chapter xx

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tw// child neglect

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

Tommy crumpled Wilbur's note, shoving it into his pocket.

God, his head hurt.

Wilbur's words haunted him.

Even though he was in a completely different room, he could almost hear his cold words.

Was he really that much of a burden on the academy that someone who wasn't even there could tell?

Tommy shook the thoughts out of his head.

That was the last thing he needed right now.

Instead, he walked out of the bathroom, and made his way to the dining hall.

It was surprisingly easy, the castle hadn't changed much in the past 4 years.

Other than the fact that there were guards at practically every corner.

Tommy could feel their judging stares, though he couldn't blame them.

He was still dressed in all black, minus his academy jacket, and so for all they knew, he could have been some person who broke in to assassinate the emperor at the command of the king and-

Oh right lol thats exactly what he was here to do.

Tommy smiled at every guard, with a wave he hoped didn't seem like a death threat as he passed them, thought it didn't do anything to stop their stares.

'At least now they are paying attention to you' a bitter voice in his head mentioned.

He found his way to the dining hall, where Wilbur was already seated, next to Niki and a toddler whom Tommy was to assume was his son.

On the other side of the table, Techno and Phil sat, staring down at Tommy.

Tommy's eyes scanned over the table, and his eyes caught on the only seat left, at the head of the table, right next to both Wilbur and Phil.

Exactly where he wanted to be sitting.

He cleared his throat, before awkwardly making his way to the chair and taking a seat.

A sympathetic smile from Niki wasn't enough to make him feel better about his current position.

Food was served, and still no one had said a word.

Tommy put on his trademark smile, and decided he would use his epic and super cool conversation skills to smooth his way into a flowing conversation.


"So the weather today is interesting."

He recieved glares from Phil and Techno, a confused look from Wilbur, and a snort from Niki. The child clapped his hands excitedly.

Okay, so not his best start, but he can work with this.

"It's very sunny here, don't you think that its strange assuming this is the Antarctic Empire?"

Techno rolled his eyes and picked up his knife and fork, carefully cutting a peice of whatever he was eating. Cooked chicken, maybe?

Tommy followed his lead, more or less.

He stabbed his fork into the hopefully chicken, making a piece and shoving it into his mouth.

Phil looked at him like he was insane, and Tommy swallowed, tilting his head."Is something wrong?"

Finally, Phil spoke up. "I will not eat at the same table as this... creature."

Tommy blinked, before turning to Niki to make sure he heard him right.

Niki turned to Phil. "But there are no creatures at the table, Your Highness?"

Phil scorned in disgust, signaling to Tommy. "Whoever this kid that you've brought here is, they seem to not have any manners."

"Sorry King man Phil man, wasn't aware there were rules on how to eat," Tommy shrugged, even though he knew the proper etiquette by heart.

Sue him, he found it funny to piss off the man.

"Phil, I would advise you to calm down and not make a scene, this kid will be staying with us for a while. You are goign to have to get adjusted," Wilbur, ever so ready to stab at Phil, added.

"Vouch" Tommy nodded, and everyone looked at him.

"Ouch!" The child shouting, throwing its hands in the air in excitement.

"See? The child agrees."

Phil rolled his eyes.

"When are you going to get rid of him?" Phil asked.

Tommy gasped dramatically.

"Get rid of me? Me? Tommy Danger Careful Trusty Kraken Innit Was Taken Minecraft?"

Phil rolled his eyes at the use of "Minecraft" as his last name, and Tommy tracked back, but before he could say anything, Phil interrupted.

"I was not referring to you, I meant the child. But it would be in my best interest if you left as well."

This time, Tommy's gasp was not fake.

He turned to Niki, intensely pointing at Phil.

"Did you hear him? What did he say?"

He turned to Wilbur. "Did you HEAR him?"

Wilbur gritted his teeth. "I am aware of what he said, Tommy. We have had this conversation before."

Tommy nodded slowly, still appalled.

Is this one of the reasons Wilbur was so keen on Phil dying?

Techno hadn't talked once the entirety of the dinner so far, but finally decided to speak up.

"It would be doing the castle a favor, I'm sure Wilbur does not need a child to be taking care of when he has a whole kingdom he must tend to as well."

Tommy gaped. "What about the like- bloodline shit?"

Everyone's eyes widened, and- oh right no curse words.

"Bloodline stuff, I mean."

"Wilbur is much too young in my opinion to have to take care of a kid. He has much more time in the future to worry about bloodline," Phil said, as if the logic made sense.

Didn't make sense to Tommy though.

Tommy could now see why Wilbur wanted Phil dead.

In fact, Tommy has come to the conclusion that Techno and Phil have not changed one bit, if anything, they've become worse.

He refuses to have an opinion on Wilbur, especially with the emotional whiplash he'd been receiving from the king.

Tommy didn't really feel like talking for the rest of the dinner, he kept his head down and let the conversation happen in the background.

At least this was good, right?

He didn't want them to apologize and everything becomes happy again, because then it would be hard to leave.

This was good.

Maybe he'd take the child along with him when he escapes, save the kid the trouble of having to live with this shitty family.

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

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