06 - I expect you to behave.

Start from the beginning


Now you're at the entrance of the sort of hidden hallway, not knowing if you should continue. You've come this far, so you peek round the corner to see what's there.

It's a small passageway, the length of the hallway of doors, leading to another room. Which must be Kylo Ren's room. Now that you're here, what you're trying is a lot more intimidating than it'd seemed. And it'd seemed pretty fucking scary.

You swallow, trying to contain your fear. You can see his window and the beginning of his built in closets from here, but you'd have to explore further to see his bed. To see him. Sleeping. Hopefully.

Keeping your back to the wall, you make your way down the passage. You listen for heavy breathing as a sign of sleep, but hear none. The room is lit with a low light, which makes you nervous but you continue nonetheless. You're at the end now, waiting, not wanting to make the final step to discover if you're screwed or not.

It's when you spot his empty bed that you know you've fucked up.

"Come out of there." Kylo's deep voice echos the room, the passageway. His tone makes you jolt in your place. He's talking to you. You're fucked. He knows you're there. Could you run away? Fuck. You stand still in shock, not running, not doing as he says either.

"Come." A low growl of a word. He speaks your name after, and you're shocked he even knows it. But wow, does it sound pretty in his voice. It rolls off his tongue like butter.

Ashamed, you step forward, your hand still on the wall as if you're clinging to safety. You don't even know where he is in the room because you cannot peel your eyes from the floor. He's going to kill you. This is the day you're going to die.

BANG. "NOW." He orders with booming authority, and you snap your head up, jumping slightly from the thump.

Kylo stands at the screen table, a projection of blueprints of sorts out in front of him - only it's glitching, broken. His fist is clenched, hard against the table. He'd hit it. His mere size is enough to make you wish you hadn't been so stupid, his broad shoulders impressively flexed due to having just smashed something that is most likely supposed to be difficult to break.

Despite how scared you are, you're more shocked at how naked he is. He's in underwear and a long sleeve top. His legs are out. You glance over his arms, those impressive arms, as you pad up to him. Your eyes eat up his thighs, not able to stop imagining yourself sat on them as you were before.

As soon as you reach him, his hand is clenched around your throat so hard that he actually lifts you from the ground. His fingers tighter than they've ever been before. You squeak, pulling at his fingers for release, trying to feel for the floor under your feet. He's not even bothering to look at you as you feel the air squeeze further away. Your throat feels like it's collapsing in on itself and you struggle to catch a breath. Before had just been warnings. This... this is different. You're choking, your breathing short and raspy. You could die. You're barely taking any air in at all.

His eye-line is still at the table, holding you by your neck to his side. He presses something and the table turns off, the glitched projection folding in. A sudden sense of anger in the Force erupts from him, before he actually looks at you and you can see it behind his eyes. That dark cloud of hate that surrounds his pupils.

You're panicked you're actually out of breath now, yanking on his hands pathetically as your strength lessens, and you kick your feet trying to find stability.

"Please." A choked, small noise of the word you're trying to say is what can be heard. He only grips tighter, your ears might pop any moment, the pressure increasing as you cannot suck in any air.

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