chapter ii

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⊱⊱ ──── {◦◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦◦} ──── ⊰⊰

Tommy 100% felt out of place in this building. He was literally sparkling for heaven's sake.

Everyone was dressed in a dark, dark black, and the only source of color on their clothing were the small badges they had sewed into their jackets.

And then there was Tommy. Dressed head to toe in a baby blue suit, with a cape that trailed behind him, and so many forms of jewels that it probably weighed more than him.

He was getting weird stares, but no one came near him, and he assumed it was because Dream was following his tail closely.

It didn't take him long to realize Dream had some sort of power here, everyone seemed to know and look up to him.

"So," Tommy asked, as they walked. "May I ask where you are leading me?"

Dream smiled at him. "Well obviously, I'm taking you to meet the two kids I promised you I'd let you meet. I don't go back on my promises, Toms."

"Toms?" Tommy looked up at the man questioningly. "My name is Tommy?"

Dream stared down at him with even more of a questioning look. "It's a nickname?"

Tommy stared at him, before realizing what Dream meant.

"Are you... are you okay?" Dream asked, noticing the boy started to get super excited.

"NOTHING nothing! Sorry, but this is my first ever nickname!" Tommy smiled, wider than he ever did in his entire life.

Dream's eyes only widened. "You... you've never had a nickname before?"

Tommy nodded quickly. "I'm only ever addressed as Prince Tommy so this is such an amazingly pog day!"

Dream blinked.


Tommy started to skip down the hall, and Dream had to quicken his pace to catch up with the boy. "Pog! Like pog, like epic, like cool like super duper pog!"

To say Dream was amazed would be an understatement. He was unsure how the kid he just kidnapped, like yesterday, had already warmed up to him enough to put down whatever royal facade he had up when he first came.

And then the thought saddened him. The kid was like, eleven or something, and hadn't ever gotten a nickname before.

Now Dream felt bad for not putting more thought into the nickname, now this kid's very first nickname was literally half the kid's name but with an S at the end.

Although it didn't look like Tommy minded. 

Tommy rapidly tapped on his shoulder. "Dream? Good sir? You seem to be lost in thought again?" 

Dream lightly tapped Tommy's shoulder back. "Do not call me sir, or I'll start calling you child."

"You wouldn't dare," Tommy frowned.

"I most definitely would," Dream laughed, wrapping an arm around the child's shoulders.

Tommy instantly curled towards Dream, and Dream's heart melted.

Wow, he's already become emotionally attached to a child he kidnapped some hours ago.

(This feels strangely familiar iykyk)

"Anyways Toms," Dream said, pushing open a door to a room filled to the brim with computers and other high-tech devices.

Tommy's jaw dropped at the colors. It looked straight out of the sci-fi movies he used to watch in his non-existent free time.

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