Building tension

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{-Author here! Just wanted to thank everyone for the comments and votes! I enjoy reading them all so please keep them coming!! And secondly content warning! This is a more mature chapter-}

On the other side of the door Ed was also desperately attempting to compose himself best he could; when he nearly lost Stede his care for him returned in full force along with his feelings. He was still hesitant to trust again but his perpetual yearning only grew, flooding his mind with useless indecent thoughts and foolish ideas such as the one that he acted on just a moment ago. When Stede emerged, the pair acted bashful, like two courting teens reluctant to acknowledge the tension between them. So they didn't. They wordlessly left the room together to greet their crew all expectantly waiting on the deck for them.

Stede clapped his hands together, "Right, I undertand things have been... turbulent.. recently. I do greatly apologise again for leaving in such a manner. But after getting my personal affairs in order I am back, for good. However, I understand some of you may still be skeptical so I shall step down from my role as co-captain and allow Ed to captain you-"Blackbeard interupted him by grabbing his arm and shaking his head.

"Stede is remaining co-captain and if you have a problem with it, you can take it up with me," Blackbeard gave a pointed glance to Izzy, who was already showing his clear disapproval with his stern face. His right hand jerked his head to beckon his captain to speak away from the crowd, allowing Stede to continue his speech while he got his usual earful from Izzy. The complaining man waffled on about how Stede is not to be trusted and how idiotic Blackbeard was being and eventually his paitience waned and he delivered a sharp blow under Izzy's ribs, winding him so he couldn't talk any longer. Once he was done with that, it was time to profousely apologise to Lucius and Black Pete who was already planning mutany for the captain who attempted to kill his boyfriend.

After all this out of character diplomacy Blackbeard felt knackered and dragged his feet back to the cabin for some refreshing peace, shrugging off his jacket as he entered the room, "I think we'll have to sleep with one eye open for a while. Izzy has it out for you, and Black Pete and Lucius certainly do not like me right now," He joked before yawning with a stretch. Stede glanced up from his desk, his eyes caught on the midriff that revealed itself as he streched before hurriedly averting his gaze when he was caught staring. The dark haired man stepped closer and leaned over where the other was sat, one hand on the the back of his chair and the other on the desk as he inquired, "Whatcha' up to?"

Stede felt his pulse jump again but quietly settled himself before explaining, gesturing the book on countries and papers he was looking at, "Oh I'm looking at how much money we'll have to live on when we retire. And places we could go. China does sound exciting but neither you nor I can speak the language so I am looking at all the options. Thankfully you didn't find my secret library where I keep all the first editions and collecters items."

He slowly tilted his head back up to read Blackbeard's face when he remained silent, mirroring the frown the dark haired pirate had, "Did I do something wrong?" Stede aprehensively murmured.

"It's just.. It's just you're acting like everything is okay again. Like you did not leave for a month. I'm still hurt, Stede. I cannot pretend everything is fine like you do," He retorted, pushing off the desk to exasperatedly slump onto the sofa infront of it.

"I don't know how else to make it up to you. I don't know how I can earn your trust back, Ed. Tell me what I can do," He pleaded, following after him and crouching to be level with his stoic face.

"I don't know! I don't...know. I just need time, I think," Snapped Blackbeard.

The pair let a quietness settle between them as they remained frozen in time for a moment, Stede's worried eyes flicking over his face as he noticed just how close they were but he did not move, unsure of what boundaries they now had. Just as he was about to move away, Ed pulled him back in with a fistful of his shirt and closed the distance between their lips . Stede pressed closer, the moment he had been pining for but always afraid of innitiating was finally here and he savoured it yet hungered for more. Ed put a firm hand on the small of his back and gently laid Stede down on the sofa as he shifted on top of him, never breaking the kiss. His worn hands ran through the other's golden curls, disrupting the distinguished style it was always in; a gesture he had longed to do. Stede's own hands lingered just under the hem of Blackbeard's cropped top but never going further. When he noticed, the kraken tore himself away and removed the garment all together, revealing a muscled chest that told a thousand stories with all its scars and tattoos.

"You don't need to be so tense, you know," Blackbeard said in hushed tones, his brows knitting together as Stede simply lay there wordlessly staring at his chest, "Or do you want me to stop? Because it's alright if you do..."

Stede snapped out of his trance and let an impish smile unfurl as he cupped his jaw and pulled his face back in til their lips grazed each other, "I'll be devastated if you stop," He breathed before continuing their kiss, this time the movements slower as they melted into each other and he parted his lips to allow Ed's tongue entry. His breath hitched as he felt Ed's knee press between his legs, his fingers digging into his back as the gentle pressure sent shivers down his spine. His body instinctively grinded against his knee as he was helped out of his own waistcoat and shirt, barely ever tearing their lips apart for longer than a few seconds. Ed eventually dragged his mouth to the other's neck, tenderly biting in areas as he flicked his tongue against the warm skin, relishing how easily he could unravel the gentleman pirate in his hands. He wanted to show him more.

His fingertips were featherlight as he trailed them down to Stede's waistband before locking eyes with him, a question in his dark eyes. Stede bit his lip before he gave a nod of permission and Ed wasted no time in undressing the rest of him before doing the same to himself until no barriers prevented their body heat from mingling. He held both their dicks in his hand and began to move his wrist, already causing the blonde to arch his back into him. Their breaths quickened along with the movements of his hand and soft moans escaped Stede's lips as he neared climax. His nails left scratches along the tanned expanse of Blackbeard's back as he came, the other man following soon after. They both were still as they panted, staring into each other's lidded eyes. Ed finally parted from him to find something to clean them up, leaving Stede to fail hopelessly at composing himself, still rife with that euphoric high.

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