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Victoria finished up in the bathroom before coming out to see Logan still standing guard by the door. She let out a slight laugh at his over protectiveness, but was thankful that he cared for her.

It was only around 11 o'clock, so the party was still in full gear with loud music and people dancing. Victoria was yet to see a familiar face that she was friends with, that was until she spotted Rory walk through the door.

"Rory!" Victoria shouted, making her way towards the overwhelmed looking girl. Rory was dressed in a simple, but nice dress and a cute pair of heels. Definitely not the attire for a party, though. "What are you going here?"

Rory fiddled with the small purse in her hands, "I mentioned this party to my Grandma and she insisted on having their driver take me here after dinner."

Victoria nodded at the mention of dinner with her Grandparents. A while ago Rory told her about the Friday night dinners that her and her mother went to in order to repay her Grandparents.

"I'm glad you came," Victoria smiled, linking her arm around Rory's and walking towards the patio once again, "These parties are a lot different than Chilton ones. More mature."

Rory took in the scene around her, and Victoria was right. She saw the older looking kids, some looking too old to even be in college. It frightened her, as she was only 16 years old. But with Victoria here, she was comfortable enough.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Logan chipped in, following the two girls.

"Oh," Rory mumbled, thinking of something to say, "I don't know, I came from Hartford so I never mentioned it to him."

Victoria thought about the relationship Rory and Dean had. She seemed to really like the boy, yet not mentioning going to a party to him seemed to confused her. Though, Victoria had never been in a serious relationship, so she was sure that Rory and Deans means of communication worked for them.

The patio cleared out a bit in the short time Victoria and Logan had left. The girl walked towards the host to introduce her friend, "Collin, this is Rory Gilmore. She goes to school with Logan and I."

Collin stood up from the couch to shake Rory's hand, "Gilmore, you say? Very big name."

He was left with no reply from Rory, just a simple smile. Gilmore was in fact a well known name when it came to wealth in Connecticut, but Rory wasn't the type to boast about her family's social status. Seeming she didn't grow up in the same environment as the people around her.

The next hour or so consisted of laughter between Collin, Logan, Victoria, and Rory. Collin told stories about his life in Switzerland, which amazed Victoria. She was always one to love traveling, and she wished she was able to do more of it.

After a while of catching up and talking, Rory noticed that she better be getting home, "We can take you," Victoria offered to her, "I think we're bringing back a couple of Logan's friends as well."

Rory took up the offer, so Victoria told Logan it was time to go. He quickly gathered up the five or so guys he promised to give a ride to, and they all made there way to the driver outside.

"A limo," Rory laughed once she say the vehicle they were taking. She always assumed people only used limousines when going to formal events.

"Always ride in style, Gilmore," Logan joked, opening the door for the two girls who climbed inside. Everyone was intoxicated, causing nonstop laughter the whole way to Stars Hollow.

Victoria found a bottle of champagne in the small fridge and popped it open, scaring everyone with the loud noise, only causing more laugher, "To Stars Hollow! I love Stars Hollow!"

Everyone cheered even though Victoria's toast didn't have meaning behind it. But to her, she truly did love Stars Hollow. She envied the small town that Rory grew up in.

Once the driver pulled up to the Gilmore house, Logan got out and held the door open, "We have arrived!" He mocked in a fancy accent. Rory stumbled out of the car, giggling at the shouts from the guys behind her.

Victoria followed, but didn't walk towards the house, "Bye Rory!" She shouted quite loudly, "I'll miss you!" Victoria waved at the girl as she ran towards the porch of her house.

Rory's mother, Lorelai, stood watching the chaos take place on her front lawn. She wasn't fond of the idea of Rory going to the party when her mother offered the ride. But she watched her 16 year old daughter run towards the front door with guys and Victoria hollering after her.


The bright light of the morning sun woke Victoria up from her sleep, the girl groaning as it hit her eyes. She sat up confused by her surroundings, but after a couple seconds, she realized she was in Logan's room.

She saw Logan sprawled out on the couch that sat across the room, not looking very comfortable. Victoria crawled out of the bed with the blanket wrapped around her and walked towards the boy.

"What the-" Logan groaned when the girl landed on top of him. Victoria, feeling very hungover, casually fell on top of the sleeping boy, waking him up. Logan let out another groan as he tried to shift under her, but it was useless.

Victoria fell back asleep within seconds, leaving Logan with the weight of her body trapping him down. Instead of complaining, he tried to get comfortable before closing his eyes and letting the tiredness take over him.

The two slept for the next three hours. Within their deep sleep, they moved to their sides. Logans arm draped over Victoria's waist as her legs were curled up.

Logan later woke up to slight snores coming from Victoria. He took in the position he was in, and decided not to move. He watched as Victoria's forehead scrunched in her sleep, and how her lips were parted slightly.

She was beautiful, he thought. He just wish they could casually do this, not with the affects of multiple shots still in their systems.

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