chapter xxxiii

922 68 57

tw// graphic depictions of violence / murder / blood

⊱⊱ ── {◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦} ── ⊰⊰

It pained Dream to know that the last words he'd tell his little brother might be lies.

To be fair, it really depended on if Tubbo's invention worked.

Dream went in the opposite direction of the blind boy, running towards the three guards.

Sapnap and George had come with him, and Dream smiled.

He watched them easily get rid of the four other guards, like those arcade games.

His smile immediately faded as he watched his friend the man with the pink hair seemingly block every single one of their attacks instead of following the other guards in dying.

Dream stayed back in the shadows, crouching down and aiming his sniper directly at the slight portion of skin that wasn't protected by the man's armor.

His Achilles heel, if you will.

If Techno and Dream were still friends, Techno would have been proud of his reference.

But before he could shoot, the pink-haired man made direct eye contact with him, swiftly loading another arrow in his bow and releasing it.

Before Dream could even react, he felt a sharp sting in his chest.


His head tipped backward, and he fell to the forest ground with a thud.

His mask rolled off somewhere into the forest.

He should probably go grab that, and he totally would have, if he could move.

He heard faint screaming in the background, but all he could focus on was identifying the injury.

He felt around his chest, hand shakily wrapping around an arrow.

He heard footsteps towards him, and a pair of hands cupping his face.

"Dream? Dream wake up? Dream, can you hear me?"

"George" Dream rasped out, but he felt a palm on his mouth.

"Don't you dare say a word, Dream you aren't-"

Dream tried to move, before wincing, his body falling limp against the floor.

"Just tell me-"

He coughed.

"How bad is it?"

George stared at him, swallowing back his tears.

"Dream it's really really bad. If I pull the arrow out, you're going to bleed out, but if I don't- it's lodged in your left lung, Dream I'm sorry you- I can't- I don't know how to fix this."

Sapnap interrupted George in fear.

"Guys, there's more people coming, and I see the king in the distance. You have to hurry this up, Come on George, help him!"

Sapnap was doing everything in his power to distract Techno.

George shouted back through tears.

"Sapnap he's literally about to die and you're worried about that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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