"It's my duty as a Mom, Bin.  I will definitely give the best for our baby". Hyun Bin looked back at the ultrasound photo that she had brought with him. "So cute! I can't wait to hold him".

Three days have passed, Eun Ha will come home from her camping activities. She couldn't wait to find out what gender her little baby. Today she was picked up by Yejin and Hyun Bin because all of them were going to have dinner out.

As usual she screamed when she saw Yejin and Hyun Bin waiting for her. "Appa Eomma quickly say, little baby boy or girl? I keep thinking about it the whole way!" She said as soon as she got into the car.

"Eun Ha doesn't want to guess?" Hyun Bin gave a suggestion. "Oh well, I'll guess. If my guess is right, Appa must fulfill all my wishes for the next 1 week, But if I'm wrong, I will help Eomma clean the house for the next 1 week, how about it?" Eun Ha said agreeing with Hyun Bin's suggestion. "Okay deal" Hyun Bin gave Eun Ha his pinky finger.

Yejin smiled hearing them negotiate. "Emm..it seems like he's a boy, because he can't stay calm in Eomma's stomach. Like Eun Ha's male friend he is always nosy and never quiet in class". Guess Eun Ha while imagining something. Hyun Bin looked at Yejin.

I don't know where Eun Ha concludes like that, but it's true. It turns out that Eun Ha's observations are quite good. "Why does Appa keep staring at Eomma? Surely Eun Ha's answer is right, right?" She continued because she had not received an answer from Yejin and Hyun Bin. "Woaah.. why are you good at guessing Eun Haya? Your answer is 100% correct!" Hyun Bin gave up. Eun Ha is very happy, because she will ask Hyun Bin anything for the next 1 week.

"Hooray! I'll have a younger brother, and—I'll get whatever I want" she said while looking at Hyun Bin. "Are you happy to have a little brother?" Yejin chimed in. "Of course Eomma, little sister or brother to me is the same, but—I don't have toys to lend him later, because I only have dolls". Hyun Bin smiled behind the wheel. "Don't worry, it's Appa's job to buy toys for him later."

Arriving at the restaurant, they immediately ordered some food and drinks. "Eun Ha, why don't you eat right away? What are you doing?" Yejin rebukes Eun Ha for being busy with paper and writing something down. "I'll finish soon Eomma, I'm writing what I want for the next 1 week" Eun Ha looks excited.
"Appa..Eomma, listen for a moment I will talk" she said after finishing writing it. Yejin and Hyun Bin stopped eating for a moment.

First, Appa has to pick up Eun Ha every day. Second, Appa has to make breakfast for me. Third, Appa has to sing lullaby songs before bed for the baby boy and also for Eomma. Fourth, Appa has to tell me stories before I go to sleep. Fifth, eeemm ---Can I come with Appa to work just once? But, if Appa isn't too busy, how easy is it?" Eun Ha rolled her eyes and looked at Hyun Bin.

"Didn't Appa take and pick you up every day?" Yejin responded. "Indeed, but—Appa often asks Uncle Pyo Chi Su to pick me up". Hyun Bin half nodded. "The lullaby song? I've never heard of it". Eun Ha asked Yejin to look it up on Youtube and showed it to Hyu Bin. "Eun Ha, do you know where that song came from?" Yejin continued to eat. Maybe this is the first time for Hyun Bin to hear the song, but Yejin must have known and heard it often.

"From Eun Ha's friends who have a little sister, they say the baby will fall asleep quickly if the song is sung, is that right, Eomma?" It was clear who was also eating his favorite soup. "So Appa have to memorize it?" Eun Ha nodded firmly "Of course Appa!"

After finishing dinner, they immediately returned to the apartment because Eun Ha seemed to be very tired.

Starting today Hyun Bin does what Eun Ha asks, every night Hyun Bin sings a lullaby for his baby who is still in Yejin's womb. This Saturday, Hyun Bin will take Eun Ha to his office, for some reason she really wants to go to Hyun Bin's office. Coincidentally, this Saturday, Hyun Bin only has sports activities with his all friends, so it doesn't matter if invite Eun Ha.

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