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"You slept with Tristan!?" Charlotte whispered when she caught up to me in the hall.

"You could say that," I smirked to her, closing the book I was reading.

"You whore!" Charlotte laughed at me. I playfully shoved her in the side as we continued to walk down the hall. I had yet to see Logan, but I could care less.

Once we turned down a different hallway, I noticed Tristan at his locker, "Hey," he casually says, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I gave him a smile and leaned into him.

"Disgusting," Charlotte joked from beside us.

"How does coffee after school sound?" Tristan asked me as we continued walking to our next class. I hummed in response, nodding my head.

We walked into our next class, Tristan's arm still over my shoulder, and I stumbled over my feet when I saw Logan. He looked at me with the most furious expression.

Instead of sitting in my usual seat in front of him, I sat across the room in front of Tristan. News hadn't yet spread around the school about what happened between Tristan and I, so I knew Logan had no idea.

The look was because of how Tristan had his arm sling over my shoulder, what Logan usually does.

For the rest of class I could feel Logan's eyes on me. I had zero clue what I was doing or what kind of situation I was in. I just knew the way Logan treated me after dinner was not right.

Maybe my thing with Tristan was irresponsible, but he made me happy after what had happened. And I wasn't planning on starting anything serious with him, and I knew he had the same thoughts.

"To the Camaro," Tristan said once the bell rang, he picked up my bag and started to walk out of class. Before I could make it out I could hear Logan call my name.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, still looking furious.

"Going to get coffee," I innocently replied, grabbing the book I had on my desk.

"With Tristan. What are you doing with Tristan," Logan pointed in the direction of the door. I failed to respond, "Fine, if you want to play that game-"

"There's no game Logan," I scoffed at him, "I'm allowed to hangout with people."

"There's a difference between people and Tristan. He's just trying to get into your pants."

My head snapped up at Logan's words. The audacity he had to judge me and Tristan, "He already did."

I spun away and walked out of the classroom, leaving Logan stuck in the spot he was in.


Logan was frozen in place once he heard the words come out of Victoria's mouth. The sudden attraction he felt towards her was eating him alive, but the things that Honor had told him felt true.

He knew that Victoria never had any interest in Tristan from the times she ranted about his obsession about vocalizing his sex life. Victoria wasn't the type of person to hook up with guys, she was the type of person to put her education first.

The anger her felt towards the two was intense, but Logan knew he had talk some sense into her.

He ran out towards the parking lot knowing Victoria never drove herself, so she would be riding with Tristan.

He was too late, he saw Victoria's hand out the window of Tristan's Camaro. She was fighting the wind, Logan thought, she loved to fight the wind.

He Was Home [logan huntzberger]Where stories live. Discover now