Chapter 16

736 21 9

1000KM Away from the The Secret Naval Base in Samar

We could see Takao looking at the ocean and then she draws her sword and puts the tip of the blade on the water and then spoke

Takao: Act 2, 6 and 7: Thunderstorm Beneath the Summit with a Thousand of Whirlpools and Ravaging Mountain Waves in the Ocean

as she said this the sword shined and the then the water responded to the sword's command and then the clouds suddenly started to go grey 

as Takao saw this she pulls out her radio to say something to the fleet

Takao: Phase One is ready get into your positions

All(In the Radio): HAI!

and then Takao returns back to base

At the Azur Lane Fleet heading to Takao's Base in Samar

The Fleet Consists of:

7 Aircraft Carrier Shipgirls

10 Battleship Shipgirls

6 Heavy Cruiser Shipgirls

12 Light Cruiser Shipgirls

and 15 Destroyer Shipgirls

And they are all led by Enterprise with one goal

Attack Takao's fleet and force them to surrender and make them join Azur Lane

That is Until the clouds became dark grey confusing them as according the there intel the weather should be fine and sunny

and then suddenly the waters turned into Whirlpools, a lot of them

and then suddenly the waters turned into Whirlpools, a lot of them

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Imagine there are no islands on the picture and its just the ocean)

As the Shipgirls saw this they quickly summoned the ship riggings to avoid the whirlpools

Until Waves huge as a hill rises from the ocean trying to hit the shipgirls with thunder being heard in the clouds

As this Waves hit the water, some of the shipgirls got hit and almost drown due to the strong impact of the waves and some getting stuck in the whirlpools

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

As this Waves hit the water, some of the shipgirls got hit and almost drown due to the strong impact of the waves and some getting stuck in the whirlpools

and then The Fleet saw Kamikaze planes heading to there position

Enterprise: Everyone light up your AA guns now!

as she said this some activated there AA guns to destroy the Kamikaze planes while others cant since there riggings got damaged by the Strong waves or got stuck on the Whirlpools causing the others to protect there comrades while avoiding to get hit by waves and whirlpools at the same time

And then The Aircraft Carrier shipgirls launched the planes to intercept the Kamikaze planes 

But as they were about to intercept the Kamikaze planes Lightning strikes some of the planes that Enterprise and the others sent causing only a few planes to intercept the Kamikaze planes with those planes being shot down by the Kamikaze planes

And with there planes gone the Kamikaze planes dive down to to hit the shipgirls with some getting shot down 

But as they shot down the Kamikaze planes, More Kamikaze planes came and they didn't stop coming, Diving to hit the shipgirls in hopes to hit the Shipgirls in the water

As this kept happening they slowly ran out of Ammo as the Kamikaze planes were all shot down with a few getting hit but could still return to base for repair

But as they fought they only need to worry about the Waves and Whirlpools they could hear planes coming to there position

But this time there were not Kamikaze planes, They were Dive Bombers and Torpedo Bombers heading to them to drop there payload

This is the last Phase of the plan that Takao made

The 1st is to slow them down

The 2nd is to send all of the Kamikaze plane to the Azur Lane Fleet so they could ran out of ammo

and 3rd is to send Dive Bombers and Torpedo Bombers to finish the job and since the fleet ran out of Bullets for there AA guns they are vulnerable unless

Enterprise: A choice huh... EVERYONE FALL BACK NOW!!!

and so they did with some still getting hit by the torpedoes and bombs dropped by the planes

and as the fleet completely left the planes returned to there carriers with Takao's fleet shouting in joy and victory as they succeeded 

But as they celebrated The Sakura Empire fleet came and they were about to fight them until Takao stopped them as the Sakura Fleet raises a white flag meaning that they wanted to talk or negotiate

To be continued 

Takao's Art of War (A Azur Lane Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin