Chapter 8: First Kisses

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Trigger Warning ❗ Slight mentions of Eating Disorder. Skip it if you feel uncomfortable

Jimin's Pov

I looked at myself in the mirror. was the 10th time I've done this in the last few hours. I don't know, if I look good though. I asked Mina hundred times already and she keeps hyping me up about it. I don't want to trust her in that.

See, I'm pretty confident of myself during most occasions but I'm being confused now.
I'm going to visit Namjoon today. In his office..
It's been two days since our date and he and I have been talking with eachother on phone. He is going to take me to dinner today. Apparently, I'm going to surprise him on his work.

I don't know, the idea just came to me and looked interesting. I've heard many things about his job, company, office but I haven't ever visited it myself. I never saw him on any functions or shows I go to either, even though we basically kind of work in the same line. Fashion Industry. Well, I'm a fashion designer so of course it's obvious my career is related to fashion. Namjoon however has a more business related career. [I'm sorry, I clearly suck at explaining shit. They basically work in a kind of relating work industry]

I was fucking excited about it. It's just.. I've been meaning to meet him days ago. I was just lowkey nervous to talk to him about it. How would I say it? 'Hey Joon, I'm devastated to see you. Let's meet in a cafe?' I'm not a pick me boy, sorry. Just over hyped about literally anything.

I brushed my newly jet black dyed hair with my fingers. Putting some chapstick on and adding a little wing in my eyes with the eyeliner.

I got Namjoon's office address from a link earlier. Don't tell me, how I got it. His company is literally famous. ___________________________

Arriving at the building, I took a glance at the huge tall building in front of me. It looked... expensive. Well, he's probably rich and so is his company. I went to the reception hall and saw a girl in pink hair, sipping on her coffee. Well, it looked coffee, I don't know the rest.

"Excuse me, can you please tell me where is Mr Kim Namjoon's office?" I politely said.
I kind of caught her off guard, I think. She looked like she have seen a ghost.

"G-Good afternoon, sir. Did you have any appointments with Mr Kim?" She also politely replied, smiling nervously.

"No, I didn't have any. Can you please let him know that Park Jimin's here? I think he'll know"

"Okay, can you please wait for a minute?" I nodded.

"Good afternoon, Boss!"
"Ahem, I called you because there's Mr Park here to meet you. Should I let him in?" I heard some noises from the other line.
"Okay, Sir. Thank you"

"Mr Park? Boss said, you could go in. It's in 7th floor, the room beside the elevator" I thanked her, smiling. I noticed she has a slight accent to her English. I couldn't figure it out, maybe Australian?

I got into the 7th floor and was another source of heaven. The blue and grey walls along with a set of wooden coloured carpet, with tons of pictures and paintings hanging on the wall gave it such a homey look. It felt like peace for some reason.
I knocked on the door

"Come in" a deep voice said

"Hi! I'm not disturbing you with my sudden appearance, am I?" I sheepishly smiled, glancing at him. Well by him, I meant his laptop since he was pretty occupied in it.

"Jimin? N-No..not at all, actually" He peeked a glance at me, chuckling.

"I thought we'll meet at dinner. I wasn't really expecting you, you know. Please take a seat, make yourself comfortable" he said while typing something in the laptop.

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