Chapter three

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I started school the next week. January. Halfway through the year and right after Christmas break. Fun.

What isn't fun, however? Getting up at the ass crack of dawn in 30-degree fucking temperatures. I spent majority of my life in Australia. So even basement weather was hotter than this shit. Way hotter.

Getting dressed this morning was a fucking effort. The other day I actually had someone to impress so I classed it up. Today I am perfectly content on dressing however the fuck I want.

With that in mind I run, and I mean run, from my cosy bed to the wardrobe and pull out the first pair of light ripped at the knees jeans I find. Quickly followed by an oversized band tee and a massive beige jumper. I then pull-on mismatched socks and my favourite yellow puffy jacket. Ahh warmth. My old friend.

Finally, I pick out my low-rise platform doc martens and wallah my outfit is complete. Picking up my yellow bookbag and giving myself a once over in the mirror, I make my way downstairs already dreading the walk to school because despite passing the American driving test and saving the entire time I lived with Renee, I still don't have a car.

 Picking up my yellow bookbag and giving myself a once over in the mirror, I make my way downstairs already dreading the walk to school because despite passing the American driving test and saving the entire time I lived with Renee, I still don't ...

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"Good morning Hun, excited for your first day?" Sue asks way too chipper for 6.30am.

"Yep. Can't wait." I sigh as I make myself a coffee, iced of course, I'm not a sociopath. "Where's Charlie?"

"He's out the front." Sue said with a creepy freakin smile, "He's got a surprise for you." Oh, fuck me.

"Ocean! You're up." Charlie is also way to loud and happy for this freakin hellscape of a time.

"Yes. Good morning Charlie. Sue said you had a surprise for me, but I think I have to leave soon. The school is a 15-minute walk, and it starts in like an hour. So, it might have to wait until this afternoon." I don't want to disappoint Charlie but I'm a freakin slow walker and I'm not being late to my first day of school.

"Oh of course Hun, let us walk you out." Again, with the freakin cheerfulness. What the hell was in their coffee?

"Okay well, I'll see you both this afternoon." I say as I open the door, right before my freakin jaw hits the literal ground.

Oh. Fuck. Me.

"Shut up." I whisper, "who's car is that? It's gorgeous." I ask lowkey, but also high key, drooling over the yellow ford bronco buster sitting in the driveway.

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