chapter xviii

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tw// manipulation, talk about death, self-depreciation 

⊱⊱ ──── {◦◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦◦} ──── ⊰⊰

Tommy blinked.

"Heh? Sorry, what?" Tommy tried to ask nonchalantly.

On the inside, he was freaking out, because how the hell did he manage to blow his cover in less than ten minutes-

Wilbur sighed, before adjusting himself on the sofa, looking Tommy dead in the eyes.

"Well, I'm glad you've swung by and all, but I'm assuming you're here, and it's not because you wanted to visit."

Tommy fake laughed. "And what makes you say that aha?" he asked, only slightly freaking out.

"Prince Tommy goes missing three years ago, and is proclaimed dead. Prince Tommy then shows up to my coronation, very much alive, with two armed kids dressed in all black. Fast forward a year, and I figure out what the symbol on their clothes meant, and did research into the academy. Fast forward another year and I found the academy's location. Fast forward about a week ago, and I was standing in front of the academy building, in view of a security camera. And now, here you are, and you expect me to believe it was a coincidence? "

Tommy gaped at Wilbur, realizing that his entire cover was blown and that Wilbur could order him dead any second now and he wouldn't have a way to tell the academy and that he might never see his friends or Dream again and he might die here all alone and that would suck and oh god-

An arm on his shoulder made him jump, and he saw Wilbur kneeling down in front of him.

"Hey? Tommy? Breathe, would you?" Wilbur said softly, and what the fuck was happening?

He took a deep breath anyway, and turned to Wilbur.

He opened his mouth to see if he could still attempt to hold up his cover, but when Wilbur raised an eyebrow at him, he clamped it shut.

"So. Thats kinda funny," Tommy said instead, cringing as the words came out of his mouth. "I can explain-"

"Just answer my question, would you? How much time do I have before you leave and I... you know?"

Tommy scrunched his face, was this a trap ?

Honestly, he was in such a deep hole that he didn't know if he wanted to go lower.

"Technically... ten days?" He tried, flinching at Wilbur's hard stare.

"Okay but there's a second option!" Tommy added quickly, before Wilbur could say anything else... or possibly behead him.

Wilbur looked intrigued, and Tommy continued, slowly. "There's a second option. We could make a deal, you could swear to secrecy about the academy, and you won't have to die."

He thought about it for a second, before smiling. 

"If you want my silence, Tommy...." Wilbur brought his voice dangerously low.

"Then you're going to have to buy it."

Tommy wasn't sure he heard Wilbur correctly.

"What do you mean... buy it? There are two options, and one involves you being dead."

Wilbur shook his head. "To be truly honest, Tommy, there is only one option. And that involves not killing me." Wilbur had a scary glint in his eyes as he continued to speak. "Because with one word of my command, and the entire empire's army, and all our surrounding kingdoms, can easily attack and take down the entire academy of yours. Remember, Tommy, I have my ways. I have a letter, hidden and ready to be released the moment I die, Tommy. And do you know what's in that letter?"

Wilbur's smirk was anything but comforting.

"The exact coordinates to the academy. And orders to ransack the building, and kill every single person there. Now, how does that sound to you, Tommy? I mean, really if you think about it, ever since you joined that pathetic academy, you've been nothing but a burden on them, am I not right? What with you, disclosing their location, and leading me there. Now I'm sure the last thing you'd want is to be at fault for their deaths as well, hm?"

Tommy's mouth dried out, but Wilbur kept talking.

"And when the academy dies, where will you go? Because when you kill an empire's king, beware that the entire empire will be out to kill you, instead. And you'll have no one to run to either. So really, your only option is to buy my silence, unless you want to be more of a burden onto your little family, yeah? And you can't even warn them, either. Because I know about your little communication device and I did go out of my way to deactivate it the moment you step in the castle's borders."

Tommy felt like he'd been backed into a corner and it was one-hundred percent all his fault.

He wondered if the things Wilbur told him were true; if the people at the academy really only thought of him as a burden.

The thought of them dying itself made him feel like throwing up.

"So what's it gonna be, Tommy?" Wilbur asked, slowly moving towards Tommy, and all he wanted to do was run back home and be anywhere but here.

He wondered if they wanted him back home or if they were happy he was here and not being a burden.

"What do you want then?" Tommy croaked, his voice betraying him.

Wilbur raised an eyebrow again, staring Tommy down with a look of victory. "What was that?"

Tommy swallowed, then stood his ground. "What do you want to buy your silence? You seemed to have thought this out so there has to be something you wanted."

Wilbur merely chuckled, and it set Tommy on edge. "Now now, Tommy. I assure you, this is something that appeases to the both of us, so try not to be so negative," Wilbur smiled, stepping away from him, and Tommy felt like he could finally breathe again.

"Just... just say it, so I can do it, and then I can go back home... and this stays between the two of us. And I'll hold you to death on that one."

"Of course Tommy, I'm not one to break promises, now am I?"

Tommy shuddered at how condescending his voice was.

"Just tell me, please," he begged, wanting to get this over with.

"If you tend to be so impatient, then I guess it won't hurt to tell you..."

Wilbur paused, taking a deep breath and staring Tommy dead in the eyes.

"I want Phil gone."

⊱⊱ ──── {◦◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦◦} ──── ⊰⊰

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