Trevor humorously stood up and walked away, plopping himself down against the adjacent tree. "I can't believe my own family member would say such a horrible thing."

"We'll it does." I got up and sat next to him. "Now bacon on the other hand, naturally tastes good. Everyone loves bacon."

"Bacon is not better than beer."

"Blasphemy! It is!"

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."




"Okay. Agree to disagree." I smirked. "Maybe  you'll think bacon is just as good as beer when Alucard cooks it! Last time he fried it to a crisp and drizzled it with fresh honey."

"Sounds delicious." Trevor mumbled.

"It is!" I folded my arms behind my head and leaned against the tree. "Of course it's not healthy to eat it all the time, so he cooks it occasionally, or when I've had a bad day. Like when he scratched me by accident and felt awful about it."

"He scratched you?" Trevor looked shocked.  "Fuck, how bad did he scratch you to warrant a full breakfast?"

"Bad enough I have nice little claw-marks on my back, but don't go vampire slayer on him; He didn't mean it, and he treated them soon after. Sometimes the instincts run strong when we..." I blushed instantly stopping my words.

"When you what, angel?" Trevor cocked a brow.

"Do physical activities." I responded as levelheaded as I could.

"Physical activities?" Trevor repeated.

"We train together." I saved face. "Practice fighting. That's why I'm so good at battling night creatures."

"I could imagine." Trevor nodded . "He must give you quite the workout."

"He does." I suppressed my blush, relieved to have dodged a bullet. "Most times he wins, but I'm able to match him in a duel. I have my own strengths."

"Good for you." Trevor smiled. "Must be tiring, all that workout."

"It is." I said proudly. "But it's worth it, and we both enjoy it a lot."

"Good, you better damn well enjoy it if you're getting scratched up and bitten." He tugged at my cloak's collar, exposing faded bite marks. "Just watch yourself, angel-eyes, vampire claws are sharp, and their fangs sharper, but it looks to me you're holding your own just fine. Lucky girl, bet he fights you with his best sword."

I shoved him over. "Ouch!" He mumbled face in the dirt. "The fuck was that for!?"

"For being an idiot!" I  crossed my arms mortified. " You're disgusting, I was talking about training!"

"I'm not, I'm just observant." Trevor righted himself up.  "Don't lie to me kid, your blushing gave it  away, and for the record, there's nothing wrong with being intimate with someone you love dearly. I know he feels the same way about you. You're both lucky to have each other."

I lowered my hackles. "Thanks......You're lucky to have Sypha too, I'm sure she misses you back home."

"If she hasn't left to return to her people already." Trevor murmured. "The Speakers?" I said. "Why wouldn't she stay? Alucard's there, and the surviving refugees are planning on settling close by."

"She probably thinks I'm dead." Trevor answered. "And she'll want to have a community around her for.." He shook his head with a huff. "Forget it. Least let's get you back home to the love of your life."

Castlevania: Of Darkness and LightWhere stories live. Discover now