Chapter 20

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As Takao's Fleet and the Sakura Empire Shipgirls head back to the Secret Base in Samar, We could see A Philippine Eagle heading to Takao's Position and from there Takao Raises her right arm for the Eagle to land and then she puts a scroll-like container, containing a vial and letter inside

and then Takao whispered something to the eagle

Takao: Go and deliver this to her *pats the eagle with a some sort of symbol appearing on the Eagle chest*

 and then the eagle leaves and heads to foreign territory with that symbol protecting the eagle so it could reach it's objective

At the Azur Lane base

We could see Manjuu's and Personnel repairing the ships of the shipgirls as they receive some damages from Bombs and Torpedoes dropped by Takao's fleet with some of the shipgirls still at the infirmary due to injuries they received

In the Meeting room 

We could see Enterprise, Queen Elizabeth(QE), Hornet, Wales, Hood, and Belfast(QE and Hood have woken up from there coma) are talking about navy exercises to strengthen there shipgirls once all of them are completely healed

and then suddenly some open the door and when everyone looked at the person opening the door there eyes widen

It was Yorktown and she was escorted by Lexington, Essex, and Arizona

And then Enterprise rushed to hug Yorktown, But Yorktown did something that shocked everyone except for Lexington, Arizona, and Essex

Yorktown slapped Enterprise on the face, making Enterprise fall on the ground due to the impact

Belfast: Ms. Enterprise-

and then Yorktown snaps her fingers making Arizona move to pin Belfast in the wall, preventing Belfast to get close to Enterprise 

Hood: What is the meaning of this?!

Yorktown: Shut up traitors

Enterprise: Y-Yorktown-

Hornet: Yorktown why would you do that to our sister?!

Essex: Let Ms. Yorktown explain, Ms. Hornet

and then Yorktown pulls out a scroll and spoke

Yorktown: A few Hours ago, An Eagle came and gave this scroll and a vial that healed my legs when a letter told me to drink it, Lexington saw me standing up and then we read the scroll given by the eagle and needless to say, I'm very disappointed to you Enterprise

Lexington: And you *Pointer her rifle to QE* I've warned you not to involve my successors on you dirty plan but you didn't listen to me 

QE: I only want what's good for my country!

Hornet: W-What is-

Yorktown: To put it simply, Enterprise, QE, Hood, and Belfast started WW2

as she said this everyone in the room got shocked

Wales: Impossible, It was The Axis that started it!

Yorktown: But how do ever wondered why they started to declare war against us?

as she said this Wales stopped talking and looked at Hood

Wales: Hood is it true?

Hood: I-


Hood: Yes It was our fault why WW2 started!

As Hood says this Wales sits at her chair shocked at the revelation and then Hornet looked at Enterprise and then she spoke

Hornet: Why sister?

Enterprise: I-

Yorktown: You'll have to explain soon *8 Shipgirls entered the room* Arrest them

and from there QE(Who is demanding to free her which is useless), Hood, Belfast, and Enterprise were arrested, with the eagle seeing everything and returns back to Takao

To be continued

Takao's Art of War (A Azur Lane Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें