Chapter 11 - Off Day

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"Ugh…!" Dahee woke up and saw herself on the couch in the living room. Then, she saw Sehyuk bring her a glass of water.

"Sehyuk-ssi, where's Jihwan?!!" she grabbed his arms.

"Calm down first Dahee…your body is still healing from the battle…Jihwan was resting in his room" he sat down beside her.

"Good then…" she said and suddenly remembered what had just happened right before she fainted.

"Wait a minute! I saw him as a demon! With wings with beautiful eyes and a legendary sword!!" she said and it made Sehyuk flinch.

"A-are you sure about it? Maybe it was just your dream or hallucinations?" he said it awkwardly and without looking at her.

"I'm telling the truth!! I remember everything from the moment when we arrived here!!" she insisted.

"Okay, then tell me how you fainted?" he asked.

"I—" Dahee was clueless about it for a while. She was also thinking about how she fainted because the only thing she remembered was Jihwan being a demon.

"I actually forgot about it…" she said.

"Then…let me tell you how…" he said and fixed his position.

Dahee was sitting properly to hear something from Sehyuk. She wasn't a person who can forget things easily. Maybe after hear Sehyuk's story, she can remember something.

"So…after I've been thrown right to the wall, I also fainted and when I woke up, that parasite was gripping your neck while you fainted. I used my power to make it escape from Jihwan's body and burned it…" he explained the lies calmly.

"So, everything that I experienced was a dream?" she asked.

"What did you experience?" Sehyuk was asking even though he knew the truth.

"Nothing, just a simple unreal dream, I think the parasite wanted to play with my memory" she said.

"If you said so," Sehyuk leaned back on the couch.

"By the way, how was Jihwan's conditions?" she asked in worried.

"I told you that he was fine, right? You keep worrying about him though, is there something going on between both of you?" he looked at Dahee with curiosity and she made her awkward laugh.

"No…! Nothing happened, haha" she said.

"That laugh doesn't look sincere at all…" he giggled.

"Does it look too fake?" she asked.

"Yup…you need to practice more…" he said.

Dahee sighed "I just don't want anything bad to happen to him, I can't get another torturement from Daehyun oppa…" her eyes lowered.

"Daehyun hyung? Isn't he always very kind towards you?" he asked.

"Not until the last time when I failed my report…" she said.

"I see…so, are you gonna treat him until he wakes up?"

"I think so…and I need to finish the last report so I can be a Succubus…"

"Succubus? You really wanted to be that thing?! I thought you were just joking?" he was shocked.

"I'd rather not be Demon's King wife than a Succubus…what's wrong with being a Succubus that makes you look shocked?"

"Hyung really didn't tell you anything, did he?" he sighed.


"Actually, Succubus was a Lilin-demon that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity…Succubus or Incubus sucks humans soul through s£x to get power so they can be in a higher status and power…" he explained and it makes Dahee gulping in hesitancy.

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