Chapter 18

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At the docks of the Secret base in Samar

We could see Atago waiting for New York to appear so there fight could begin

and after a few minutes New York appeared holding this:

New York: Quick Question are we going to use our Riggings?

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

New York: Quick Question are we going to use our Riggings?

Atago: Nope

New York: Okay then

and then within a blink of on eye New York manages to close her distance to Atago, and in response Atago blocked New York's sword by using her sword

Atago: That was unexpected

New York: Don't let you anger get over you

and then the two engaged into sword fight


Takao: Here's your Ice Cream little one

Shipgirl kid: Thank you Ms. Takao

Takao: You're welcome

and then suddenly Takao heard an explosion but Arkansas spoke

Arkansas: It must be Musashi training her guns to fire at long distances

Takao: Oh okay

Arkansas: *Thoughts* Good grief those two better finish there fight of else Takao will scold me for this *End Thought*

and from there they continued to serve Ice Cream for those who wanted more

At New York and Atago

We could see the both of them still engaging in a sword fight

New York: You're just angry because I was to close to Takao?!

Atago: I'm only the one who could only get Takao's attention and you are the only one who dared to gain her attention without my permission!

New York: What are you a Yandere?!

Atago: Take that back NOW!

and from there Atago makes her body faster in hopes to hit New York by her sword but nevertheless New York manages to block all of them with her calm face and from there she spoke 

New York: We are in a relationship so what's your problem?!

Atago: Relationship?

and then suddenly Atago stopped attacking her

New York: Checkmate

and from there Atago realizes her mistake but it was to late, she got knocked out by New York who used the hilt of the sword to knock Atago out ending the battle

New York: Good Grief my clothes are a mess now

and from there we could see New York's clothing has some sword slashes as she got hit by Atago a few times but luckily only the clothes not the skin

New York: Lesson No.1 on fighting: Don't get distracted on what your opponent is saying

and then she dragged Atago to the clinic to bandage some scar slashes and to sew the clothes so Takao won't get suspicious that they engaged into a duel today

The Next day

We could see Everyone eating breakfast well except for Takao

Takao: A-Atago what are you doing

Atago: *Massaging Takao's shoulders* I'm massaging you after all you must be very tired on working and managing your fleet

Takao: But that doesn't answer the question why are you acting too happy this time?!

Atago: Hoh I'm always happy what do you mean?

Takao: New York help

New York: You deserve a massage My love so don't resist Atago's massages

Takao: I hate you

New York: I love you *Winks*

and then after a few minutes Takao manages to eat her breakfast with her body calm as the wind

To be continued

Takao's Art of War (A Azur Lane Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin