I smiled to myself Harry couldn't wish for better people to protect him. That thought and watching Harry like a hawk got me through the rest of the night. Though  I was going to have to make a point of talking to Alecto Carrow about her brother. And likly make a show of his death. I paused in my thoughts as I lost sight of my son. My eyes searching the crowd where had he gone to. Then I was hugged from behind by someone shorter. As an answer to my question. I smiled and pulled him in front of me. "Enjoying the ball?" I asked and was rewarded with a beaming smile.

        "Yes! Did you see them dancing before they proposed daddy? It was so romantic. And then all the glitter! And I get a new sister and brother once they get married! Have you eaten daddy? You look a little cranky." I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me as he rambled but took note of the fact that he was slowly leading me to the table with all the finger foods. Once there I saw him discreetly pull his wand and mutter a privacy spell.

         I raised a brow at him in question. "Your glow is all funny daddy are you okay?" I could see the consern in his eyes but he was careful not to show it in his face.  I gave him an approving nod and said "yes son I'm alright. Let's get some snacks." After that he went back to telling me about his night so far once we had made it half back to our table he frowned a bit "Daddy can we talk later about something one of your people said to me?"

          He had said this near a table of mid ranks I had a feeling Harry did that on purpose. "Of course son how about we chat about it on our way upstairs later?" I suggested receiving a nod I continued over to our table with him. I saw a few of them pale at what had been said. Others seemed curious yet worried. But for the most part those who hadn't heard him had seen his demeanor and mine and only gave looks of respect.  Afterwards I let barty and rabastion lead him to the second floor. While Lucius and Severus wer slowly making their way up the stairs I gave bella a nod then took cissa's hand and followed Harry up. Getting to the landing in time to see rabastion give Harry a chaste kiss on the lips followed by one from barty. But Harry stopped them from leaving by grabbing their hands. Giving a small kiss to them both before pulling them down and close whispering something in their ear. When they both turned red I scowled. They hugged him and left bidding him night again.

          "What did you say to those two young man?" To my surprise it was cissa who looked more angry than I'd seen her in a while. Harry blushed hard not having noticed us.

         "Nothing bad mummy I promise. Can we go up now?" He shuffled his feet acwardly. I knew he wasn't ready for any adult activities. And judging by the way he was acting he would tell us soon anyway. So I patted her hand and guided her to the stairs. As we all started going up Harry started to tell us about what Aymcus had said and done that Sev and Luci had missed. He had finished telling us by the time we got to his room. "And as for what I said to Barty and Bastion. I was asking them to come to me before they drool over me from afar next time there is a ball." He finished off with causing all of us to laugh.

           But I know with what had been said and done he was occluding. Else his hair would have changed like mad. So I opened my arms. "You probably just wanted to keep the colors right for the ball, but time to stop now come here." In a second he was in my arms. As he stopped occluding his hair went through a riot of colors as he cried quietly into my chest. Lucius was getting the bed ready while Severus was in the bathroom Narcissa was lighting the calming candles. When they had all finished. I gently carried him to his bathroom and helped him into the tub. I washed his hair for him and let him have his chocolate's.

          I went back to his sitting area. "Honestly I want to be mad he occluded his emotions for the sake of hair. But with what happened and knowing it what have been a disaster had he not been." Severus sighed at the end making it clear he couldn't be mad about it.

            "Hard to be mad at that also I sort of understand and think he was right to do that from the start." Lucius said surprising us all.

          "What do you mean right to do it? Do you know how unhealthy that is?" Narcissa said agast.

        "Yes, however think from his angle. He knows only a select few of them. He's gone from being the enemy they've hated for years. To being the adopted son of their lord. Add to that his desire to impress and make us all proud. And the need to show them that he's not only worthy of being the dark lords son but analyze any possible threats to himself. Not to mention the first ball with multiple adult individuals that aren't teachers. His best option was to do what he did." Lucius explained carefully.

           He let that sink in for a moment. Before getting up and walking to the door to Harry's bathroom. He knocked before softly calling out to Harry telling him it was to to get out and dry. When he came back I looked him dead in the eyes. "I didn't realize a ball would be so stressful for him. I see why your the favorite." This caused Lucius give a victory grin. "Now what to do with Aymcus?"

           "We will let him stew for a few days. Then I get him. Then we leave him in the stocks for a while with a sign stating he's being punished for transgressions made at the ball we can of course go into details with Alecto she genuinely seemed to enjoy his company. And he made her teeth pretty again. Then gave her a pedicure. I highly doubt she knew what her brother would get up to." Narcissa planned out with ease reminding me why I love her. And the other two how truly cruel she could be when angry. So I kissed her cheek.

           When Harry stumbled out of the bathroom I went over picked him up and carried him to bed tucking him in. We all gave him a good night kiss on the head before leaving the room. Not wanting to bother with pretence I caught Narcissa's hand and pulled her into my room.

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