chapter nine

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The next couple of days at school go by pretty uneventfully. All exams and assessments were over, so there was no stress, no rush. Just boredom.

What these classes did succeed in however, was getting me closer to Will's family. Harry was now my new best friend. When I was with him I felt a childlike ease that was beyond foreign to me. I felt free with him, like there were no consequences for our actions. It was fun. He was fun. And I had made my first friend.

"What do you have planned for the holidays?" I ask Harry in study hall. None of the other vamp fam were here. It's when we had the most fun.

"Um- nothing I don't think why?"

"Do you wanna hang out?"

"Okay but like what would we do."

"Mm we could have a slumber party, build a fort, and watch movies. Oh. My. God. I just had the best idea. What if we made a water slide on one of the slopes behind your house."

"You can make water sides?"

"Bitch, you've never made a water slide. It's so easy. You just get tarps, water, and soap. Trust me I know what I'm doing."

"Okay well when do you want to do it?"

"Well Charlie will be away on a fishing trip for the entire week, and I don't want to be alone so, Saturday?"

"Yes! I'm so excited."

"Excited for what baby?" Thomas. These two's relationship simultaneously makes me want to gag and cry. It's so freakin cute.

"Osch and I are going to have a slumber party. We're gonna make a water slide."

"When's this?"

"On Saturday."

"Should be fun can I tag along?"

"For the slide, yes. For the movies and fort, no. No relationships, just friendships." I say determinedly. I want to actually have a friendship with harry, not his relationship.

"Okay, sounds fun." And it freakin will be.

It wasn't. It was not fun.

Someone had gotten hurt within like the first .5 seconds. I didn't know water slides could be so deadly to vampires but damn.

Luckily, Harry and I had chosen to go last. So, we didn't get hurt. Unluckily, everyone else who had went, which was majority of the family, had gotten hurt and were very mad at me and Harry. Oopsie..

The slumber party however was fun. We made a fort with all of the pillows and blankets from the house, and watched every single harry potter movie.

We talked and laughed for hours. It was only when the sun started to rise and the ending credits for the last movie played out, that we decided to finally move. Harry to find Thomas and me to find any type of cushioned surface in this house. Knowing I would be hard pressed to find a bed, I mentally prepared myself to take the couch only to find two stock still vampires sitting not even 5 metres from us.

"Have you been there the whole night?" Harry asks, genuine surprise ridden in his voice.

"We wanted to make sure you were both okay." Well, that's cute.

"How did you stay so quiet?"

"Well will with the whole telepathy thing really helps out in situations like this." Telepathy?

"Anyway, we'll see the both of you tonight yes?" harry demands rather than asks before running off with Thomas.

"What did Thomas mean by telepathy thing?" I ask a sheepish looking Rue.

"Um – it's a long story." She responds rubbing the back of her neck.

She's nervous.

Of me.

"Okay," I laugh, highly uncomfortable, "you don't have to tell me."

"No, I want to. It's just confusing is all." Right. "Fuck, okay. So, when vampires are turned, some of us get special gifts, I guess you could say. Bella's got her shield, Edward's got mind reading, Alice can see the future, jasper with mood control. But I'm the only one, in the younger batch, that has a gift. And my gift is that I can communicate with people through our minds. I can send and see thoughts."

"So, you can see people's thoughts? Like, whenever you want." Fuck me. Can she read my mind too?

"Yes, but I can't see yours."

"Why not?" Don't know whether to be offended or relieved.

"I don't know. At first I thought you had a shield like Bella, but then Edward could read your mind, so I don't know."

It's a block.

"It's a block, somethings blocking you from using your powers on me." I say without even thinking.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess. How did you know that?"

"I don't know. I just did I guess."


We spent the rest of the day in the field behind Will's house. We didn't really talk; I fell asleep once. But it was nice.

"Ocean, I have something to tell you."


"I'm a vampire" is she serious

"Well yeah. Did you miss the part where I literally figured that out? Babe that was like weeks ago."

"No Osch. I'm the oldest vampire in our family." What?

"Hey? I thought that was Carlisle. Isn't he like the dad? And you told me you were the newest member to the family." I ask sitting up.

"Technically I am."

"Wait I'm gonna need you to map out this family dynamic for me real quick."

"Okay so Carlisle and Esme adopted Edward, Alice, jasper, rose and Emmett. Rose and Emmett adopted grace and Thomas."


"And Alice and jasper adopted George and Harry."

"Right, so who adopted you?"

"Well, no one technically. I was friends with Carlisle when we had both first turned. Carlisle then went and joined the Volturi, and I became a bit of a psycho." I'm just going to phase over the psycho part.

"Wait so how old are you?" this bitch is gonna be a thousand and something isn't she?

"383 years old."

"Oh well that's not that bad. So, you were born in ..." math is hard.

"1639." Fucking what?

"1639? You were born in 1639? What the fuck William?"

"Yeah. I'm the oldest vampire in our family but also the newest member."

"When did you stop eating humans?" I feel like this is an important question.

"About 200 years ago. I travelled a lot. I've seen the whole world. And then, about 10 years ago I came to visit the Cullen's and there were a few new additions. Carlisle offered me a place in the coven, so I stayed. And eventually I became a part of the family. I look 17 so that's why I had to go to school rather have a profession like Carlisle."

"Wait but that's kinda sad though."

"What is?"

"Everyone else has their intricate family's. They have siblings and cousins and children and parents and even grandparents. What do you have?" that could have been worded better.

"I'm still waiting for my own family. But it will happen. One day."

"Your own little vampire family."

"Mhm for now I'm like the weird second cousin no one really likes."

"Oof, you just called your own self out."

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