Chapter 15

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As The Shipgirls in the Azur Lane base saw the explosion in the meeting room many Manjuu's, Personnel, and shipgirls head there to put out the fire and save the shipgirls inside 

but unknown to them a reconnaissance plane from Musashi's ship is looking at the damage that Takao caused and then it retreated to safety back to the Philippines 

As for the shipgirls in the meeting room they only received some scars due to shrapnel after the explosion

But Edinburgh wasn't lucky and got some burns since she is the closest one when the explosion and because of this she was in a coma

A week Later after that Belfast was finally awake but was horrified to see her older sister in a comatose state along with Hood and Queen Elizabeth who are still in a coma

and when Enterprise tells the situation to Belfast she was full of rage that She and Enterprise had created to attack the base and end everyone in that base once and for all 

However Takao know this will happen and so in response Operation 波と渦の中の鋼鉄の鳥(Operation Steel bird in the waves and whirlpools) was created with 3 Phases to prevent Azur Lane from getting near the Base

At the Sakura Empire

We could see Mikasa entering the Meeting hall as she was  being called by Lady Nagato

and as she entered she saw Akagi, Kaga, Atago, Maya, and Chokai at the room 

Mikasa: You called me Lady Nagato

and then a Radio Box was presented between her and Nagato making Mikasa's eye's widen as she got discovered but nevertheless she remain calm

Nagato: Why, Mikasa, Why did you betray us?

Mikasa: It is not betrayal to be exact -

Nagato: 3000 People died from the surprise attack that came from Takao's fleet, 3000 people!

Mikasa: Why when we attacked Pearl Harbor back in 1941 many people died too when we attacked Eagle Union by surprise, Takao only just settled the score to prevent everyone here to repeat the same mistakes!

and then Nagato became silent and then Akagi spoke

Akagi: Even so that still puts the question why did you betray the Empire Lady Mikasa-

Mikasa: While you Akagi joined the Sirens just to revive Amagi you also betrayed the Empire am I right Akagi

as she said this everyone was shocked 

Nagato: Akagi is this true?

Akagi: I-

Mikasa: But since Takao had already revived Amagi to stop you from cooperating with the sirens, I will let this slide

Kaga: What do you mean

Mikasa: When Takao's fleet attacked us I gave the remnants of Amagi's wisdom cube so Takao could revive her

Akagi: Impossible no one can be brought back to life

Mikasa: Ho are you sure?

and then suddenly Mikasa appeared behind Akagi shocking everyone

Akagi: How did you?!-

Mikasa: You see back before HMS Dreadnought was created, The Pre Dreadnought shipgirls gained special abilities that could help them win a naval battle, but some never used there abilities since they never unlocked it but for us back in the day we managed to unlock our abilities and used it to defeat the Northern Parliament Shipgirls back in the Battle of Tsushima

Mikasa: One of the few shipgirls that has a extraordinary ability like mine is IJN Fuji or as everyone called her Ms. Fuji

Atago: What was her ability?

Mikasa: Clairvoyance

as she said many were shocked

Mikasa: When WW2 ended Takao managed to escape her execution from the Royal Navy and goes to Ms. Fuji to start a new life, However Ms. Fuji discover a horrible revelation, WW2 was staged up by 4 shipgirls since they thought we are to powerful and created some Naval treaties that pressured us to start a war with the Royal Navy and Eagle Union

Mikasa: When Ms. Fuji showed the truth to Takao, she said that it was to late to warn Sakura Empire as Attack on Pearl Harbor happened and from there Takao swore vengeance to avenge us by Killing the person that agreed with the 3 Shipgirls plane

Kaga: And that is

Mikasa: The Grey Ghost

To be continued 

Takao's Art of War (A Azur Lane Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن