Calm before the storm

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Ed blinked open bleary eyes to a cloudless blue sky and a second later he noticed the boots either side his head before his attention was brought to the round smiling face of Stede who sat above him.

"We're near the Revenge!" He exclaimed.

Ed's brows furrowed-- they were still a way off from the ship last night, just how early did Stede wake up and start rowing? Now that he thought about it, the shadows under his eyes did seem deeper. Alas, he just assumed it was the cramped sleeping situation that disturbed his sleep.

Before they knew it, the pair reached that familiar ship and were climbing the ladder to be greeted by the elated faces of their crew as they moved in with open arms, embracing their old captain the gentleman pirate.

"You lot get back to work! What's all this noise about?" Izzy Hands barked, striding towards the commotion. Surpise overtook his hardened face at the sight of Blackbeard in the crowd-- except he was missing that defining feature. Nonetheless, he was still hapy to see his captain and gave him a pat on the back.

"Knew you'd escape" He stated with a respectful nod.

After settling back in with the new managment and catching up over a dinner cooked by Roach, everyone retired to their quarters for the night. As Stede closed his cabin's door, Ed was already at his ornate desk, popping open a decanter of expensive whiskey and pouring them both a glass. Ed handed him a glass and raised his own with an impish grin.

"To our freedom. May it last long!"

They both downed their drinks and the dark haired man was already pouring them another before perching on the edge of the desk and pulling Stede in between his legs by his waist. His fingers didn't leave the waistband they were hooked on as he locked eyes with the gentle hazel ones of his companion.

"So what's our game plan, hm? We can go anywhere we want, anytime we want. Somewhere far like China? We can retire there. Just us" Ed excitedly rambled, such a hopeful glint in his eye it made Stede's heart ache.

What had he done to Blackbeard? He had turned the most revered pirate alive into a tamed house cat with no wants except to retire. And to boot he was the reason blackbeard lost his beard as well. The Admiral was right. He tried so desperately to ignore him, to belive his words as nothing more than blades meant to cut but there was truth behind them, there's no denying that. But maybe he could fix things, maybe he could change blackbeard's mind

Stede cupped Ed's cheek with a sad sort of smile as he said, "Are you sure you're ready to... throw in the towel? I mean, your legacy is so widespread it would be a shame to just let it all go. You've still got some kick in you, why not keep going for a year or two. Make the most of the name you've made for yourself. Besides, retirement can get dreadfully boring."

Ed's gaze lowered as his hand dropped into his lap, shaking his head before speaking, "Stede... I'm done with all that. I've seen and done it all... it just doesn't make me...happy anymore. You do"

"Well....What if i'm not ready to give up my sea legs?" Stede mumbled.

Blackbeard let out a withering sigh, hanging his head as he pondered for a moment, "Let's talk about this another time" Was all he said before pushing off the desk and getting into bed, ending the conversation. Stede followed soon after yet sleep did not come to him as quickly, instead he woefully stared at the slumbering man, his face so peaceful and gentle he looked more like a saint than a cut-throat pirate.

He was the problem. It had been Stede all along. He ruined a beautiful woman in her prime, he ruined the lives of his now fatherless children and he ruined the greatest pirate to ever live. No amount of convincing or fixing would help Ed. He was better off without Stede, he knew that now. Thus, a plan began to hatch.

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