbrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon