Lost time

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When Ed's heavy lids finally did flutter open, he was greeted with the sight of Stede sat up staring at him.
"Morning, Sunshine," he rumbled, his voice carrying that sort of sleepy huskiness, "were you watching me sleep?"
Tousled blonde curls bounced as he dipped his head down with a soft laugh, "no... well, not really.... Okay maybe a little... I guess I still can't believe I have you back here. It feels too good to be true."
He reached up and took Stede's chin to face him, a cocky grin curling at the corners of his lips, "do you really think I can be killed that easy? Shit, I might even be a little offended, Stede Bonnet. Do you have that little faith in your husband?"

Stede's mouth formed a small 'o' in surprise at his words; they had never truly called each other husbands aloud until now, and while it was surreal it still sent his heart into a fluttery mess. He moved over to his desk and picked up a stack of papers, "you know, I wrote to you every day you were gone. There would be moments I would go to say something and you wouldn't be there next to me, so I wrote it all down instead..." he mumbled, handing Ed the papers when he outstretched his open palm.

He watched him read every one from where he leaned on the table, reflecting every smile Ed would have as he flicked through the papers. He placed down the last one with a sniff as he wiped away a stray tear, "you won't have to write me another letter again, I promise. I'll always be at your side."
He shifted to walk over to where Stede stood, moving in to kiss him but he was halted as hands went to cup his face.
"What happened to you on the ship? Do these hurt?" Stede inquired, a small pout forming as he inspected his cuts.
"These? Oh, they're nothing. I've had worse. Hornigold was just trying to break me in and make me an angry, bitter pirate again. Izzy was helping him too, he'd literally rub salt into the wounds. He also rubbed salt into the emotional wounds by betraying me so often and then pulling this stunt," he grumbled, far more unaffected than the horrified man before him.
Stede began to pace, throwing his hands up in the air as he ranted, "oh I should turn this ship right around and go back there and- and-.. I don't know, make them bleed too! How could they? How cruel and disloyal can you be! How come you didn't stab them yourself before we left the ship! You had every right to!"

"I've done the whole maiming and killing and revenge thing. It's not actually that gratifying in the end. Besides, I'm sure the Royal Navy sorted them out," Ed soothed, chuckling at the exasperated noises Stede made in response to his calmness. The vexed man ceased his heated mutterings when he caught the way his husband looked at him with a soft, amused expression.
"What?" Stede questioned.
"You're cute when you're fired up and protective," he remarked, "but you don't need to be. To be honest, I'm more angry at how they hurt you than me....and also the fact they split us up before we got to the wedding night."
Stede arched a brow as he strode towards him, backing him up against a wall with a hand pressed against the wood next to him, "I suppose that night is long overdue..." he mused, their faces so close their noses touched.
"There's no time like the present," Ed retorted, his onyx irises flicking between Stede's lips and his eyes. They lingered in a moment heavy tension, waiting for the other to make the first move until they both closed the distance. The kiss was slow and deliberate at first as their lips moved in perfect synchronicity, taking time to savour the softness, the way they tasted, the warmth. But as the heat built up they became messier, devouring each other with tongue and teeth yet always craving more. Ed's hand cradled the back of his head while his other slid onto the small of his back as he pressed him even closer. Close enough that he could feel every muscle shift and his chest rise and fall. Stede felt a groan rumble from his throat as bit Ed's bottom lip and drew back, his eyes still closed as he caught his breath.
Stede began to brush his lips over every injury his husband bore, gradually moving down once he had finished with his face. He removed his shirt to continue planting a soft kiss on every scar, new and old, as he slowly sunk to his knees. His fingers fumbled with the belt buckle when he neared his waist, letting the clothing pool around his ankles.
Ed moaned a curse as lips wrapped around him, his hands instantly entangled Stede's hair as he reflexively pushed deeper.
He was surprisingly skilled with his mouth and had brought him to climax far quicker than he expected but before he could recover he was pushed onto the bed. Stede removed his own clothes before he straddled Ed and easily slid onto him, taking his full size as they both gasped in unison. He remained still for a moment to adjust to the feeling before beginning a steady movement as he gazed down at Ed's flushed face and furrowed brows, his fingers tracing the tattoos on his chest. That was until the pleasure was rendering unable to focus on anything, keeping his rhythm as Ed's fingers dug into his thighs, their bodies melting together.

Once the pair had satisfied their insatiable appetites and exhausted their stamina, Stede insisted they bathe together to clean up. He knew Ed withheld the full scope of how terrible his time on Hornigold's ship was, he knew the tried to hide every wince and pretend none of the injuries he sustained hurt, he knew he didn't want to cause worry. But he still wanted to nurture him after all he'd been through, to ease his burden. So they sat in the tub together as Stede methodically detangled all the new matts he'd gotten in his salt and pepper hair and told him of all the wonderful things they could do when they were home together again. After suggesting they adopt a cat, Ed splashed water at his face to show his disdain for the idea, but Stede paid him no mind and continued onto what they'd name the cat.

Now smelling of lavender and in fresh clothes, it was time to finally sit and dine with the crew who were eager to hear all about Blackbeard's time away; Stede had switched his mourning black for cheerier teal clothes while Ed wore a billowy shirt tucked into his fitted leather pants.
In fact, as Ed stood at the head of the dining table and theatrically retold what happened on the beach and everything afterwards, Stede found himself paying more attention to the cleavage that peeked out from the collar of the shirt and the toned forearms that he revealed as he rolled his sleeves up.
"Isn't that right, Stede?" Ed uttered, all attention now on the man he addressed.
"I- uhm- I-.." he stammered, having been snapped out of his trance with no clue of what was said before.
"Didn't Hornigold practically shit himself when he saw the navy? Awh that face was priceless, made the whole being kidnapped thing almost worth it," He continued, saving Stede from revealing he hadn't paid any mind to what he was saying.
As his husband continued his gripping saga, he propped his head up with his elbow and watched him with an loving smile. Everything just felt complete when Ed was around and his energy and liveliness was utterly intoxicating. Every day felt like another adventure with him- and in all fairness, it was. But hopefully quieter times awaited them and Izzy has ceased his obsessive plight to achieve his ideal for Blackbeard. It was about time outside forces stopped trying to push them apart.

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