Tears (Chapter 9)

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TW//Mentions of abuse, bullying, ED, and su!c!de

The day drags on and I long for it to end. Eli helps make it better but every time I see Britney I have to look down. Tears threaten to fall when I see her, but I just push through. She tripped me in the hallway earlier, I caught myself before falling to the floor but still. I just walked away. It was the last class and I had 10 more minutes. I sink down in my chair and wait. Eventually the bell rings and I hop up from my seat.

"You happy to go?" Eli asks with a little laugh.

"Yeah" I say, relief filled my voice.

"I was gonna ask if I could come to yours today since it's Friday? If you're too tired I could come over another day." He says the last part quickly.

"You can come over Eli." I smile softly up at him and he smiles back and nods. We walk to my house and enter the quiet. We head up to my room and he sits in my chair so I sit on my bed. We have a few conversations and then we fall into a comfortable silence while we both scroll through our phones.

"Hey August?" Eli pauses. "Are you okay?" He asks quietly, looking at me, his eyes filled with concern. I had been holding it all day but those words, and his eyes, just broke me completely. Today had been too much in such a short time. Tears form into my eyes and I can't stop them so I just look at Eli helplessly, not moving, with tears running down my face. His eyes widen and he walks over, sitting beside me on the bed. He wraps me in his warm embrace tightly and I let out quiet sobs and cry into his chest. He hugs me tightly, comforting me.

"I'm sorry.." I sniff quietly and let out another sob.

"Don't be sorry.. You did nothing wrong, it's okay." He says softly, rubbing my back. I slowly calm down and my sobs turn into just little sniffs. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks. I think about whether I should tell him all of it. I want to but what if Britney finds out I did. I sigh and get ready to tell him anyway.


"You sure you wanna know?" I look up to him and raise an eyebrow. He nods and I sigh. "It's a lot." I pause for a moment before continuing on. "So today was fine, and it would've been but.. Apparently Britney found out stuff about my past and she threatened to tell the school. So she knows about my dad, middle school, my one past relationship, and PTSD along with anxiety. Okay so starting with my dad. He wasn't the best, he would yell and argue a lot. He would come home drunk too. It never got physical until one day when he hit my mom, my sister, and I. That was only one month though because after that my mom took us and left when she could, leaving him. She later went to court to get a divorce and gain custody of us, which she obviously won. So yeah she apparently knows that my dad mentally abused my family and physically abused us too." I pause before continuing on.

"Middle school is short, basically I got bullied and body shamed a lot and it got bad to where I would cut myself, I stopped eating for a long time, and I as well attempted suicide once. I had an abusive relationship at the end of middle school and throughout summer. It was this guy that would manipulate and hit me. And the PTSD and anxiety is just because of all the things I just told you. I also had depression in middle school and was put on antidepressants but I don't need them anymore." I finally finish and look up at Eli who has a sad look on his face.


"Oh August I am so so sorry, you didn't deserve any of that." He says as he wraps his arms around me once again, embracing me in a hug. I hug him back tightly, never wanting to let go. Despite that we both let go and look at each other. I look into his eyes and get lost for a second, his gray eyes mesmerizing me. "Just know I am here for you. Promise me that if you ever even think of doing that or someone is bullying or body shaming you then you will tell me. Please promise me that." He says firmly yet sweetly, not breaking eye contact.

"I promise." I say. "If I'm gonna promise that then I guess I should tell you that Britney was beating me up in the bathrooms. I didn't do anything because of her threats but I got flashbacks so that's why I started crying.." I say, getting quieter at the last part. He nods with a sympathetic look on his face. "Don't do anything or tell her you know, she'll tell the school everything." I ask Eli.

"Okay.. But if it gets too far then I WILL do something." Eli says firmly. I nod and we stay in silence for a moment. We decided to watch a movie to get our mind off things. I get my computer and set it on my bed to where we can both see it. We lay down, slightly propped up. I lay in Eli's arms as we decided to watch a random Hallmark movie. I feel my eyes getting heavy and sigh, knowing I'm going to fall asleep like last time. Eventually I can't help but close my eyes and as I do, I fall asleep almost instantly. 

Word count: 972

heavy chapter again ik but im going to post an extra chapter to make up for it. Hope you enjoyed! I love you all <33 drink water and eat something!

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