chapter viii

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also its my birthday on July 1st and since you all love me I would like you to wish me happy birthday because I am so cool and deserving of birthday wishes

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

Tommy loved the color red.

There was never a reason for it, other than the fact that it's such a poggers color.

Not those like, stupid dark red colors, but not pastel red, either.

Just red.

Like bright, bold, firetruck red.

Which is why Tommy was so excited when Dream gave him a red butterfly.

On the other hand, Tommy was left with the heartbreaking realization that the pretty butterflies he followed to the academy were not real butterflies.

He shoulda known, they were too intricately symmetrical and perfect to be real.

They were robots, like little spy drones with a camera in them. And everyone gets their own.

Dream told him to think of it like an official symbol that he was a part of this academy.

Speaking of which, for being the headmaster of an assassin academy, Dream was surprisingly over-protective.

It's been an entire month since Tommy first got kidna- surprise adopted, and Dream still refused to let him actually do anything violent.

Yes, it was Dream's original point to train Tommy to kill, but then he got slightly too attached.

Dream was just as happily content with letting Tommy not have to go through the pain of becoming a murderer, just to raise him normally.

Then Tommy got his hands on a gun.

Two actually.

And that was all it took for Tommy to be physically connected with the idea of stabbing and shooting people as a career.

So on what Dream had thought would be a very very normal morning, he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed, and as he rubbed his eyes, and his vision focused, he was met with a gun, he;d directly in front of his eyes.

He blinked for a second, before registering the fact that there was a loaded gun in his face, held by a child who had a huge grin on his face.

"What the HELL TOMMY?" he shouted, jumping off his bed, his heart racing. "Don't ever do that again, where did you even get that gun?"

Tommy pouted, gesturing to the gun. "Sapnap gave it to me. He gave me two. He calls them dual pistols. I call them, vlog guns" Tommy excitedly pointed one to the window in the room, before pulling the trigger. "Pew pew!"

Dream watched in agony as his room's window shattered from the bullet, before slamming his face in his pillow.

It was way too early for this.

"Tommy go give back Sapnap's guns, please."


"Tommy!" Dream quietly screamed, before finally sitting up.

"It's mine. They are mine now. They are my children, Dream are you trying to separate a father from his beautiful children?"

"I've already done it once" Dream glared, and Tommy stuck his tongue out in return.

"Well these are my guns, you shall not take them from me. Not on my watch. Dream, I will shoot you."

Dream let out a snort, any bit of sleep had left him at that point. "I bet you don't even know how to reload a gun."

Tommy smirked at Dream, before reaching into his pocket, and Dream's grin faltered.

He watched as Tommy pulled out a bullet, and loaded it into his gun, before aiming his gun directly at Dream's head.

He pulled the trigger, and Dream's eyes widened. He jumped off of his bed, watching the bullet fly past his head, and lodge itself in his bed's headboard.

His eyes widened at Tommy, incredulously. "Did you just try to-?"

Tommy's eyes were wide too, but his eyes were wide with pride. "Did you see that Dream? I reloaded the gun! And super fast too!"

"Why are we- why are we just forgetting about the fact that you just tried to SHOOT me?"

"George taught me" Tommy smiled, ignoring Dream's question.

Dream pinched the bridge of his nose, before sighing. "So you're telling me, Sapnap and George gave you, not one, but two guns, and they also taught you how to shoot and reload it?"

Tommy nodded excitedly, not quite registering the anger on Dream's face.

"And you tried to assassinate me just now?"

"Yeah! George told me it would be funny, he told me you would know how to dodge it anyway."

"Ahaha, thanks for telling me this," Dream strained, plastering out a fake smile.

Tommy pouted.

"Why do I feel like you don't find this as funny as I do?"

◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆

When Tommy saw Sapnap with a huge bruise on his cheek, and George with a black eye later that day, he didn't question it.

However, he did feel grateful for them. Because whatever they told Dream when he went to violently attack them ended up changing his mind about not letting Tommy train in the academy.

So Dream let him hang out with his closest friends in the academy.

He would go to Sapnap on Mondays to learn how to use different assortments of weapons.

Then on Tuesday, he would go to George to learn how to properly sneak around and assume different personalities and disguises for different occasions.

Wednesday was his day to hang out with Ranboo and Tubbo, mornings learning (and let's be honest, it's mostly playing) with all the different machines Tubbo built, and afternoons making up code words for fun with Ranboo.

Thursdays were his least favorite day. He had to sit in a room with a guy named Bad, which was so ironic considering the fact that he was on Tommy's case for every single word he decided to say. He came to the conclusion that "Language" had to be the guy's catchphrase, judging by the fact that Tommy couldn't get a sentence in without hearing it.

Tommy never understood why the man was so keen on asking what language he was speaking, when Tommy always answered with "English."

You'd think the guy would get it by now.

Maybe he was just an idiot.

Or maybe he didn't speak English.

Maybe he should check with Dream about this guy. Kinda sus if you asked him.

Which brings him to his favorite day, Friday's with Dream. He gets to tag along with Dream everyday, watching him go through assassination requests, assign people to jobs, count money, basically boss people around all day. And he gets to stand there and make fun of the poor people who have to face Dream's wrath, sticking his tongue out at the losers who did something wrong.

He was practically living the life, minus Thursdays.

(Sorry weird guy)

Little did he know, back at his old home, the newly crowned king was hatching a plan to find his little brother.

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

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