


|Tony Stark
| Steve Rogers
| Natasha Romanoff
| Clint Barton
| Wanda Maximoff
| Peter Parker
| Pietro Maximoff
| Thor Odinson
| Loki Laufeyson
| Vision
| T'challa
| Shuri                                                                                                                                                                                          | Sam Wilson                                                                                                                                                                              | James Rhode


| Tony Stark [Adoptive Father Figure/ Active]
| Pepper Potts [Adoptive Mother Figure/ Active]
| Morgan Stark [Adoptive Sibling/ Active]


To say they were shocked was an understatement. But what intrigued Junghyuk was the source of her powers infinity stones? So there could be more of her abilities now that she became part of the star stream system scenarios. It's not only the stones.

「 She became useful one minute and then very destructive in a second」

It's good to have her on his side. The chance of surviving is high for her because her unlimited source of abilities lies deep inside her. The only stone he was aware of was the mind stone at the moment. There are five other more. Let's keep her on the good side for now.


"Hyung! This..." Right after Lee Gilyoung discovered the treasure box, I blocked his little mouth. "Shh, wait." The world of Ways of Survival was relentless. The constellations enjoyed the adversity of the characters and added obstacles in the scenarios just to fuck with humans.

Things saying 'Catch me!' usually contained traps and even system messages couldn't be trusted. "The treasure trove doesn't just contain treasures." 

[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is disappointed.]

Abyssal Black Flame Dragon... He had wanted me to die for a while, I think he should focus his hatred on Alyona instead of me. Anyway, I waited. Shortly afterward, shadows started to emerge around the treasure chest.



It was the ground rats. They brought something through the tunnel, threw it, and exchanged information. Once a certain number of ground rats gathered, the number of lights illuminating the surroundings increased. It was black fire, flames made with black ether.

It was said that this place was the core of Dark Root, which was why it had so much black ether to burn. At that time, someone's voice was heard. "It is all because of Yoo Sangah-ssi!" There was no need to say who he was. It was a voice I would know at once. 

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