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"You know with the way you're looking at her, you'll probably scare her away," Charlotte whispered to me as I watched a new girl walk through the halls of Chilton.

"Shut up Lottie, I just hate that I don't know anything about her," I said, trying to pry the information right out of the girls head.

"Lorelai "Rory" Gilmore. 4.0 GPA. From Stars Hollow with dozens of teacher references," Paris chirped from behind me. Of course she already conducted a background check on the girl.

Rory did not seem like the type of girl that would cause trouble around here, but I'm sure Paris thinks otherwise.

"She needs to go down," she said on command. I rolled my eyes at her comment, knowing Paris sees everyone as competition, "C'mon Victoria, you're telling me you're not at all worried that Rory could take over? From what I've read in her file, she's a threat."

"Unlike you Paris, I'm confident that my spot at top in the class won't be affected," I replied while walking to my next class, "You, on the other hand, will get your ass twisted with hers if you let her get into your head."

Usually Paris got too caught up in trying to take someone down before seeing if they would even stand a chance.

When making it into my next class with Mr. Remmy, I noticed Rory right away. She looked as scared as it could get when it's your first day at a new school.

"Watch out for Paris Geller," I said to Rory as I took the seat next to her, "She already sees you as a threat."

"She sees everyone as a threat, even me," I heard my favorite voice say from behind me.

I turned around to face Logan, "And I still don't understand that," I then gave my attention back to Rory, "Hi I'm Victoria Vanderbilt."

"Vanderbilt as in the-"

"Yes as in the railroad industry," I sighed, knowing that last name gave people opinions.

"I'm Rory Gilmore, as in... Lorelai Gilmore. My mom has the same name," she rambled nervously. Logan let out a laugh.

"That's Logan, don't let him bother you. He has Huntzberger tattooed on his ego," I said which gave Rory a slight laugh. "But I know your grandparents, our families are quite close actually!"

I knew that Rory would need someone that wasn't going to befriend her just to tear her down. She needs an actual friend.

Before Rory could reply Mr. Remmy began the lecture.


"And while French culture was the dominant outside cultural influence, especially for Russia's monied class, English culture also had it's impact. Tolstoy's favorite author, for instance, was..."

"Dickens," Victoria spoke.

"Yes, and last week we discovered Dostoevski's main authorial influences-"

"George Sand and Balzac", she continued.

Rory looked at the girl as her nerves plummeted further. She thought that there was no way she could catch up to the kids that have already been going here. But she was ready to try, and try as hard as she could.

Rory thought that Victoria was a nice person, as she was the only one that introduced herself kindly. She could tell that her and Logan were close when she noticed the way he would slightly tap on Victoria's shoulder every time the teacher asked him a question.

And when she would touch his hand when he answered correctly.


"Um Victoria," I barely heard from behind me. I spun around to see Rory with stacks of binders piled in her arms, "Mr. Remmy told me that it would be a good idea to get someone's notes just for further information. You seem to know everything in that class so I was just wondering-"

"Here," I said, handing her my notebook for his class, "Everything you need to know is in here. Listen, Rory, there are going to be people here that won't like you since you are smart. They're going to want to prevent you from getting ahead. I want to be on your side, but I do know when someone is using me or going behind my back, and I rarely give second chances. People like Paris are only scared that you'll be better than them because you actually have the chance to. I, on the other hand, am hard to beat. But I do want to help you. Here's my number, call me if you ever need to."

I scribbled my number down on the first page of my notebook, giving it back to Rory. A look of relief washed over her face as she realized not everyone in this school had their pride up their ass.

"Thank you Victoria, this really means a lot," she smiled at me.

"Call me Ri. Most of my friends do. Just don't call me anything along the lines of Tori, Tor, or T or else Logan may go all territorial on you," I laughed, linking my arms with the girl. Rory smiled, happy that she found a friend.

We walked to the cafeteria together and people stared. They stared at Rory who somehow managed to become friends with me.

That was one thing I hated about this school. The social standards. I just wished that for once that everyone treated each other the same. But this is Chilton.

But at Chilton, the only way to survive is your social standard.

"You're fraternizing with the enemy?!" Paris scoffed, storming up to the table Logan, Charlotte, and I sat at. Rory shifted in her seat at Paris' words.

"Seeming that you are so worried about Rory, maybe you should be worried about yourself. Only someone who is insecure would be scared of losing there spot. Which is not top of the class, may I remind you," I said back to Paris, keeping my eyes on The Secret Garden that I held in my hands.

"Get it together Paris', I see wrinkles in your future," Charlotte laughed from beside me, also earning a high five from Logan.

Paris gave up, for now, and went to her own table. But she kept her eyes locked on Rory. That poor girl, she has no idea what is coming for her.

"You know, a coffee sounds really good right about now," I sighed as Logan, Rory, and I made our way out of the school after our last class.

"If you want, Stars Hallow has a great place for that!" Rory chimed, "I could take you there, but I kind of take the bus to school."

I could tell that Rory sounded embarrassed after admitted her way of transportation. I didn't even acknowledge it, she lived 30 miles away so it made sense.

"Hop in," Logan said once we made it to his car. Rory looked at me with a grin on her face, she was happy here. And I was happy that I met her.

"To Stars Hollow!" We all yelled as Logan whipped out of the parking lot of Chilton.


Hi and welcome!!! I'm so excited to be writing this story and for everyone to read it! I hope you all like my idea of Rory and Victoria being friends, she already has drama with Paris so I thought her having a friendship would be nice. I hope you all enjoy!

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