Chapter 9: Highschool

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In Flashback (10 years ago)

Namjoon's Pov

It's lunch time, we're all seated in our usual place. By we, I mean Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung and Me. And by
'Our place' I mean our usual place in the cafeteria, in the very corner.
Probably because we don't want to give up in some major highschool drama by sitting with the popular kids. We just felt comfortable this way

It's my Junior year of highschool anyway. After highschool, college starts which isn't any different from it except it's worse. I've only gained two-three friends in highschool which are basically my buddies. They're the best and all I need. 

Let me introduce you to them.
The pale-grumpy looking cat in the corner is Yoongi.
Yoongi hyung because he's 1 year older than me. [Yoongs is actually 2 years older than Joon, yeah-]
Sitting beside him, the wide shouldered, handsome male is Jin
Jin hyung is 8 months older than Yoongi hyung.

They basically bicker a lot. Once they start bickering, it's really hard getting them out of it. Yoongi hyung is the calm and collected one whereas Jin is the crackhead. He'll annoy Yoongi for no reason. I mean he has a reason but that's just between us and him. Not Yoongi.

You see, Jin hyung has a big crush on Yoongi. I don't know, but it's so obvious the way Jin hyung will constantly say romantic honey-filled poems taken from Google to impress Yoongi. Sometimes I feel like, Yoongi gets it but chooses to.. ignore it? Poor Jinnie..I pity him sometimes. He tries a lot.

"Joon-ah? You're alive? I thought you died..oh gosh" I face palmed.

"One week. I was absent for one literal week. Just shut the fuck up, Hobi"

"Mhm, Joon just let him. You know how dramatic he is" Jin interrupted giggling.

"Anyways, since you missed one week of school, Imma have to inform you about some major shit happening in the school"

"Oh? I'm afraid I don't want to hear anything controversial" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please just let me share it..wait I think Jin and Yoongi hyung haven't heard it too..?"

"Is it another one of your gossips?" I said

"That's nothing new, you always have something to gossip about" Yoongi pff'd continuing eating his tangerines. He has an obsession with it.

"Yah at least show some excitement!  But don't worry this news will be worth it for some people" he said the last part looking at me. I shrugged

Have I introduced you to Hobi yet? Right.. he's Jung Hoseok aka the only sunshine in our circle.

Sunshine meaning he's obviously more chaotic and cheerful one. And apparently a gossiper too. He gossips so much.. it's kind of unhealthy at some point. But we love him anyways. [Y'all I had to make Hobi's character a bit Y/n cringe type.. sorry dw he's still our sunshine boyfie ofc]

"Just tell it already, mofo" Jin hyung said, uninterested.

"Guess who broke up and came out of the closet yesterday?"

"Taehyung!" Jin and Yoongi both said in unison sarcastically smiling and rolling their eyes. Hoseok frowned seeing they already knew his today's gossip's topic.
I laughed, but immediately stopping when I noticed what the topic actually was.

"Who what.." I said barely keeping it a whisper.

"Yeah, shocking I know. Your old school bully who used to bully you for being bisexual is gay himself. How cliché" Yoongi said, shaking his head.

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