Hyun Bin rolled his eyes and immediately took it from Yejin's hand.

Hyun Bin immediately hugged Yejin after seeing what he saw "Thanks Jagiya finally our wish came true" Hyun Bin was so happy that he shed tears.

Meanwhile Eun Ha could only stare at the two and didn't know what was going on. "What happened Eomma?" Eun Ha interrupted Yejin and Hyun Bin who were still hugging. "Eun Haya..shhh there's a baby in Eomma's stomach, are you happy?" Yejin explained while rubbing her still flat stomach. "Really? Hooray! I'm going to have a friend!" She said happy.

"Eun Ha promises to take care little baby and help Eomma take care of the baby" she continued. "Of course, since Eun Ha has grown up you have to help Eomma to take care of little baby understand?" Hyun Bin added.

Eun Ha nodded firmly then hugged Yejin. "But—Eomma and Appa will still love Eun Ha after the baby is born, right?" Eun Ha said a little glumly. For a 9-year-old child, maybe Eun Ha already understands that kind of thing. Yejin held Eun Ha's hand "Of course honey, Eomma and Appa will still love you. So don't worry, okay? Eun Ha is still Appa Bin and Eomma Yejin's child, even though you weren't born from Eomma's belly" Yejin said softly explaining.

Yejin understands how Eun Ha feels, maybe she is worried that she will be ignored by Yejin and Hyun Bin because their biological child was born. "Appa and Eomma promise? She said while holding out her little finger. Yejin and Hyun Bin nodded and wrapped their pinky around Eun Ha's pinky. "Thank you Appa and Eomma.. you're the only one Eun Ha has, thank you for taking care of me. I'm grateful for this."

What Eun Ha said made Yejin shed tears, she hugged Eun Ha and kissed her forehead softly.

"Eun Ha .. how many siblings do you want to have?" Hyun Bin changed the subject. "I like having lots of friends, so it looks like having lots of siblings would be great!" She said excited again. "Say, how much does Eun Ha want? Appa and Eomma will give it to you" said Hyun Bin who deliberately made Yejin look at him sharply. "Five! 3 girls and 2 boys. How about it?" Eun Ha answered innocently, Yejin was only able to shake her head and wanted to hit Hyun Bin. "Okay Appa agrees! How about Eomma?" Hyun Bin looked at Yejin teasingly. Yejin shook her head while staring intently at Hyun Bin.

After having dinner and accompanying Eun Ha to play, Yejin and Hyun Bin returned to their room. Hyun Bin asked a lot of questions about Yejin's pregnancy. "Jagiya, thanks again and—I want you to reduce your schedule at the hospital a bit, I don't want you to be too tired". Yejin just nodded.

"Jagi, what kind of doctor am I actually that I don't realize I'm almost 4 weeks pregnant? Even though the signs are clear. Even though I don't have morning sickness, but you know that lately I've been urinating a lot and I've become sensitive? " Yejin still blamed herself a little, if she had realized earlier, she would have been more careful in whatever she did.

Although Yejin is calm because her pregnancy is not in any trouble and is completely healthy. Hyun Bin smiled and rubbed Yejin's hand "You are too busy Jagiya, so you ignore these things. Luckily, our baby grew strong" Now Hyun Bin's hand rubbed Yejin's flat stomach.

Hyun Bin looked at Yejin's ultrasound again and stared at the picture repeatedly. "Jagiya, when is your schedule to meet the doctor? I have to come to see our baby growth" Hyun Bin said very enthusiastically. "Later when the baby was about 8 weeks". Luckily Yejin is a doctor, although not an obstetrician at least Yejin also understands and can answer anything asked by Hyun Bin. "Jagiya..umm—can we still have sex when you're pregnant?" Hyun Bin's question made Yejin suddenly look at him.

"In this first trimester, we should not do it Bin because the baby is still very vulnerable. We can do it in the second trimester, at least is 16 weeks or about 4 months," Yejin explained. Of course Hyun Bin's question is very reasonable and normal. "So-- you mean I have to endure it that long Jagiya?" Hyun Bin swallowed his saliva, he couldn't imagine 4 months without having sex?!.

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