Confrontation (Chapter 16)

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We lay there in a comfortable silence for a bit, holding each other, glad to be there. I can't help but smile. I never thought this would happen, but I am so glad it did. I am so glad Eli found me and I didn't The only issue was Britney, but I decided to not think about it. In this moment I pushed all of my bad thoughts, doubts, and fears away just to enjoy this moment.

"We should head back, it's getting late." Eli whispers.

"Yeah probably, my sister is gonna be worried if I'm out too late." I sigh and sit up. Eli removes his arms from around me and my smile falters, not wanting the night to end. I get up anyway and Eli packs everything up. I grab the blanket while Eli grabs the picnic basket, and we head back to the car. We place everything in the trunk when we get to the car and Eli runs to open the door for me.

"My lady." He says and despite it being dark, I can see him wink. I laugh quietly.

"Thank you sir." I say and sit down in the car. He closes the door and walks over to the driver's side, hopping in the car and beginning to drive. The drive is quiet, but despite no words being shared, the silence speaks somehow. It wasn't a tense or uncomfortable silence, but a calming silence. Almost as if we had to adjust to this feeling of overwhelming butterflies that were never ending. The car ride goes by quickly and we soon arrive at my house. I look at Eli and smile.

"Thanks for this, I really needed it. And I'm glad to have you here." I smile at him and he smiles softly back.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. And you have no idea how happy I am that you said yes. I was so nervous." He laughs slightly.

"I'm happy you asked because I would never have had the guts too." I laugh quietly. We look at each other and I give him a quick kiss before stepping out of the car and waving to him. He waves back and I walk to my house. I open the door that was unlocked and step in, taking one last look to see Eli now driving off. I close the door behind me and slip off my shoes. I can't help but smile like an idiot.

"So where have you been?" I hear and whip my head around in the direction of the voice. It was my sister.

"Um Eli took me on a picnic." I say, trying to hide my smile but failing.

"Oooo so what did you do?" She asks with a grin.

"We ate the food and watched the sun set.. He also kinda.. Asked me to be his girlfriend." I say with a smile and I see her face light up.

"HE DID?? YES!" She squeals and I cover my face in embarrassment. "See I told you he liked you too! My ship finally sails." She celebrates and I can't help but laugh. She makes me tell her every detail of the night and I do. After I'm done she tells me to get some sleep for school tomorrow. It was 9:45. I went up to my room and changed, along with wiping off my makeup. I fall into my bed and drift off to sleep instantly.

I wake up as soon as I fall asleep to my alarm. I groan and fall off my bed. I sigh and put my hands over my face. I was so scared for today and what Britney would do. Just the thought of it made me shudder. But I planned today to not let her boss me around and control me, if she tells everyone then she's the one in the wrong. Not me. Plus I got Eli and he already knows so who cares what everyone else thinks. I just have to ignore everyone. I stand up and grab a cute outfit along with just putting on a bit of mascara. It doesn't take too long before everything is done and I head downstairs. I grab my school bag, put on my shoes, and head out the door. I was too anxious to eat so I just left.

I made it to school by the usual time and went to my locker. I didn't see Eli and a rush of dread flowed through me. Guess I'm dealing with Britney alone. I straighten my posture and get everything I need. I just got done when I heard heels clanking.

"Hey bitch." Britney says from behind me, her snotty voice irritating me.

"Hey Britney.." I say with a fake tone.

"Come with me." She says and grabs my arm tightly. She takes me to the usual spot but before I could say anything to her, the guy shows up. My anxiety grows. I could fight or go against Britney but if I did to this guy, I wouldn't win. He's way too tall for me to fight and if I said anything to him that he didn't like he'd just..make it all worse. I hold back a groan along with some tears, not wanting this guy to start kissing me when I'm with Eli now. He comes up next to Britney, whispers something in her ear, and she spins the other way and leaves. The guy walks up and pushes me against the wall. I hold back tears as he moves his hand to my chin and lifts my head to look up at him. A tear runs down my face, followed by another, then another. I silently cry while this sick guy moves his face closer to mine slowly, his face smiling evilly.

"Back up." Is what I hear while my eyes are squinted closed and another tear runs down my face. It's the voice I know all too well, Eli. I open my eyes wide and look at the guy, gaining confidence and pushing him away easily. His face grows angry and he follows me but Eli steps between us.

"Move. This isn't your business." The guy says, looking up to Eli. Eli intimidated him once but clearly this guy wasn't going down without some kind of fight.

"It actually is because she is MY girlfriend. I don't want your filthy hands on her and I'm sure she doesn't either." Eli snaps. The guy backs down a bit, clearly a bit more scared from Eli's tone of voice.

"Whatever man." He scoffs before brushing past both of us and leaving down the hallway. I let out a sigh of relief and automatically wrapped my arms around Eli tightly.

"Thank you so so much, I was so scared.. He would do that every day you weren't here. I'm sorry I didn't say anything. Britney would also kinda beat me up and threaten me um yeah.." I say, my voice gets quieter at the last part. Eli hugs me back just as tight.

"I'm so sorry, August. I won't let that happen again. I promise I'll protect you." He says and I nod. We stay in the hug for a moment before letting go.

"I need to do something... I'll be quick and meet you in class, okay?" I say and look up to Eli.

"Okay, see you in class. Be safe and let me know if you need anything." He smiled and kissed my forehead before walking away to class. I take a breath and walk to the bathroom to wait for Britney. I only wait a minute before she walks in.

"Oh how lovely to see you here August." She says with a fake tone. I roll my eyes and she glares at me. "Do not roll your eyes at me." She says, offended.

"I'm not scared of you anymore bitch. You've tormented me all because I have a guy you want for popularity. That's sad. You would kick and punch and hit me all because Eli wanted me and not you and you could see that. Maybe you could've had a chance if you liked him for his personality, wouldn't cheat with 10 different guys, would be kind, and not act like a salty bitch. I'm sorry your life is so sad you had to come and ruin mine but I'm not going to stand here while you slap me or lay on the floor helplessly while you kick me anymore. Go ahead. Tell everyone everything. That's only making you look more like a shit person. I'm done letting you control me, letting that one guy assault me, and you harass me. I'm done with this shit. I'm not some fun little pawn in your game anymore and you can go cry about it in one of these stalls. Eli's MY boyfriend." I finish with a breath and cross my arms, looking at Britney's shocked, wide mouthed expression.

"You-" She says and stomps over to me, raising her hand to slap me. Her hand almost reaches my head before I stop it with my hand and smile at her.

"Nice try." I say and glare, putting her hand down and slapping her across the face. "If I wasn't nice I would've beaten you to the floor but I got to say my words and I don't feel like killing someone." I say and walk right past her without another word. I walk back to class and make it right as the bell rings, thank god I get to school really early. I tell Eli what happened and he has his mouth wide open the entire time. After I finish he smiles.

"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, good job." He says.

"Thank you" I smiled back at him. The rest of the day went by smoothly, I was left alone. I walk out of the school at the end of the day with my head held high.

I went home happy and not scared for the next day for the first time in a while.

Each other's forever  (Ranboo x oc) -finished-Where stories live. Discover now