A great sacrifice

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My brother never thought any of this ever existed, but then we went on an amazing quest, now he does believe the G-Ds are real, and sometimes they come down and make love with mortals and create demi G-Ds, like my brother and I. But 7 years ago, one I still recall, my first summer at camp half blood, my mother has been bringing me here for a long time now, but that day, I wish I could tell you, that it was amazing, which it was because I'd made so many friends, but I'd also lost one.

Mom had dropped me off as far as she could go, and then she'd left hugging and kissing me goodbye, as I'd used my powers to make Percy forget any of it. I had everything I needed with me. Jack met me at the halfway point, we'd been best friends forever. With him there was a familiar boy. His name was Grover, and he was one of Percy's best friends. But he was really confused to see me.

He'd had no idea that I knew about any of this, or what I was. That day I'd also met Annabeth, who didn't like me very well at first, but it didn't take long for her to be ok with me, and then there was Luke, it was the first time we'd met each other also, and there was one more, her name was Thalia Grace, and we were all best friends. We'd made a pack that we'd always be friends.

We were at least a mile away from camp, that was as far as mom could go, and she definitely wouldn't had been able to pass through the gate, but she promised that at the end of the summer she'd come and get me again. It was hard saying goodbye, but I knew it had to be for the best.

I'd been sad to see her go, but Jack had reassured me that everything was gonna be ok, he'd came shortly after my mom had left. We'd never been younger than us, or as young as us, and I myself had always known his secret, at the time he was kind of like an older brother, since my twin brother wasn't there, he was my care taker since my mom couldn't be there for me.

He was there when the monster followed us on our way to camp. We were almost there, we'd almost made it to the gate and into camp, where it was the only safe place on the Earth for us as immortals, he'd tried to protect me from the monster, but I insisted that I was protecting everyone else. Are you crazy? Grover asked me, we're your protectors, let us do the protecting!

Luke got caught on a tree, and hurt his ankle. Anna and Grover helped him. From my head from my father's voice I'd always heard him, he said my demi G-D name was Jade, Jack had given me the nickname Snow and it had stuck. I knew about my powers, I knew what I was.... Jade?! Luke had called to me. I'd turned to him. Somewhere along the way my friends started calling me Jade.

We'd gotten to be quick fast friends, we were all quickly best friends. Thalia and I insisted that we were protecting everyone from this monster, but the others didn't want us to sacrifice ourselves. Thalia was the daughter of Zeus himself, which is probably another reason why he didn't let G-Ds and G-Desses live their lives her on Earth with their families, because of his own daughter.

Thalia gave her life for the rest of us, and I'd tried to do the same. I'd been able to use my powers to hurt the monster, but I wasn't trained enough to help everyone. They'd told me to stop, told me that I didn't know what I was doing, Zeus had created a way for his daughter to live, to protect her life, by making her soul a tree, the magic tree that kept out bad terrible things like the monster. But as I tried to use my powers before it could happen, they didn't want to work.

I'd had the opportunity to save her, and I wanted to, but everything else had been working against me. Thalia! I'd screamed, as everyone held me back. There was nothing I could do to have stopped this, but since then I've been looking for a cure to bring her back, with little to no success so far, and since then its been at least 8 years since then, maybe 9. I'd past out, using up all my power, but, before I could close my eyes, as I'd laid in Jack's arms on the ground, all my friends surrounded Thalia and I.

I was low enough that, I was able to reach out, and rest my hand on Luke's leg, and heal whatever part of him had been hurt, but I'd wished that I'd been able to do the same with Thalia. I'd felt like it was my fault that she died, but as I closed my eyes, and the magic barrier went up, that had been created closer to the gate, the rest of us were safe, Jack took me to the water, to heal.

After transforming, he took me to the home my father had built for Percy and I, and from that day forward, we were all a full pack, despite that Jack and Anna wanted to be on red vs blue later on for team activity, the thing was, this wasn't just some summer camp, the others stayed there all the time, this wasn't their first time, they'd all known each other longer than I had, but that didn't matter to us.

Thalia protects the rest of us, because of her tree, and it protects where we live, so that those out to get us can't get in. But it doesn't stop things we can't see from getting in, like nightmares, constant nightmares of that all happening, again and again, time after time, day after day, weeks, months, years, I couldn't help it, I felt so guilty. THALILA! I'd woken up screaming, sitting straight up in bed, grasping the necklace Luke gave me, despite the blue pearl is missing now.

I'd felt a warm hand around my waist and another playing with my hair. Sh, sh, he'd called groggily, as he now sat up too, wrapping his arms around me. Tears sprang my eyes, as transformation hit me. Luke panicked, wrapping the blanket around me. Lay back down, he whispered into my ear sweetly. It was just a bad dream sweetheart.

No, I turned to him, as he propped himself up, wiping my tears away, playing with my hair. I shook my head. It's not just a bad dream. I could've done something. You did do something, something more than any of us did, and even after you tried to protect her, after we didn't also want you getting hurt, you've always been more concerned about others, and as you closed your eyes before passing out, that you even were able to heal me as well.

He took my hand and intertwined our fingers, now that nothing was wet on me, a couple mins later I was in my human form again. He brushed back my hair. Don't think of it as just Thalia and her great sacrifice, think of it also as a milestone in your life. Which one? I know that, that was the day you also met Annabeth, but I want you to think of it and remember it as the day we became best friends, and that since then every summer since then that friendship has grown into this beautiful relationship.

And every time you think of something bad, I want you to think about how something good came out of it. And that's us, being together. Safe, sound and protected. Now, get up, and do whatever it is you do to change outfits, I'll go get you something to eat, and then we'll go pick up Percy and go out and do some practice. I know you love practice. He kissed me and got up. I love you, he whispered. I love you too, I whispered back to him.

He left, and I changed (outfit 2) as I put my hair up into a ponytail, and put my shoes on. I'm gonna go get my brother, and we'll meet you there. Fine. I went to the hut, and knocked on the door. Percy? Percy? I'd called again. I looked all over the house whatever for him, when I'd made it out on the dock, suddenly I'd been pushed in and grabbed his hand as I fell. *Ug* I said flicking water at him. Where did you come from? I've been looking for you everywhere.

I hid around everywhere you looked, until I had you where I wanted you. Come on we've got things to do, and practice to have. Can that wait, let's take a dive? Might as well, we ARE already in the water you dork. I said pushing his shoulder. Great, let me go change. He came back in a pair of swim shorts. Get in here, before I drag you in. We'd stayed there for what seemed like ever.

*Ug* That's my phone, I told Luke I'd come get you and meet him at practice. We climbed out, and I answered my phone. Me: Yeah, yeah I know, we're coming. I didn't let him say anything. We gotta go. I said climbing out and drying myself with my powers. Ooh, he teased. Shut up, I said playfully pushing him. As I wringed out my hair, he threw a shirt on, and changed into a real pair of pants, and we left.

There you are, I was getting worried. Luke said hugging me. Don't get worried, Percy and I decided we were taking a dip in the water. In other words he pushed you in, and you pulled him under? I've taught you so well babe. I smirked. Well let's get this party started, the boys cheered. And that's how our adventure all started.

Twins of a water G-D Cyclops stepbrotherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن